Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending

Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending

Energy commodities Periods Supply Total supply (TJ) Supply Production (TJ) Supply Net imports Total pure and blended (TJ) Supply Net imports Pure (TJ) Supply Net imports Blended (TJ) Supply Stock mutation (pure and blended) (TJ) Supply Bunkers (pure and blended) (TJ) Consumption Total consumption (pure and blended) (TJ) Consumption Road transport (TJ) Consumption Rail transport (TJ) Consumption Domestic navigation (TJ) Consumption Construction (TJ) Consumption Agriculture (TJ) Blending (TJ) Production capacity (TJ)
Liquid biofuels for transport, total 2019 28,437 . . . -4,420 146 1,982 28,437 25,363 66 118 1,551 1,341 34,838 .
Liquid biofuels for transport, total 2020 24,329 . . . -8,648 2,042 9,894 24,329 21,684 55 63 1,355 1,172 42,872 .
Liquid biofuels for transport, total 2021 27,739 . . . -4,672 -3,058 6,954 27,739 24,573 63 40 1,583 1,479 39,365 .
Biogasoline 2019 8,321 . . . -741 4 . 8,321 8,321 9,062 .
Biogasoline 2020 9,481 . . . -2,746 -1,747 . 9,481 9,481 12,227 .
Biogasoline 2021 9,766 . . . -2,102 834 . 9,766 9,766 11,868 .
Biodiesel 2019 20,116 72,832 -50,876 -47,197 -3,679 142 1,982 20,116 17,042 66 118 1,551 1,341 25,777 81,349
Biodiesel 2020 14,848 73,266 -52,312 -46,410 -5,902 3,789 9,894 14,848 12,203 55 63 1,355 1,172 30,645 80,930
Biodiesel 2021 17,973 75,575 -46,755 -44,185 -2,570 -3,892 6,954 17,973 14,808 63 40 1,583 1,479 27,497 86,903
Bio jet kerosene 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0
Bio jet kerosene 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0
Bio jet kerosene 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table contains figures on the supply and consumption of biofuels and the amount of biofuels that are blended into ordinary petrol and diesel. There are also figures on the production capacity of biofuels. The figures are available both for the total biofuels and for the two types of biofuels used in road traffic and mobile equipment, namely bio gasoline and biodiesel.

The supply of biofuels on the domestic market is equal to the sum of production, the import balance (net imports) and the stock movements of biofuels minus bunkers for transport abroad. The import balance also distinguishes between pure and blended biofuels.

Consumption is equated with deliveries from oil companies to pumping stations in the Netherlands. For the most part, the deliveries are biofuels that have been blended into ordinary diesel and petrol and are therefore no longer recognizable as biofuels.

Data available from:
2006, annually

Status of the figures:
This table contains definite figures up to and including 2021, revised provisional figures for 2022 and 2023.

Changes as of 7 June 2024:
Revised provisional figures of 2023 have been added.

Changes as of 14 November 2023:
Figures of 2021 and 2022 have been updated and are now respectively definite and revised provisional. Also figures of 2022 have been expanded with a new category "Bio jet kerosene"

Changes as of 15th of June 2023:
Revised provisional figures of 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
Revised provisional figures for the previous year appear in June each year.
Definite figures for the previous year appear in December each year and also new updates of the revised provisional figures will be adjusted.

Description topics

Total amount of biofuels for transport offered for consumption on the domestic market. The total supply is by definition equal to the total consumption.
The supply is calculated as production plus import balance (net import) plus stock movements minus bunkers.
Total supply
Total amount of biofuels for transport offered for consumption on the domestic market. The total supply is by definition equal to the total consumption.
The supply is calculated as production plus import balance (net import) plus stock movements minus bunkers.
It concerns the production of pure biofuels.
Net imports
Imports minus exports (net imports).
Total pure and blended
Biofuels that are not mixed with ordinary gasoline or diesel.
Biofuels mixed with ordinary gasoline or diesel.
Stock mutation (pure and blended)
The change in the size of the stock. In accordance with international guidelines for energy statistics, this is the initial stock minus the final stock. A positive number therefore means that the stock has decreased and that the supply for the Netherlands has increased; the reverse applies to a negative number. In practice these are pure biofuels.
Bunkers (pure and blended)
The supply of fuel for international shipping and for international aviation. This concerns ships or aircraft that depart from Dutch ports and arrive in / at foreign (air) ports. In the energy balance, the post bunkering is seen as a form of output. The fuel is not available for consumption in the Netherlands. Bunkers per sector are not known.
N.B. In the Netherlands, the supply of biofuels (biokerosene) to aircraft is negligibly small.
Total amount of biotransport fuels delivered (and thus consumed) by oil companies to the pumping stations in the Netherlands. This mainly concerns biofuels that have been blended into ordinary diesel and petrol and are therefore no longer recognizable as biofuel.
Total consumption (pure and blended)
Total amount of biotransport fuels delivered (and thus consumed) by oil companies to the pumping stations in the Netherlands. This mainly concerns biofuels that have been blended into ordinary diesel and petrol and are therefore no longer recognizable as biofuel.
Road transport
All passenger and freight transport on public roads by car, auto bus, goods vehicle, motorcycle, moped, etc.

Excludes transport on own premises and consumption of mobile equipment, such as tractors and mobile machinery for agriculture/construction (which typically do not operate on public roads).
Rail transport
All passenger and freight transport by rail, like train, tram and metro. Excludes transport on own premises.

Trolley buses are included in road transport.
Domestic navigation
All domestic passenger and freight water transport, inland waterway, maritime and coastal shipping departing from and arriving in Dutch ports. Includes work on sea, like dredging, construction and maintenance of offshore rigs and off shore wind turbines.

Does not include fishing.
Including mobile equipment on own premises. Excludes transport on public road.
Agriculture. Includes agricultural services.
Blending of pure biofuels into regular petrol or diesel by refineries, storage companies and / or petroleum products traders. The total of the blending is calculated as the total supply for the domestic market plus the export of blended biofuels plus bunkers.
Production capacity
The maximum possible production per year of the producers of pure biofuels for transport. This production capacity is measured at the end of the year under review.