Arable crops; production, region

Arable crops; production, region

Arable crops Regions Periods Area under cultivation (ha) Harvested area (ha) Gross yield per ha (1 000 kg) Gross yield, total (1 000 kg)
Rape and turnip rape seed Nederland 2024* 1,467 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 756 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 393 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 141 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 177 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Groningen (PV) 2024* 662 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Fryslân (PV) 2024* 36 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Drenthe (PV) 2024* 58 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Overijssel (PV) 2024* 41 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Flevoland (PV) 2024* 22 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Gelderland (PV) 2024* 331 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Utrecht (PV) 2024* 16 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 9 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 28 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Zeeland (PV) 2024* 88 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 66 . . .
Rape and turnip rape seed Limburg (PV) 2024* 110 . . .
Seed potatoes Nederland 2024* 40,034 . . .
Seed potatoes Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 17,266 . . .
Seed potatoes Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 10,417 . . .
Seed potatoes West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 10,336 . . .
Seed potatoes Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 2,016 . . .
Seed potatoes Groningen (PV) 2024* 8,849 . . .
Seed potatoes Fryslân (PV) 2024* 6,962 . . .
Seed potatoes Drenthe (PV) 2024* 1,454 . . .
Seed potatoes Overijssel (PV) 2024* 435 . . .
Seed potatoes Flevoland (PV) 2024* 8,421 . . .
Seed potatoes Gelderland (PV) 2024* 1,561 . . .
Seed potatoes Utrecht (PV) 2024* 0 . . .
Seed potatoes Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 6,198 . . .
Seed potatoes Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 534 . . .
Seed potatoes Zeeland (PV) 2024* 3,603 . . .
Seed potatoes Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 1,837 . . .
Seed potatoes Limburg (PV) 2024* 180 . . .
Seed onions (total) Nederland 2024* 32,665 . . .
Seed onions (total) Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 10,036 . . .
Seed onions (total) Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 10,370 . . .
Seed onions (total) West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 6,119 . . .
Seed onions (total) Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 6,140 . . .
Seed onions (total) Groningen (PV) 2024* 4,764 . . .
Seed onions (total) Fryslân (PV) 2024* 1,637 . . .
Seed onions (total) Drenthe (PV) 2024* 3,635 . . .
Seed onions (total) Overijssel (PV) 2024* 1,019 . . .
Seed onions (total) Flevoland (PV) 2024* 8,533 . . .
Seed onions (total) Gelderland (PV) 2024* 818 . . .
Seed onions (total) Utrecht (PV) 2024* 4 . . .
Seed onions (total) Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 1,398 . . .
Seed onions (total) Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 2,138 . . .
Seed onions (total) Zeeland (PV) 2024* 2,579 . . .
Seed onions (total) Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 4,369 . . .
Seed onions (total) Limburg (PV) 2024* 1,771 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Nederland 2024* 28,013 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 8,534 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 8,440 . . .
Seed onions: yellow West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 5,319 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 5,721 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Groningen (PV) 2024* 4,000 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Fryslân (PV) 2024* 1,359 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Drenthe (PV) 2024* 3,175 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Overijssel (PV) 2024* 921 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Flevoland (PV) 2024* 6,846 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Gelderland (PV) 2024* 673 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Utrecht (PV) 2024* 4 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 1,080 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 1,874 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Zeeland (PV) 2024* 2,360 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 4,067 . . .
Seed onions: yellow Limburg (PV) 2024* 1,654 . . .
Seed onion: red Nederland 2024* 4,652 . . .
Seed onion: red Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 1,503 . . .
Seed onion: red Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 1,931 . . .
Seed onion: red West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 799 . . .
Seed onion: red Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 419 . . .
Seed onion: red Groningen (PV) 2024* 764 . . .
Seed onion: red Fryslân (PV) 2024* 278 . . .
Seed onion: red Drenthe (PV) 2024* 460 . . .
Seed onion: red Overijssel (PV) 2024* 98 . . .
Seed onion: red Flevoland (PV) 2024* 1,687 . . .
Seed onion: red Gelderland (PV) 2024* 146 . . .
Seed onion: red Utrecht (PV) 2024* 0 . . .
Seed onion: red Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 318 . . .
Seed onion: red Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 263 . . .
Seed onion: red Zeeland (PV) 2024* 219 . . .
Seed onion: red Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 302 . . .
Seed onion: red Limburg (PV) 2024* 117 . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table provides information per crop about the cultivated and harvested area, yield per hectare and the total yield in a harvest year. The data are available on national and regional level.
To obtain the crop yield, first a preliminary harvest estimate is made in August to October. This estimation is based on field visits by cultivation advisory bureau Delphy. The definite figures, which are based on a sample survey of farms with arable crops, will be published at the end of January.
The yields per hectare are rounded off to the nearest 100 kilograms. The total yields are rounded off to the nearest 1000 kilograms.
Data available from: 1994.

Status of the figures
The figures up to and including 2023 are final. The 2024 figures are provisional.

Changes as of July 1, 2024:
The provisional cultivated areas for 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The provisional harvest estimates are published for grains at the end of September and for all other crops at the end of October of the relevant harvest year. The figures of the final harvest estimate are published at the end of January of the year after the harvest and can be updated until the end of March.

Description topics

Area under cultivation
Hectares of farmland that correspond to the total sown area.
Harvested area
Hectares of farmland from which a crop is gathered. Area harvested, therefore, excludes the area from which, although sown or planted, there was no harvest due to damage, failure, etc.
Gross yield per ha
In determining the yield per hectare (the average yield figure), only the hectares which are effectively harvested or will be harvested are counted. Hectares of which the harvest is lost (for example due to
flooding) are not counted.
Gross yield, total
The total yield (total gross production) includes the whole area which has been harvested or still will be harvested. The total yield also includes the part of production that for some reason is unsuitable for its original purpose. This only applies if the crop can still be used for other purposes (for example, potatoes that can only be used for animal feed). This explains why the gross yield does not equal the commercial production.

The humidity degree of arable crop products such as cereals, oilseeds and plants harvested green can vary to a great extent, and thereby lead to variations in production across the years. In order to get a good estimate of the actual ‘dry’ yield and in order to harmonize data across multiple years, the yields per hectare and the gross yield (total) are recalculated with a standardized humidity degree.

The yields of grain maize and corn cob mix have been calculated with a standardized humidity percentage of 35 percent. Green maize is calculated at a humidity content of 65 percent.

The yield of cereals (wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale) are calculated with a humidity degree of 15 percent.

Since 2016, the yield of (turnip) rape seeds is based on a standardized moisture degree of 9 percent. The yield of the years prior to 2016 are based on the actual humidity degree in the relevant year. These humidity levels can be found in the database published on Eurostat.