Labour participation; position in the household

Labour participation; position in the household

Sex Age Position in household Periods Labour force and not in the labour force (x 1 000) Not in the labour force (x 1 000)
Total male and female 15 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 230 41
Total male and female 15 to 24 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 50 10
Total male and female 25 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 134 17
Total male and female 25 to 34 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 104 11
Total male and female 35 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 31 6
Total male and female 45 to 54 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 23 8
Total male and female 45 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 46 14
Total male and female 55 to 64 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 16 3
Total male and female 65 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 7 3
Male 15 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 147 22
Male 15 to 24 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 25 4
Male 25 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 91 9
Male 25 to 34 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 69 5
Male 35 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 22 4
Male 45 to 54 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 18 6
Male 45 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 32 9
Male 55 to 64 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 11 1
Male 65 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 4 2
Female 15 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 83 19
Female 15 to 24 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 26 6
Female 25 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 44 8
Female 25 to 34 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 35 6
Female 35 to 44 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 9 2
Female 45 to 54 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 6 2
Female 45 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 14 5
Female 55 to 64 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 5 2
Female 65 to 74 years Other household member 2024 2nd quarter 3 1
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains quarterly and yearly figures on labour participation by position in the household in the Netherlands. The population of 15 to 74 years of age (excluding the institutionalized population) is divided into the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force and those not in the labour force. The employed labour force is subdivided on the basis of the professional status and the average working hours. A division by sex, age and whether they are in education is available.

Data available from: 2013

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final.

Changes as of August 14, 2024:
The figures for 2nd quarter 2024 are added.

Changes as of November 15, 2022:
None, this is a new table. This table has been compiled on the basis of the Labor Force Survey (LFS). Due to changes in the research design and the questionnaire of the LFS, the figures for 2021 are not automatically comparable with the figures up to and including 2020. The key figures in this table have therefore been made consistent with the (non-seasonally adjusted) figures in the table Arbeidsdeelname, kerncijfers seizoengecorrigeerd (see section 4), in which the outcomes for the period 2013-2020 have been recalculated to align with the outcomes from 2021. When further detailing the outcomes according to job and personal characteristics, there may nevertheless be differences from 2020 to 2021 as a result of the new method.

When will new figures be released?
New figures will be published on November 14, 2024.

Description topics

Labour force and not in the labour force
People who are part of the employed labour force, the unemployed labour force or who are not in the labour force.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.
Not in the labour force
People who don’t have paid work, who haven’t recently looked for work recently or are not directly available for it.

This definition concerns people who live in the Netherlands (excluding the institutionalized population). The figures are usually presented for the population aged 15 to 74 years old. Paid work is regardless of the hours worked.