Emissions of greenhouse gases according to IPCC guide-lines, quarter
Climate sector | Emission | Periods | Emissions of greenhouse gases (billion kgs CO2-equivalent) |
Total climate sectors | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 144.2 |
Total climate sectors | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 118.3 |
Total climate sectors | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 25.9 |
Industry | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 46.8 |
Industry | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 41.9 |
Industry | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 4.9 |
Power | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 22.9 |
Power | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 22.7 |
Power | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 0.2 |
Mobility | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 28.8 |
Mobility | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 28.1 |
Mobility | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 0.7 |
Agriculture | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 25.3 |
Agriculture | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 6.3 |
Agriculture | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 19.0 |
Built Environment | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 17.4 |
Built Environment | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 16.9 |
Built Environment | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 0.5 |
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry | Total greenhouse gases | 2024* | 3.1 |
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 2024* | 2.4 |
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry | Other greenhouse gases | 2024* | 0.7 |
Source: CBS. |
Table explanation
This table contains quarterly and annual figures on the Dutch emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and fluorinated gases. These are the emission figures broken down into six climate sectors (Industry, Power, Mobility, Built Environment, Agriculture, LULUCF), as used within the Dutch Climate Agreement, and in accordance with internationally established IPCC regulations. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is an organization of the United Nations that prepares reports on scientific knowledge about climate change.
Data available from: 1st quarter of 2019
Status of the figures:
The figures for the four quarters of 2024 have a provisional status, just like the annual figure for 2024. The four quarters of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 and their annual figures have a final status.
In order to obtain coherent and consistent time series, the complete data set is recalculated annually (including those with a final status, in accordance with IPCC regulations), so that the latest insights, especially with regard to the emission factors, can be included in the recalculation. The annual recalculation takes place when the 4th quarter of the most recent reporting year is published (mid-March).
Changes as of 12 March 2025:
The figures for the fourth quarter of 2024 are included, just like the annual figure for 2024. Also the entire time series have been slightly revised (quarterly and annual data; 2019-2024).
Description topics
- Emissions of greenhouse gases