Life style; personal characteristics

Life style; personal characteristics

Characteristics Margins Periods Smoking behaviour, 12 years or older Smoking status Smokers (%) Smoking behaviour, 12 years or older Smokers Daily smokers in the population (%) Passive smoking among non-smokers (Almost) never (%) Alcohol consumption, 12 years or older Guideline alcohol use, 12 plus (%) Drugs use, 12 years or older Use of cannabis Last year (%)
Total persons Value 2023 18.1 12.6 84.5 46.0 7.5
Sex: Male Value 2023 21.3 14.8 83.6 37.4 10.5
Sex: Female Value 2023 14.9 10.5 85.4 54.5 4.7
Age: 0 to 3 years Value 2023 . . 96.5 . .
Age: 4 to 11 years Value 2023 . . 95.2 . .
Age: 12 to 15 years Value 2023 2.8 0.4 81.0 83.3 3.0
Age: 16 to 19 years Value 2023 16.7 7.8 60.0 37.8 16.0
Age: 20 to 29 years Value 2023 28.7 15.8 68.1 30.6 21.5
Age: 30 to 39 years Value 2023 23.8 16.3 79.7 39.0 11.3
Age: 40 to 49 years Value 2023 21.0 15.3 85.6 44.5 5.5
Age: 50 to 54 years Value 2023 18.9 15.4 86.6 44.5 3.8
Age: 55 to 64 years Value 2023 16.2 13.2 87.1 47.1 2.8
Age: 65 to 74 years Value 2023 13.1 12.0 89.9 48.3 0.7
Age: 75 years or older Value 2023 6.6 5.4 93.1 63.9 0.6
Age: 0 to 11 years Value 2023 . . 95.7 . .
Age: 12 to 17 years Value 2023 7.2 2.2 74.3 69.2 6.9
Age: 18 years or older Value 2023 19.0 13.5 83.4 44.0 7.6
Origin country: The Netherlands Value 2023 16.9 11.5 85.0 41.0 6.8
Origin country: Europe (excl. NL) Value 2023 23.1 17.2 82.6 48.6 12.0
Origin country: outside Europe Value 2023 20.3 15.2 83.4 65.0 8.2
Origin: born in the Netherlands Value 2023 17.3 11.8 85.0 42.6 7.4
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Value 2023 16.9 11.5 85.0 41.0 6.8
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Value 2023 19.9 13.7 85.2 52.7 10.9
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Value 2023 18.7 13.0 82.4 45.2 9.9
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Value 2023 20.5 14.0 86.4 56.2 11.4
Origin: born abroad Value 2023 22.1 17.4 81.2 65.4 8.2
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Value 2023 26.6 20.5 82.9 51.2 13.6
Origin: born outside Europe Value 2023 20.1 16.0 80.5 71.5 5.9
Position: single; < 40 year Value 2023 35.7 19.3 73.2 25.7 27.4
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Value 2023 30.1 25.6 85.2 47.8 9.0
Position: single; >= 65 years Value 2023 13.7 12.5 90.2 61.7 1.2
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Value 2023 10.7 5.2 85.3 64.2 13.1
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Value 2023 . . . . .
Position: child < 18 yrs, two-parents Value 2023 5.4 1.2 88.8 70.1 5.3
Position: child >= 18 yrs, two-parents Value 2023 21.5 13.0 60.2 30.8 19.8
Position: single parent Value 2023 25.5 19.7 79.6 46.4 5.0
Position: partner in couple with child Value 2023 16.4 12.0 86.6 46.0 3.5
Partner in couple, no child; <40 yrs Value 2023 25.0 13.1 79.1 28.2 15.1
Partner in couple: no child, 40-64 yrs Value 2023 15.2 11.8 84.8 42.8 2.6
Partner in couple: no child, >=65 yrs Value 2023 7.4 6.3 92.4 51.1 0.4
Position: other member of household Value 2023 24.8 18.2 73.7 55.1 12.4
Level of educ: 1. Low Value 2023 23.9 21.4 85.0 58.2 5.2
Level of educ: 2 Intermediate Value 2023 20.9 16.7 83.8 42.6 5.0
Level of educ: 3 High Value 2023 12.3 6.0 88.2 39.9 6.5
Level of educ: 11 (pre-) Primary educ. Value 2023 29.7 27.6 86.6 67.8 5.0
Level of educ: 12 Lower secondary educ.. Value 2023 21.0 18.4 84.3 53.4 5.3
Level of educ: 21 Upper secondary Value 2023 20.9 16.7 83.8 42.6 5.0
Level of educ: 31 Bachelor degrees Value 2023 13.1 6.7 87.3 43.1 6.4
Level of educ: 32 Master degrees Value 2023 10.8 4.6 89.8 34.5 6.7
Level of educ: Unknown Value 2023 21.9 20.9 . 73.4 6.5
Equivalised income: 1st 20%-group Value 2023 25.5 19.1 80.6 60.1 12.7
Equivalised income: 2nd 20%-group Value 2023 20.6 15.8 85.3 54.2 7.2
Equivalised income: 3rd 20%-group Value 2023 19.8 14.6 86.4 45.6 5.8
Equivalised income: 4th 20%-group Value 2023 15.7 9.9 84.5 40.9 6.6
Equivalised income: 5th 20%-group Value 2023 12.5 7.6 85.5 35.3 6.2
Wealth: 1st 20%-group Value 2023 32.1 22.5 78.9 51.0 14.6
Wealth: 2nd 20%-group Value 2023 22.4 18.0 81.5 52.6 9.1
Wealth: 3rd 20%-group Value 2023 17.9 12.8 84.3 44.0 6.7
Wealth: 4th 20%-group Value 2023 12.7 8.6 86.1 43.2 5.5
Wealth: 5th 20%-group Value 2023 10.7 6.1 89.0 41.3 3.7
Prosperity 1st 20%-group Value 2023 26.9 20.4 80.5 60.9 13.5
Prosperity 2nd 20%-group Value 2023 23.9 18.1 82.3 51.2 8.5
Prosperity 3rd 20%-group Value 2023 18.1 13.2 85.6 46.8 6.1
Prosperity 4th 20%-group Value 2023 15.0 9.9 85.5 39.5 6.1
Prosperity 5th 20%-group Value 2023 11.7 6.6 87.1 37.7 5.3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on life style of the Dutch population in private households. These data can be grouped by several personal characteristics.

Data available from: 2014.

Status of the data: final.

Changes by March 14, 2024:
Data about 2023 have been added.
Figures about laughing gas have been added. The questions about nutrition have changed in 2023.
That is why a new series for nutrition will be started in 2023 and the old series of figures on nutrition (2014-2022) will no longer be added.

When will new data be published?
Data on reporting year 2024 will be published in the second quarter of 2025

Description topics

Smoking behaviour, 12 years or older
Questions on smoking behaviour are asked to persons aged 12 years or older.
Smoking status
The percentage of persons in the population aged 12 years or older who answered ‘Yes’ to the question: ‘Do you ever smoke?’

From 2014 to 2017, the introductory text for this question was: ‘Now some questions about smoking.’ From 2018 to 2019 this text was changed in: ‘Now some questions about smoking. We mean smoking of all kinds of tobacco products here, but not the use of an electronic cigarette.’
The percentage of persons in the population aged 12 years or older who answered ‘Yes’ to the question: ‘Do you smoke?’.

From 2014 to 2017, the introductory text for this question was: ‘Now some questions about smoking.’ From 2018 to 2019 this text was changed in: ‘Now some questions about smoking. We mean smoking of all kinds of tobacco products here, but not the use of an electronic cigarette.’ From 2020 this introduction text was replaced by ‘Now some questions about smoking. We mean smoking of all kinds of tobacco products here, but not the use of an electronic cigarette or a device in which tobacco is heated (heat stick, heat-not-burn), such as the IQOS’.
Daily smokers in the population
The percentage of persons in the population aged 12 years or older who answered Yes’ to the question ‘Do you smoke every day?
Passive smoking among non-smokers
Passive smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke from nearby smokers while being indoors. The table shows the distribution of answers to the question among people who do not smoke themselves: ‘How often do you (or: does your child) get exposed indoor to tobacco smoke from other people?’.

From 2019 onwards, the answer options were replaced by ‘Never or almost never’, ‘Less than once a week’, ‘Once a week but not every week’, ‘Daily, less than 1 hour a day’ and ‘Daily, one hour or more a day’. These data are not comparable to the data of 2015-2018.
(Almost) never
Percentage of people with answer category ‘never of almost never’ to the question: ‘How often do you (or: does your child) get exposed indoor to tobacco smoke from other people?’.
Alcohol consumption, 12 years or older
The questions on consuming alcohol are asked to all persons aged 12 years or older.
Guideline alcohol use, 12 plus
The percentage of persons in the population aged 12 years or older that meet the guideline on alcohol use. Since 2014, the guideline for persons aged 12 to 18 years is: do not drink until you are 18 years old. Since 2015, the guideline for adults is: do not drink or at most 1 glass per day. This guideline originates from the Guidelines for Good Nutrition (in Dutch: Richtlijnen Goede Voeding) of the Dutch Health Council.
Drugs use, 12 years or older
The questions about drug use are asked to all persons aged 12 or older. The following types of drugs are asked whether they have ever been used and, if so, when was the last time:
• Cannabis (hash, weed, marijuana)
• Amphetamine (such as pep and speed)
• Ecstasy (ecstasy, MDMA)
• Magic mushrooms (hallucinogenic mushrooms)
• Cocaine (also crack, boiled coke, freebase)
• Heroine (horse, smack or brown)
• Methadone
• From 2018: 4-Fluoroamphetamine, also called 4-FA, 4-FMP or Flux
• Other drugs
From 2023, the questions about methadone and 4-FA have been removed and replaced by questions about ketamine and 3MMC. People are also asked about the use of laughing gas. Figures for this are included in this table from reporting year 2023.
The answer categories for each type of drug are:
• Yes, in the last 30 days
• Yes, in the last 12 months, but not in the last 30 days
• Yes, more than 12 months ago
• No, never used
Use of cannabis
Based on the question about the use of cannabis (hashish, weed, marijuana)
Last year