Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

SIC 2008 Legal forms Periods Enterprises Total (aantal) Enterprises Births (aantal) Enterprises Deaths (aantal) Enterprise population Persons employed (aantal) Enterprise population Employees (aantal) Newly born enterprises Persons employed (aantal) Newly born enterprises Employees (aantal) Non-surviving enterprises Persons employed (aantal) Non-surviving enterprises Employees (aantal)
722 Research on social sciences Total legal forms all nationalities 2021* 1,757 230 114 3,399 2,581 119 . 36 .
722 Research on social sciences Sole proprietorship 2021* 1,352 199 98 764 27 107 0 31 0
722 Research on social sciences Limited liability enterprises 2021* 132 11 2 1,284 1,264 7 . 0 0
722 Research on social sciences Partnership, etc. 2021* 273 20 14 1,351 1,289 5 0 5 .
7220 Research on social sciences Total legal forms all nationalities 2021* . . . . . . . . .
7220 Research on social sciences Sole proprietorship 2021* . . . . . . . . .
7220 Research on social sciences Limited liability enterprises 2021* . . . . . . . . .
7220 Research on social sciences Partnership, etc. 2021* . . . . . . . . .
Q Health and social work activities Total legal forms all nationalities 2021* 198,380 22,451 7,643 1,559,812 1,432,560 12,226 2,475 3,328 374
Q Health and social work activities Sole proprietorship 2021* 159,861 20,141 6,762 139,978 31,547 9,053 84 2,554 128
Q Health and social work activities Limited liability enterprises 2021* 17,024 1,145 122 305,627 299,155 1,718 1,573 85 80
Q Health and social work activities Partnership, etc. 2021* 21,495 1,165 759 1,114,206 1,101,858 1,454 817 689 165
88 Social work without accommodation Total legal forms all nationalities 2021* 61,731 8,509 2,729 343,004 306,367 4,631 981 1,067 100
88 Social work without accommodation Sole proprietorship 2021* 52,664 7,875 2,502 42,137 7,531 3,516 27 928 .
88 Social work without accommodation Limited liability enterprises 2021* 2,683 243 33 147,843 147,669 610 593 . .
88 Social work without accommodation Partnership, etc. 2021* 6,384 391 194 153,023 151,167 504 361 . 35
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on business demography according to the European standard. Figures in this table are also submitted in this form to Eurostat. Information concerns the population of active enterprises, enterprise births and deaths, and the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year survivors after birth, broken down by size class based on number of employees and by the National Classification of Economic Activity 2008 (NCEA 2008, based on NACE Rev 2.0). Data also includes persons employed and employees in active enterprises, births and deaths, as well as persons employed for surviving births at the start and end of the survival period.

Data available from: 2010

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final for 2010 to 2020. The figures for 2021 are provisional.
Only the data on Dissolved companies for 2021 will be adjusted.

Changes as of February 9, 2024:
The provisional figures for 2021 have been added.

Two industry breakdowns have been added:
• B-S excluding O and excluding S94
• G-S excluding O and excluding S94
• K Financial institutions

When will new figures be released?
Figures on a new reporting year (T – 2) will be published in July of the current year T.

Description topics

The actual transactor in the production process characterised by independence in deciding on that process and in offering its products to third parties.

It follows from this definition, and in particular from the element of independence, that an enterprise can comprise more than one establishment, but also more than one legal unit. (Legal units include both natural and legal persons.) This is the case when the separate establishments or legal units do not operate independently. Conversely, it is possible to distinguish between different parts within a legal unit that operate independently in terms of production. These then constitute as many enterprises as defined. The latter is especially the case for larger groups with diverse activities.
When a unit thus defined extends over several countries, the Dutch part will be considered as a whole company for the sake of national statistics.

In official CBS terminology the enterprise as defined here is called the enterprise unit (BE), so that there is no confusion with the term enterprise used in common parlance, which is not very precise in this respect.

The statistical unit enterprise is an operationalisation of the kind-of-activity unit, as defined by Eurostat. This definition combines two requirements that may conflict: contributing to one activity versus corresponding to one or more operational units. The Netherlands gives priority to the second requirement when operationalising to the statistical enterprise unit.
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise.

This means that economic criteria for an enterprise must be met: there must be information on employment or turnover of the enterprise. Furthermore, it is important that the enterprise is actually new. The continuation of one or more existing enterprises is therefore not an enterprise birth.

There is no enterprise birth in the case of
- enterprises that are created as a result of a merger, division or demerger;
- takeover or privatisation of part of a company;
- change of name;
- change of legal form;
- change of ownership;
- gradual change of activity;
- relocation;
- reactivation.
An enterprise death is the termination of an existing enterprise.

This means that there is no question of a significant part of the activities being continued by another enterprise. An enterprise death only occurs when the enterprise (with the associated employment) no longer belongs to the enterprise population. The best-known example of this is bankruptcy.

There is no enterprise death in the case of:
- enterprises that disappear as a result of a merger, division or demerger;
- takeover or privatisation of part of an enterprise;
- change of name;
- change of legal form;
- change of owner;
- gradual change of activity
- relocation;
- reactivation.
Enterprise population
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Newly born enterprises
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Non-surviving enterprises
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.