Dutch control companies; outside and within the EU zone; Industry

Dutch control companies; outside and within the EU zone; Industry

Countries SIC 2008 Periods Foreign subsidiary (number) Employees (x 1 000) Revenue (mln euro) Personnel costs (mln euro) Investments (mln euro)
Total B Mining and quarrying 2022 157 32 5,245 569 1,693
Total B-S Total Economy (except O) 2022 22,687 2,287 1,244,863 108,410 54,559
Total 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2022 6 3 1,414 94 1,299
Total 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2022 71 26 2,621 325 .
Total 09 Mining support activities 2022 79 4 1,210 150 47
Total C Manufacturing 2022 4,322 780 411,405 36,594 14,646
Total 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2022 1,080 200 76,462 8,094 4,403
Total 10 Manufacture of food products 2022 832 101 43,706 4,038 1,713
Total 11 Manufacture of beverages 2022 248 99 32,755 4,057 2,690
Total 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2022 . . . . .
Total 13 Manufacture of textiles 2022 66 6 540 110 35
Total 13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2022 102 8 664 138 151
Total 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2022 16 1 40 8 111
Total 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2022 19 1 85 20 5
Total 16-18 Man. wood en paperprod., printing 2022 141 12 2,333 367 179
Total 16 Manufacture of wood products 2022 51 4 723 81 25
Total 17 Manufacture of paper 2022 38 6 1,210 182 116
Total 18 Printing and reproduction 2022 51 2 399 105 37
Total 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2022 11 17 6,481 188 1,004
Total 20 Manufacture of chemicals 2022 249 34 15,479 1,869 430
Total 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2022 73 7 3,063 358 489
Total 22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2022 165 10 2,814 358 431
Total 22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2022 142 8 2,141 291 .
Total 23 Manufacture of building materials 2022 23 3 673 67 .
Total 24 Manufacture of basic metals 2022 118 18 4,021 366 211
Total 24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2022 605 47 10,268 1,552 504
Total 25 Manufacture of metal products 2022 487 28 6,247 1,186 293
Total 26 Manufacture of electronic products 2022 123 32 18,142 2,165 711
Total 27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2022 185 38 7,547 1,736 149
Total 28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2022 428 43 14,451 3,003 576
Total 29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2022 457 249 232,120 13,727 4,949
Total 29-30 Transport equipment 2022 553 258 234,553 13,989 4,962
Total 30 Manufacture of other transport 2022 96 8 2,434 262 13
Total 31 Manufacture of furniture 2022 52 21 1,093 484 165
Total 32 Manufacture of other products 2022 221 29 7,818 1,543 424
Total 33 Repair and installation of machinery 2022 336 26 10,237 749 69
Total D Energy supply 2022 365 6 12,613 298 .
Total 35 Energy supply 2022 365 6 12,613 298 .
Total E Water supply and waste management 2022 119 4 2,374 309 112
Total 36 Water collection and distribution 2022 15 . 45 5 .
Total 37 Sewerage 2022 . . . . .
Total 38 Waste collection and treatment 2022 91 3 2,308 294 34
Total 39 Remediation, other waste management 2022 13 . 22 10 .
Total F Construction 2022 735 28 14,677 2,080 771
Total 41 Construction buildings, development 2022 318 11 8,621 888 361
Total 42 Civil engineering 2022 179 11 4,394 773 272
Total 43 Specialised construction activities 2022 238 6 1,662 420 138
Total G Wholesale and retail trade 2022 6,022 732 596,486 31,491 10,434
Total 45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2022 272 16 30,295 839 430
Total 46 Wholesale trade (no motor vehicles) 2022 4,766 201 434,844 13,788 4,629
Total 47 Retail trade (not in motor vehicles) 2022 985 515 131,347 16,864 5,374
Total H Transportation and storage 2022 1,651 106 22,378 5,248 1,910
Total 49 Land transport 2022 434 51 9,025 2,338 228
Total 50 Water transport 2022 312 4 1,800 241 444
Total 51 Air transport 2022 60 2 643 76 .
Total 52 Warehousing, services for transport 2022 777 40 6,229 1,968 1,073
Total 53 Postal and courier activities 2022 68 10 4,680 625 97
Total I Accommodation and food serving 2022 332 14 1,927 408 628
Total 55 Accommodation 2022 304 10 1,633 322 611
Total 56 Food and beverage service activities 2022 28 4 294 86 16
Total J Information and communication 2022 1,827 82 15,451 5,182 2,387
Total 58 Publishing 2022 264 20 5,334 2,104 280
Total 59-60 Movies, TV and radio 2022 69 1 211 23 3
Total 59 Film, TV and music production etc 2022 24 . 51 15 .
Total 60 Programming and broadcasting 2022 45 . 160 7 .
Total 61 Telecommunications 2022 200 21 4,743 604 1,417
Total 62-63 IT- and information services 2022 1,295 41 5,163 2,451 688
Total 62 Support activities in the field of IT 2022 1,134 39 4,958 2,353 672
Total 63 Information service activities 2022 161 2 205 97 16
Total K Financial institutions 2022 825 83 66,602 6,463 1,105
Total 64 Financial institutions, no insurance 2022 344 50 19,220 4,218 805
Total 65 Insurance and pension funding 2022 99 19 43,050 1,274 20
Total 66 Other financial services 2022 383 14 4,332 971 280
Total L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2022 1,233 7 4,288 295 4,719
Total 68 Renting, buying, selling real estate 2022 1,233 7 4,288 295 4,719
Total M Other specialised business services 2022 2,544 133 26,725 8,985 1,276
Total 69 Legal services, administration etc. 2022 135 13 461 301 17
Total 69-71 Management, technical consultancy 2022 2,097 109 23,205 7,086 1,180
Total 70 Holding companies (not financial) 2022 897 32 8,849 2,814 906
Total 71 Architects, technical services etc. 2022 1,065 65 13,896 3,972 258
Total 72 Research and development 2022 162 15 2,116 1,480 73
Total 73-75 Advertising, design and other 2022 285 8 1,404 419 22
Total 73 Advertising and market research 2022 210 5 1,219 358 20
Total 74 Other specialised business services 2022 67 . . 58 .
Total 75 Veterinary activities 2022 8 . . 3 .
Total N Renting and other business support 2022 2,079 262 61,473 9,794 10,493
Total 77 Renting and leasing of tangible goods 2022 315 18 14,056 1,261 8,407
Total 78-82 Other bussiness services 2022 1,764 244 47,417 8,532 2,085
Total 78 Employment activities 2022 623 66 28,218 4,536 59
Total 79 Travel agencies, tour operators etc 2022 115 16 1,437 756 11
Total 80 Security and investigation 2022 52 7 355 291 2
Total 81 Cleaning activities, gardening etc. 2022 87 21 1,137 576 883
Total 82 Other business services 2022 887 133 16,270 2,373 1,131
Total P Education 2022 63 2 190 73 7
Total 85 Education 2022 63 2 190 73 7
Total Q Health and social work activities 2022 191 6 777 270 254
Total 86 Human health activities 2022 182 6 775 269 254
Total 87 Residential care and guidance 2022 . . . . .
Total 87-88 Care and social work 2022 . . . . .
Total 88 Social work without accommodation 2022 . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on turnover, employees, personnel costs, investments and the number of foreign subsidiaries over which a Dutch institutional unit has control (Outward-FATS). The data can be broken down by industry according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) and the country where the foreign subsidiary is located.

The nationality of a company is determined by assessing globally which institutional unit has control over the company group. For the data in this table, the Ultimate Controlling Institutional unit (UCI) of the group of companies is located in the Netherlands.

The data is collected in the context of the 'Foreign Affiliates Statistics' (FATS) statistics of the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat).

Data available from: 2021.

Status of the figures:
The figures of 2021 and 2022 are final.

Changes as of October 1, 2024:
The provisional figures od 2022 have been adjusted and are final now.

Changes as of April 29, 2024:
Incorrect UCI determinations have been corrected in the 2021 figures, as well as corrections that could be made through analysis of several years.
Also the provisional figures of 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be available?
- In November (23 months after the reporting year) additional information will become available on the basis of which the data will be given a definitive status.

Description topics

Foreign subsidiary
A foreign subsidiary is defined as a foreign company over which predominant control can be exercised.
Employed persons include all persons who perform paid work, even if only for one or a few hours per week, even if they:
- performing work that is legal in itself, but the remuneration of which is withheld from registration by the tax or social security authorities ('undeclared work');
- do not work temporarily, but continue to be paid (for example in the event of illness or frost damage);
- have taken temporary unpaid leave.
The number of employees is shown in this table in thousands of FTE.

Full-time equivalent (FTE):
Full-time equivalent is defined as the absolute number of employed persons, converted into full working years. For example, if in a company five people work full-time on all working days and two people work half-days, this is counted as six FTE.
Net turnover consists of all income during the financial year in the context of normal business operations through the sale of goods, provision of services and/or rental income from assets (Insurance turnover consists of 'Gross premiums written' and pension fund turnover consists of from all pension contributions). The net turnover excludes: all taxes, duties and levies directly related to the income and all income that does not arise from normal business operations.
The turnover is presented in this table in millions of Euro.

Personnel costs
Personnel costs include all expenses related to employee benefits during the financial year. Employee benefits are all forms of compensation in exchange for the services provided by employees or for the termination of employment.
Gross investments in tangible fixed assets include all additions to tangible fixed assets that have been reported as such during the financial year. Excluded are increases in revaluations, reversals of previously recognized impairment losses and reclassifications (transfers) of other tangible fixed assets. The tangible fixed assets are acquired through (hire) purchase, financial or operational lease. When manufactured in-house, this concerns the full production costs. For major maintenance, this concerns the full maintenance costs.