Rent increase dwellings; renovation and harmonisation effect

Table explanation

This table includes figures on the effects of rent harmonisation and renovation on the average rent increase. A distinction is made here between rental of dwellings by social and other landlords and liberalised rental.

Data available from: 2015.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definitive.

Changes as of 8 September 2023:
The figures of 2023 have been published.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will become available in September 2024.

Description topics

Rent increase including renovation
Rent increase including renovation and harmonisation.
Renovation effect
Effect of dwelling renovations on the rent increase.
Rent increase including hamonisation
Rent increase including harmonisation and excluding renovation.
Harmonisation effect
Effect of rent harmonisation on the rent increase.
Rent increase excluding harmonisation
Rent increase excluding harmonisation and renovation.
Share of harmonisation of dwellings
Share of harmonised dwellings as percentages of all dwellings selected from the type of rental.