Jobs of employees; internationalisation of companies 2010-2018

Jobs of employees; internationalisation of companies 2010-2018

Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Company size Internationality of company Characteristics of jobs and employees Periods Employment Jobs (x 1 000) Employment Labour volume (x 1 000) Wage per job Hourly wage (euros) Working hours Per job per week excluding overtime (hours)
M Other specialised business services Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 51 44 39.70 34.4
M Other specialised business services Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 13 11 26.50 34.8
M Other specialised business services Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 46 40 39.50 34.3
M Other specialised business services Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 6 5 29.70 33.6
M Other specialised business services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 50 43 39.60 34.4
M Other specialised business services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 8 7 26.10 34.2
M Other specialised business services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 46 40 39.50 34.3
M Other specialised business services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 5 4 28.50 32.8
M Other specialised business services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
M Other specialised business services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 4 3 27.50 35.6
M Other specialised business services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
M Other specialised business services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 1 1 33.80 36.0
M Other specialised business services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
M Other specialised business services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 1 1 26.00 37.4
M Other specialised business services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
M Other specialised business services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
N Renting and other business support Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 8 7 33.30 34.4
N Renting and other business support Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 107 80 13.40 29.5
N Renting and other business support Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 6 6 31.90 33.9
N Renting and other business support Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 39 28 13.40 28.9
N Renting and other business support 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 7 6 32.20 34.3
N Renting and other business support 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 19 14 15.00 29.5
N Renting and other business support 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 6 5 31.30 33.9
N Renting and other business support 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 15 11 14.10 28.7
N Renting and other business support 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 1 1 . .
N Renting and other business support 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 24 18 14.00 29.6
N Renting and other business support 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
N Renting and other business support 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 11 8 13.60 28.7
N Renting and other business support 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
N Renting and other business support 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 65 49 12.70 29.5
N Renting and other business support 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
N Renting and other business support 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 13 9 12.50 29.2
R-U Culture, recreation, other services Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 5 4 32.40 33.2
R-U Culture, recreation, other services Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 9 6 20.10 24.3
R-U Culture, recreation, other services Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 4 3 31.50 32.9
R-U Culture, recreation, other services Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 7 4 18.00 21.8
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 5 4 32.20 33.2
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 7 4 18.60 22.5
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 4 3 31.40 32.9
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 6 4 18.00 21.3
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 1 1 25.70 32.2
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 2 1 31.40 33.2
S Other service activities Total employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 5 3 18.00 25.4
S Other service activities Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 2 1 31.00 33.2
S Other service activities Total employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 3 2 15.70 21.8
S Other service activities 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 2 1 31.10 33.2
S Other service activities 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 4 2 17.00 22.5
S Other service activities 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 2 1 30.80 33.2
S Other service activities 0 to 49 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 3 2 15.60 21.1
S Other service activities 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 1 1 . .
S Other service activities 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 50 to 249 employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 250 and more employed persons No international trade in goods Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
S Other service activities 250 and more employed persons No international trade in services Other 2018* 0 0 . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on employee jobs in the Netherlands. The number of jobs is broken down by various background characteristics of the employees and the companies that employ them. Main company characteristics are the locus of control (UCI; domestic or foreign) and international goods trade (import and/or export). Employee characteristics are amongst others education level and nationality. Nationality is decomposed into the top five of most frequent nationalities amongst companies with a foreign controlling unit. The education level is decomposed for all selections, excluding foreign nationalities, with at least one thousand direct observations.

Data available from: 2010-2018

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are preliminary.

Changes as of 1 November 2021:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit, specifying that labour will be carried out in return for remuneration (financial or otherwise). An employed person may have more than one job at a time. In that case the person has a main job and a secondary job. Each job counts separately. For the calculation of the average number of jobs in a certain period the starting date and end date of a job is taking into account. The weekly working hours are left out of account. Two successive jobs both with a 6-month working period will always count as one job in the average number of jobs, regardless of whether these jobs are full-time or part-time.
Labour volume
The volume of labour input in the production process, in terms of hours worked or full-time equivalents. Part-time jobs are counted proportionally (excluding overtime, after deduction of the reduction in working hours).
Calculation of the average labour volume for a certain period is based on the starting date and end date of a job and the weekly working hours. Two successive jobs both with a 6-month working period will count as 1 working year in the yearly average labour volume if both jobs are full-time. If they are part-time jobs they will count for less than a year.
Wage per job
Hourly wage
The hourly wage are calculated by the sum of gross wage of all the jobs of employees of the related population divide by the sum of the corresponding working hours. These wages and hours are summed by subpopulation and period.

The agreed gross wage is excluding bonuses/allowances and overtime pay, but including the value according to tax of non-monetary remuneration liable to tax.
The working hours are the hours paid for a job excluding overtime hours, holiday leave and public holidays. Leave in compensation for shorter working hours (ADV) is not recognized as working hours, so this is not included in the calculation.

Bonuses and allowances are occasional payments that are part of the gross wages such as holiday allowance, profit sharing and performance bonuses.
Working hours
The number of hours someone works in a normal or average working week. There is a distinction between weekly working hours and yearly working hours.
Weekly working hours are calculated by the average hours paid for a job divided by 52. The hours paid include hours leave, paid overtime hours and paid sick and study leave, but exclude reduction of working hours.
Also the weekly working hours without overtime is been determined. The yearly working hours of a job is the average hours paid for a job a year excluded overtime hours and leave hours through holiday, reduction of
working hours and general recognized feast-days.
For the yearly working hours of a year of employment this yearly average is determined for a year of employment instead for a job.
Per job per week excluding overtime
Weekly working hours are calculated by the average hours paid for a job per year divided by 52. The hours paid include hours leave and paid sick and study leave, but exclude reduction of working hours and paid overtime.