International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, quarter

International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, quarter

Services Countries Periods Imports of services (million euros) Exports of services (million euros) Net services (million euros)
SH Charges for the use of European Union (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 2,875 3,836 961
SH Charges for the use of Eurozone (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 2,658 3,013 354
SH Charges for the use of Europe (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 3,596 6,069 2,473
SI3 Information services European Union (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 303 1,150 847
SI3 Information services Eurozone (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 253 1,059 806
SI3 Information services Europe (excl. the Netherlands) 2024 1st quarter* 394 1,462 1,068
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on Dutch imports, exports and net balance of services broken down by various service types and countries (groups) provided or purchased by companies and persons domiciled in the Netherlands.

An entirely renewed classification of services which are used by all EU countries from 2014 onwards is based on the “Balance of Payments Manual 6” (BPM6).

Data available from: 2020

Status of the figures:
As of 2020, a redesign of the International trade in services has taken place. To make time series and mutual comparison possible, 2020 will be published in 2 ways. In the 2014-2020 time series table 2020 is model-based using response data and auxiliary data from the tax authorities. The first quarter of 2021 has temporarily been added to the old 2014-2020 table awaiting the publication of the new table. With the release of the new table starting in 2020, the first quarter 2021 is no longer published in the old time series.

As of 2017 is the publication and revision policy of international trade in services review.
The figures on the Dutch international trade in services are available on quarterly and annual basis. Provisional quarterly figures are one quarter after the end of the reporting period available. With the publication of a new quarter, also the figures for the previous quarter and if applicable the other previous quarters of the year are adjusted on the basis of new source material (provisional figures). At the time of a year four quarters are available quarterly on the basis of these four figures a year calculation is made. This year calculation is available in the autumn of the following year. The year calculation is then adjusted again the following year, this time final. Also the quarterly figures of the year reviewed.

Changes as of June 25, 2024:
The figures for 2022 have been added as definitive by mistake. This has been adjusted for this delivery and the figures have been determined as revised provisional. The figures for the 1st quarter to the 4th quarter of 2023 have also been adjusted. Furthermore, the provisional figures for the first quarter of 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
The first figures become available approximately 12 weeks after the reporting period.

Description topics

Imports of services
The value of services received from non-residents by Dutch resident companies and persons, including expenditures of Dutch residents abroad (travel).
Exports of services
The value of services provided to non-residents by Dutch resident companies, including purchases by non-residents in the Netherlands (travel).
Net services
The value of exports of services minus the value of imports of services.