House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2020=100

House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2020=100

Type of dwelling Periods House Price index Changes compared to the previous period (%) House Price index Changes compared to the previous year (%) Sold own dwellings Changes compared to the previous period (%) Sold own dwellings Changes compared to the previous year (%)
Total of own houses 2024 1st quarter* 2.0 3.6 -13.7 11.7
New own homes 2024 1st quarter* -1.5 1.4 -27.1 34.0
Existing own homes 2024 1st quarter* 2.4 3.8 -12.0 9.9
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the price development of newly built and existing dwellings purchased by households. Aside from the price indices, Statistics Netherlands also publishes figures on the number, average purchase price and total sum of the purchase prices of the sold dwellings.

Data available from: 1st quarter 2015

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table that are associated with existing homes (PBK) are final.
The figures in this table that are associated with new dwellings (PNK) are one period provisional.
The figures in this table that are associated with the number of sold dwellings and the average purchase price and related to newly built dwellings and total figures are four periods provisional.

Changes as of 4th of July:
New figures have been added for period 1st quater 2024.

Changes as of 27th of June 2024:
The figures regarding new-build owner-occupied homes for the period 2023 have been corrected as a result of the application of a new methodology.

When will new figures be published?
New figures are published in October 2024.

Description topics

House Price index
The House Price Index (HPI) measures the price development of dwellings purchased by households
Changes compared to the previous period
Percentage changes per period (quarter, year) relative to the corresponding previous period.
CBS uses unrounded figures for the calculation of percentage changes.
Changes compared to the previous year
Yearly percentage changes.
CBS uses unrounded figures for the calculation of percentage changes.
Sold own dwellings
The number of dwellings sold is the total number of transactions registered by the Dutch Land Registry Office (Kadaster) of dwellings sold to a private person, measured at the end of the reporting period
Changes compared to the previous period
Percentage changes per period (quarter, year) relative to the corresponding previous period.
CBS uses unrounded figures for the calculation of percentage changes.
Changes compared to the previous year
Yearly percentage changes.
Changes are calculated based on the number dwellings sold relative to the same period one year previously. CBS uses unrounded figures for the calculation of percentage changes.