Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2022

Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2022

Districts and neighbourhoods Health and well-being Distance to pharmacy (km) Health and well-being Distance to youth health centre (km) Green spaces Distance to recreational inland waters (km) Traffic and transport Distance to main road entrance (km) Leisure and culture Distance to library (km)
Netherlands 1.3 . . 1.9 2.0
Wijk 04 Anderen 4.0 . . 5.0 4.4
Anderen 4.1 . . 5.0 4.4
Verspreide huizen Anderen 3.5 . . 4.4 3.8
Wijk 13 Eexterzandvoort 4.5 . . 3.7 4.6
Eexterzandvoort 4.5 . . 3.7 4.6
Verspreide huizen Eexterzandvoort 4.5 . . 3.6 4.6
Nijlande 2.4 . . 2.9 2.7
Bovenlanden 1.7 . . 1.4 2.8
Waterland 1.1 . . 3.0 2.0
Middelland 0.6 . . 2.6 1.6
Nieuwland 2.9 . . 0.8 2.1
Wijk 06 Landelijk gebied 2.0 . . 1.9 2.0
Polder Kortland 2.1 . . 2.8 2.2
Albrandswaard 1.0 . . 1.6 3.6
Landweg 0.9 . . 0.7 3.5
Polder Albrandswaard 1.4 . . 1.8 4.2
Kijvelanden 1.3 . . 1.4 4.8
Ghijseland 0.9 . . 0.9 4.9
Wijk 05 Buitengebied Albrandswaard 2.8 . . 2.6 3.7
Portland-Koedoodzone 3.3 . . 3.8 2.9
Wijk 06 Portland 1.0 . . 3.4 2.3
Portland-Centrum 0.5 . . 3.6 2.3
Wijkpark Portland 1.5 . . 3.5 2.5
De Eilanden 1.4 . . 3.1 2.3
Wijk 07 Rotterdam-Albrandswaard . . . . .
Staatsliedenkwartier en Landstraten 0.7 . . 1.4 0.9
Schermereiland en Omval 1.1 . . 1.3 1.1
Landelijk gebied-West 2.0 . . 0.8 2.4
Landelijk gebied Noord 2.7 . . 0.9 3.6
Nieuwland 1.4 . . 2.0 2.4
Rumerslanden 1.0 . . 2.0 2.7
Wester Sluitersveldlanden 0.5 . . 2.4 2.1
Kerkelanden 0.8 . . 3.5 1.4
Achterlanden en omgeving 0.7 . . 3.4 1.7
Veenelanden 1.3 . . 3.3 4.0
Hoekwierde, Kimwierde en Zandwierde 1.0 . . 3.1 1.2
Waterlandse Tuinen, Windhoek en Schapenb . . . . .
Sallandsebos . . . . .
Klein Brandt Sportpark . . . . .
Randstad 1.5 . . 2.2 1.5
Randstad Oost . . . . .
Randstad Zuid . . . . .
Randstad West . . . . .
Hollandsekant . . . . .
Hollandsekant (brt) . . . . .
Sallandsekant . . . . .
Sallandsekant Noordoost . . . . .
Sallandsekant Zuidoost . . . . .
Sallandsekant Zuidwest . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about the average distances for residents of the Netherlands from their home address to the nearest facilities (e.g. school, GP or library). The table also includes information about the number of facilities located within a certain distance from the residential address. These data are calculated as an average over all persons in the area.
The data is available per municipality at district and neighbourhood level, as of 1 January.

Data available for 2022

Changes per August 2024
The figures for 2022 have been reposted.
From 2022, the calculation of distances from addresses to the (nearest) facilities has been improved: from then on, driving directions are taken into account when determining the routes and distances from addresses to the (nearest) facilities. In previous years, this did not happen or only to a limited extent.

When will new figures be released?
For the time being, no new figures are expected for reporting year 2022.
For reporting year 2023, the first figures are expected in September 2024. The district and neighbourhood figures for 2023 will appear in a separate table.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Description topics

Health and well-being
Distance to pharmacy
The average distance of all residents in an area to the nearest pharmacy, calculated by road.

Pharmacy, including GP office with an in-house pharmacy.
Distance to youth health centre
Institution within youth health care where basic medical care and prevention is provided for all children from 0 to 4 years.

The average distance of all inhabitants in an area to the nearest youth health centre, calculated by road.

From reporting year 2007 no new figures are available for this facility.
Green spaces
The entrances to the green areas are established at the intersections between the roads and paths of the Top10NL (topographic map, both the line file and the road section file) in the green area and the outer boundary of the green area. For green areas without paths or roads (usually the smaller green areas and public gardens), the focus of the greenery has been taken.
Distance to recreational inland waters
The average distance of all inhabitants in an area to the nearest recreational inland waterway, calculated by road.

Recreational inland water:
Inland waterways used for recreation, such as recreational lakes, water in parks and public gardens, golf courses, marinas and rowing courses. The site has a size of at least 1 hectare. Only for marinas there is a lower limit of 0.5 hectares for the water part.
Traffic and transport
Distance to main road entrance
Access to a state or provincial road.
The National Road Database (a product of the Traffic and Transport Advisory Service of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) was used as the basis for the road entrances.

The average distance of all inhabitants in an area to the nearest entrance to a national or provincial road, calculated over the road.
Leisure and culture
Distance to library
The average distance of all residents in an area to the nearest library, calculated by road. This includes libraries branches and service points. The mini-service points, self-service libraries and the library buses are not included.

A library branch meets the following criteria: open for at least 15 hours a week, digital access to the entire collection and range of activities, demand mediation, cultural/literary activities, offer for students/institutions in line with the choices made in the distribution and marketing policy and study opportunities.

A library service point offers at least the following service level: is open for at least 4 hours a week, offers digital access to the entire range of activities and provides intermediary services (both in person and via the internet).