Health and health care; personal characteristics

Health and health care; personal characteristics

Characteristics Margins Periods Medical contacts Hospital admissions in last 12 months Overnight stay (%) Medical contacts Hospital admissions in last 12 months Day admission (%)
Total persons Value 2023 6.7 8.9
Total persons Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.2 8.3
Total persons Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.2 9.5
Sex: Male Value 2023 6.5 8.6
Sex: Male Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.8 7.8
Sex: Male Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.3 9.5
Sex: Female Value 2023 6.9 9.2
Sex: Female Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.2 8.4
Sex: Female Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.7 10.1
Age: 0 to 3 years Value 2023 7.9 10.4
Age: 0 to 3 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.5 7.6
Age: 0 to 3 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.3 14.0
Age: 4 to 11 years Value 2023 2.0 6.5
Age: 4 to 11 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 1.2 4.9
Age: 4 to 11 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.3 8.5
Age: 12 to 15 years Value 2023 2.7 2.7
Age: 12 to 15 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 1.5 1.6
Age: 12 to 15 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.7 4.6
Age: 16 to 19 years Value 2023 1.0 6.5
Age: 16 to 19 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 0.4 4.4
Age: 16 to 19 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 2.7 9.3
Age: 20 to 29 years Value 2023 5.3 5.8
Age: 20 to 29 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.0 4.5
Age: 20 to 29 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.9 7.5
Age: 30 to 39 years Value 2023 5.5 8.6
Age: 30 to 39 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.3 7.1
Age: 30 to 39 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.1 10.5
Age: 40 to 49 years Value 2023 5.4 8.7
Age: 40 to 49 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.1 7.0
Age: 40 to 49 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.1 10.6
Age: 50 to 54 years Value 2023 5.5 9.3
Age: 50 to 54 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.9 7.2
Age: 50 to 54 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.6 11.9
Age: 55 to 64 years Value 2023 8.4 11.6
Age: 55 to 64 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.0 9.9
Age: 55 to 64 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 10.1 13.5
Age: 65 to 74 years Value 2023 10.8 11.2
Age: 65 to 74 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.1 9.5
Age: 65 to 74 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 12.7 13.1
Age: 75 years or older Value 2023 14.6 12.8
Age: 75 years or older Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 12.5 10.8
Age: 75 years or older Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 16.9 15.1
Age: 0 to 11 years Value 2023 3.9 7.7
Age: 0 to 11 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 2.9 6.3
Age: 0 to 11 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.2 9.5
Age: 12 to 17 years Value 2023 1.8 3.5
Age: 12 to 17 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 1.1 2.3
Age: 12 to 17 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.1 5.1
Age: 18 years or older Value 2023 7.5 9.5
Age: 18 years or older Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.9 8.9
Age: 18 years or older Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.2 10.2
The Netherlands Value 2023 6.7 8.7
The Netherlands Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.2 8.1
The Netherlands Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.3 9.4
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Value 2023 7.3 11.7
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.6 9.4
Europe (excluding the Netherlands) Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.6 14.4
Outside Europe Value 2023 6.2 8.5
Outside Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.0 7.1
Outside Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.7 10.1
Origin: born in the Netherlands Value 2023 6.5 8.7
Origin: born in the Netherlands Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.0 8.1
Origin: born in the Netherlands Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.1 9.3
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Value 2023 6.7 8.7
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.2 8.1
Origin: born in NL, parents in NL Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 7.3 9.4
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Value 2023 5.1 8.8
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.9 7.2
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) abroad Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.7 10.8
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Value 2023 6.6 11.0
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 4.4 8.1
Origin: born in NL, parent(s) in Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.7 14.8
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Value 2023 4.5 7.8
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.1 6.0
Origin: born NL, parent(s) out. Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.4 10.2
Origin: born abroad Value 2023 7.9 10.0
Origin: born abroad Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.3 8.3
Origin: born abroad Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 9.8 12.1
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Value 2023 8.0 12.3
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 5.4 9.1
Origin: born in Europe (excl. NL) Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.6 16.5
Origin: born outside Europe Value 2023 7.8 9.0
Origin: born outside Europe Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.0 7.0
Origin: born outside Europe Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 10.2 11.5
Position: single; < 40 year Value 2023 5.5 6.3
Position: single; < 40 year Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 3.7 4.4
Position: single; < 40 year Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 8.1 8.9
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Value 2023 8.3 11.6
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.0 8.9
Position: single; 40 to 64 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 11.3 14.9
Position: single; >= 65 years Value 2023 14.7 11.9
Position: single; >= 65 years Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 12.1 9.6
Position: single; >= 65 years Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 17.7 14.6
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Value 2023 3.1 8.1
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 1.4 5.2
Position: child<18 yrs one-parent Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 6.4 12.5
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Value 2023 . .
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . .
Positon: child of age, one-parent househ Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2023 . .
Position: child < 18 yrs, two-parents Value 2023 3.0 5.8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on the perceived state of health and on contacts with providers of medical care of the Dutch population from 0 years on in private households. These data can be grouped by several personal characteristics. For several topics a different age demarcation applies. The age boundaries are listed at the relevant topics.

Data available from: 2014

Status of the data: final.

Changes by March 12, 2024:
The year 2023 have been added.

When will new data be published?
Data on reporting year 2024 will be published in the second quarter of 2025.

Description topics

Medical contacts
Persons are asked if they had contact with their GP, specialist, dentist, dental hygienist, orthodontist, physiotherapist, exercise therapist, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist, and if he or she is treated by alternative healer. Also, if there were hospital admissions or day care admissions. For children up to 12 years old, these questions are answered by the parent/guardian. Most questions after medical contacts are asked to persons of all ages. Contacts that do not often occur in the case of children are posed from an older age.
Hospital admissions in last 12 months
Hospital admissions are divided into:
- day admissions (without overnight stay)
- admission with at least one overnight stay
Hospital admissions in connection with delivery or birth are excluded.
Overnight stay
Percentage of persons in the population who at least once, at least one night, has been admitted in the hospital or a clinic during the 12 months preceding the interview.
Day admission
Percentage of persons in the population with at least one day admission in the 12 months preceding the interview. Day admissions are hospital admissions without overnight stay e.g. for planned minor surgery, exploratory/keyhole surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment.