Business demography, European standard; size class,SIC2008

Business demography, European standard; size class,SIC2008

SIC 2008 Persons employed Periods Newly born enterprise survivals Newly born enterprises surviving year 1 (number) Newly born enterprise survivals Newly born enterprises surviving year 2 (number) Newly born enterprise survivals Newly born enterprises surviving year 3 (number) Newly born enterprise survivals Newly born enterprises surviving year 4 (number) Newly born enterprise survivals Newly born enterprises surviving year 5 (number) Newly born enterprises Persons employed (number) Newly born enterprises Employees (number)
B Mining and quarrying Total 2021* 83 74 53 41 23 33 5
B Mining and quarrying 0 employees 2021* 78 67 51 37 20 28 0
B Mining and quarrying 1 to 4 employees 2021* 3 5 2 4 2 5 5
B Mining and quarrying 5 to 9 employees 2021* 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
B Mining and quarrying 10 employees or more 2021* 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
B-E Industry (no construction), energy Total 2021* . . . . . . .
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
Business Economy, B-N, excl. K, incl. 95 Total 2021* . . . . . . .
Business Economy, B-N, excl. K, incl. 95 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
Business Economy, B-N, excl. K, incl. 95 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
Business Economy, B-N, excl. K, incl. 95 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
Business Economy, B-N, excl. K, incl. 95 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas Total 2021* . . . . . . .
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
061 Extraction of crude petroleum Total 2021* . . . . . . .
061 Extraction of crude petroleum 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
061 Extraction of crude petroleum 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
061 Extraction of crude petroleum 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
061 Extraction of crude petroleum 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
062 Extraction of natural gas Total 2021* . . . . . . .
062 Extraction of natural gas 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
062 Extraction of natural gas 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
062 Extraction of natural gas 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
062 Extraction of natural gas 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) Total 2021* . . . . . . .
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
081 Mining of stone, sand and clay Total 2021* . . . . . . .
081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
089 Other mining and quarrying Total 2021* . . . . . . .
089 Other mining and quarrying 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
089 Other mining and quarrying 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
089 Other mining and quarrying 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
089 Other mining and quarrying 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
09 Mining support activities Total 2021* . . . . . . .
09 Mining support activities 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
09 Mining support activities 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
09 Mining support activities 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
09 Mining support activities 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
091 Services for mining of oil and gas Total 2021* . . . . . . .
091 Services for mining of oil and gas 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
091 Services for mining of oil and gas 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
091 Services for mining of oil and gas 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
091 Services for mining of oil and gas 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
099 Services for other mining Total 2021* . . . . . . .
099 Services for other mining 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
099 Services for other mining 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
099 Services for other mining 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
099 Services for other mining 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
C Manufacturing Total 2021* 5,899 5,467 4,437 3,654 3,254 5,033 1,231
C Manufacturing 0 employees 2021* 5,621 5,176 4,166 3,373 3,015 3,781 0
C Manufacturing 1 to 4 employees 2021* 224 222 221 222 189 . 421
C Manufacturing 5 to 9 employees 2021* 28 39 33 39 35 . 247
C Manufacturing 10 employees or more 2021* 26 30 17 20 15 562 562
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages Total 2021* 843 731 548 486 389 1,005 278
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 0 employees 2021* 797 671 495 439 345 707 0
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 1 to 4 employees 2021* 31 40 37 32 30 106 90
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 5 to 9 employees 2021* 10 12 10 12 9 61 57
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 10 employees or more 2021* 5 8 6 3 5 131 131
10 Manufacture of food products Total 2021* . . . . . . .
10 Manufacture of food products 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
10 Manufacture of food products 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
10 Manufacture of food products 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
10 Manufacture of food products 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat Total 2021* . . . . . . .
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
102 Processing of fish Total 2021* . . . . . . .
102 Processing of fish 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
102 Processing of fish 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
102 Processing of fish 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
102 Processing of fish 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit Total 2021* . . . . . . .
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats Total 2021* . . . . . . .
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
105 Manufacture of dairy products Total 2021* . . . . . . .
105 Manufacture of dairy products 0 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
105 Manufacture of dairy products 1 to 4 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
105 Manufacture of dairy products 5 to 9 employees 2021* . . . . . . .
105 Manufacture of dairy products 10 employees or more 2021* . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table includes information on business demography according to the European standard. Figures in this table are also submitted in this form to Eurostat. Information concerns the population of active enterprises, enterprise births and deaths, broken down by legal form and by the National Classification of Economic Activity 2008 (NCEA 2008, based on NACE Rev 2.0). Data also includes persons employed and employees in these enterprises.

Data available from: 2010

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are final for 2010 to 2020. The figures for 2021 are provisional.
Only the data on Dissolved companies for 2021 will be adjusted.

Changes as of February 9, 2024:
The provisional figures for 2021 have been added.

Two industry breakdowns have been added:
• B-S excluding O and excluding S94
• G-S excluding O and excluding S94
• K Financial institutions

When will new figures be released?
Figures on a new reporting year (T – 2) will be published in July of the current year T.

Description topics

Newly born enterprise survivals
Newly born enterprises surviving year 1
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise. Here, it concerns enterprise births that took place in the year preceding the reporting year and are still active.
Newly born enterprises surviving year 2
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise. Here, it concerns enterprise births that took place two years prior to the reporting year and are still active.
Newly born enterprises surviving year 3
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise. Here, it concerns enterprise births that took place three years prior to the reporting year and are still active.
Newly born enterprises surviving year 4
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise. Here, it concerns enterprise births that took place four years prior to the reporting year and are still active.
Newly born enterprises surviving year 5
An enterprise birth is the creation of a new enterprise. Here, it concerns enterprise births that took place five years prior to the reporting year and are still active.
Newly born enterprises
Persons employed
The number of persons employed consists of:
- employees and directors who are on the payroll;
- employees who are on the payroll of another enterprise or institution, but work in the enterprise's own place of business and as such are in fact part of the workforce (agency staff);
- employed proprietors, partners, associates and cooperating family members;
- agency staff. Loaned personnel (employees on the payroll, but working for another enterprise or institution) are not included under persons employed.
The number of employees is determined on the basis of the employees on the payroll excluding director-major shareholders. The number of employees per company is calculated from wage tax data from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.