High-growth enterprises, European standard; SIC2008

High-growth enterprises, European standard; SIC2008

SIC 2008 Periods High-growth enterprise population (number) Employees in high-growth enterprises (number) Young fast-growing companies (aantal) Employees young, fast-growing companies (aantal)
30 Manufacture of other transport 2022* 19 1,586 . .
309 Manufacture of transport n.e.c. 2022* 8 741 . .
E Water supply and waste management 2022* 42 2,889 . .
36 Water collection and distribution 2022* 2 . . .
360 Water collection and distribution 2022* 2 . . .
H Transportation and storage 2022* 466 51,737 . .
49 Land transport 2022* 229 26,983 . .
491 Passenger rail transport (no tram) 2022* 1 . . .
492 Freight rail transport 2022* 1 . . .
493 Passenger transport by road 2022* 23 . . .
494 Freight transport by road 2022* 204 23,840 . .
495 Transport via pipeline 2022* 0 0 . .
50 Water transport 2022* 12 1,274 . .
501 Sea passenger water transport 2022* 1 . . .
502 Sea freight water transport 2022* 3 . . .
503 Inland passenger water transport 2022* 3 . . .
504 Inland freight water transport 2022* 5 229 . .
51 Air transport 2022* 4 130 . .
511 Passenger air transport 2022* 2 . . .
512 Freight air transport 2022* 2 . . .
52 Warehousing, services for transport 2022* 173 16,904 . .
522 Services activities for transport 2022* 141 14,073 . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on business demography according to the European standard. Figures in this table are also submitted in this form to Eurostat. Information concerns the population of high-growth enterprises. These are enterprises with an average yearly employee growth of at least 10%, over a period of three subsequent years. Data is broken down by size class based on number of employees and by the National Classification of Economic Activity 2008 (NCEA 2008, based on NACE Rev 2.0). Data also includes employees in these enterprises. NACE is taken at the end of the growth period.

Data available from: 2010

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final up to and including 2021, 2022 is provisional.

Changes as of March 4, 2024:
The data for 2019 and 2020 have been finalized without changes.
The finalized figures for 2021 and the provisional figures for 2022 have been added.

A number of aggregates and breakdowns have been added to the Industry classification:
• B-S excluding O and excluding S94
• G-S excluding O and excluding S94
• P Education; Q Healthcare; R Culture, sports and recreation; 96 Other personal services (including a number of details thereof)

2 topics have been added:
• Number of young fast-growing companies
• Employees at young, fast-growing companies

When will new figures be released?
Figures on a new reporting year (T – 2) will be published in July of the current year T.

Description topics

High-growth enterprise population
High-growth enterprises, based on employment. A high-growth enterprise or fast grower is an enterprise with an average annual growth rate of 10% or more, over a period of 3 consecutive years, measured by number of employees.

This means that a total growth of at least 33.1% must be achieved over a period of 3 years. In addition, enterprises must have at least 10 employees at the beginning of the growth period and enterprises established in the starting year of the growth period are not counted.

Thus, a high-growth enterprise in year t has achieved growth of at least 33.1% in the period t-3 to t, has a minimum of 10 employees in year t-3 and is established before year t-3.
Employees in high-growth enterprises
Employees in high-growth enterprises, based on employment. The number of employees is determined based on the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per enterprise is calculated from wage tax data of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Young fast-growing companies
High-growth enterprises, based on employment that were founded a maximum of 2 years before the start of the 3-year growth period.
Employees young, fast-growing companies
Employees in young high-growth enterprises, based on employment. The number of employees is determined based on the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per enterprise is calculated from wage tax data of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.