Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire; yacht passengers, yachts, mooring days

Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire; yacht passengers, yachts, mooring days

Periods Yacht passengers (number) Number of yachts (number) Average number of mooring days (Number of days)
2014 2,600 900 8.5
2015 2,900 900 7.7
2016 2,700 800 8.1
2017 4,000 1,100 8.3
2018 4,200 1,200 8.1
2019 3,000 900 9.5
2020 1,300 400 7.4
2021* 1,200 400 15.2
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains the number of passengers (including crew members) arriving by yacht and clearing in Customs and Immigration offices at the Port of Bonaire (Kralendijk). The figures published here are entirely based on available registers, i.e. the accuracy of these figures depends on the quality of the registers and Statistics Netherlands has conducted numerous plausibility checks on these registers, for example by establishing mutual links among these registers.

Data available from: 2014

Status of the figures:
The figures over 2014 to 2020 are final. The figures for 2021 are provisional.

Changes as of March 2022:
None, this is a new table.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures will be published within three months after expiration of the period available.

Description topics

Yacht passengers
Number of yacht passengers:
Yacht passengers are individuals who use a yacht to move from place to place for recreational purposes. Given the motive of the yacht passenger and the irregular character, it is often a visitor (non-resident). Only yachts that clear in and out Customs and Immigration offices are included.
Number of yachts
Number of yachs:
Number of yachts is the number of sailing or motor vessels that moors or docks at jetties or marinas to visit Bonaire in a certain period. Only yachts clearing in and out Customs and Immigration offices are included. Local (diving lesson) yachts are excluded.
Average number of mooring days
Average number of mooring days:
Average number of mooring days is the average number of days that foreign yachts spend mooring at jetties or marinas on either Bonaire in a specific period of time. The number of days is based on the Customs clearance dates, i.e. the number of days between arrival and departure dates. Anchoring is prohibited in Bonaire.