International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

Commodity flows Origin-Destination/Loading-Unloading Continents and country groups Commodity groups Transport modes Containerization Periods Estimated value transported goods Value Estimate (1000 euro) Estimated value transported goods Value Confidence interval (%) Estimated gross weight transported goods Gross weight Estimate (1000 kg) Estimated gross weight transported goods Gross weight Confidence interval (%)
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Total Total 2023* 1,216,757,484 3 591,411,033 2
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Total Containerized goods 2023* 380,206,580 6 73,221,856 3
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Total Non-containerized goods 2023* 836,550,903 3 518,189,177 2
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Maritime transport Total 2023* 500,853,827 3 388,636,080 2
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Maritime transport Containerized goods 2023* 249,065,318 5 59,796,849 3
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Maritime transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 251,788,509 3 328,839,231 3
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Inland shipping Total 2023* 62,005,997 7 63,511,733 4
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Inland shipping Containerized goods 2023* 19,000,954 21 4,906,432 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Inland shipping Non-containerized goods 2023* 43,005,042 5 58,605,301 5
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Road transport Total 2023* 489,555,224 6 90,941,645 4
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Road transport Containerized goods 2023* 44,728,599 25 2,887,782 8
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Road transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 444,826,625 6 88,053,864 4
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Rail transport Total 2023* 78,511,261 20 8,846,346 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Rail transport Containerized goods 2023* 67,411,709 23 5,630,793 11
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Rail transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 11,099,553 14 3,215,553 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Air transport Total 2023* 61,217,527 6 767,821 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Air transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Air transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 61,217,527 6 767,821 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Pipeline transport Total 2023* 24,613,648 6 38,707,409 5
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Pipeline transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total Total commodity groups Pipeline transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 24,613,648 6 38,707,409 5
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Total Total 2023* 54,024,808 5 40,155,695 5
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Total Containerized goods 2023* 16,111,043 8 10,301,155 6
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Total Non-containerized goods 2023* 37,913,764 7 29,854,540 6
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Maritime transport Total 2023* 27,107,206 7 23,140,998 6
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Maritime transport Containerized goods 2023* 14,554,432 9 9,457,416 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Maritime transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 12,552,775 11 13,683,581 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Inland shipping Total 2023* 2,031,244 8 3,991,220 13
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Inland shipping Containerized goods 2023* 497,194 7 387,360 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Inland shipping Non-containerized goods 2023* 1,534,050 10 3,603,860 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Road transport Total 2023* 21,534,614 10 11,740,298 11
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Road transport Containerized goods 2023* 479,833 14 227,848 12
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Road transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 21,054,780 10 11,512,450 11
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Rail transport Total 2023* 777,329 10 1,052,957 13
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Rail transport Containerized goods 2023* 579,584 12 228,531 29
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Rail transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 197,745 22 824,426 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Air transport Total 2023* 2,574,414 8 230,222 12
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Air transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Air transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 2,574,414 8 230,222 12
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Pipeline transport Total 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Pipeline transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 01 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Pipeline transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Total Total 2023* 114,303,857 8 56,154,327 5
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Total Containerized goods 2023* 35,143,102 13 13,710,800 8
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Total Non-containerized goods 2023* 79,160,756 11 42,443,527 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Maritime transport Total 2023* 30,142,342 8 20,990,204 7
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Maritime transport Containerized goods 2023* 19,969,079 10 10,105,953 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Maritime transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 10,173,262 11 10,884,251 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Inland shipping Total 2023* 3,339,207 18 4,474,319 12
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Inland shipping Containerized goods 2023* 854,269 18 922,448 20
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Inland shipping Non-containerized goods 2023* 2,484,938 24 3,551,871 15
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Road transport Total 2023* 67,589,541 13 25,539,602 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Road transport Containerized goods 2023* 1,752,557 18 601,968 13
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Road transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 65,836,984 13 24,937,634 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Rail transport Total 2023* 12,919,782 31 2,283,754 20
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Rail transport Containerized goods 2023* 12,567,197 32 2,080,430 22
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Rail transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 352,585 22 203,324 20
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Air transport Total 2023* 310,137 9 16,339 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Air transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Air transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 310,137 9 16,339 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Pipeline transport Total 2023* 2,849 21 2,850,108 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Pipeline transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 02 Food products, beverages and tobacco Pipeline transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 2,849 21 2,850,108 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Total Total 2023* 4,748,496 9 35,004,105 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Total Containerized goods 2023* 2,233 28 12,871 23
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Total Non-containerized goods 2023* 4,746,264 9 34,991,234 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Maritime transport Total 2023* 4,610,795 9 34,274,799 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Maritime transport Containerized goods 2023* 2,233 28 12,871 23
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Maritime transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 4,608,562 9 34,261,928 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Inland shipping Total 2023* 123,923 35 680,537 33
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Inland shipping Containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Inland shipping Non-containerized goods 2023* 123,923 35 680,537 33
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Road transport Total 2023* 12,881 15 46,454 23
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Road transport Containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Road transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 12,881 15 46,454 23
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Rail transport Total 2023* 898 50 2,315 42
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Rail transport Containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Rail transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 898 50 2,315 42
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Air transport Total 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Air transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Air transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Pipeline transport Total 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Pipeline transport Containerized goods 2023*
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 03 Coal and lignite Pipeline transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Total Total 2023* 482,540 12 1,567,070 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Total Containerized goods 2023* 17,520 13 40,752 11
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Total Non-containerized goods 2023* 465,020 12 1,526,317 14
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Maritime transport Total 2023* 286,336 12 761,101 9
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Maritime transport Containerized goods 2023* 17,498 13 40,692 11
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Maritime transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 268,837 13 720,409 10
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Inland shipping Total 2023* 158,265 28 749,254 27
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Inland shipping Containerized goods 2023* 21 56 60 43
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Inland shipping Non-containerized goods 2023* 158,244 28 749,194 27
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Road transport Total 2023* 37,925 24 56,686 38
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Road transport Containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Road transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 37,925 24 56,686 38
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Rail transport Total 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Rail transport Containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Rail transport Non-containerized goods 2023* 0 . 0 .
Inbound transport; total Origin or destination Total 04 Coke oven products Air transport Total 2023* 14 10 28 10
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the international commodity flows from, to and through the Netherlands. For imports, exports, re-exports, transit trade and warehouse traffic, the table represents the value and gross weight of transported goods broken down by commodity group, transport mode, cargo type (containerized or non-containerized goods), country group of origin or destination and country group of loading or unloading.

This publication is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Data available from: 2007

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are provisional.

Changes as of December 11, 2024:
Added are the provisional figures for 2023.

When will new figures be published?
Generally, new, provisional data will become available approximately one year after the end of the reporting year. Figures on international commodity flows are subject to adjustment when new or updated sources become available. As a result, the status of the figures will be provisional for a longer period of time.

Description topics

Estimated value transported goods
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in thousands of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to the international trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to the international trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in thousands of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to the international trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to the international trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Estimated value of transported goods expressed in thousands of euros. In the case of imported goods, this is the value of foreign goods supplied to residents according to the international trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of goods is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value is including freight and insurance costs to the external border of the European Union. In the case of exports, this is the value of goods supplied by Dutch residents to foreign trading partners according to the international trade statistics. The value is including freight and insurance costs to the Dutch border.
Confidence interval
The estimated 95-percent confidence interval expressed as a percentage. For example, a confidence interval of 10 percent means that the real figure lies within the interval defined by the figure in the table minus 10 and plus 10 percent with a probability of 0.95. The real figure is also more likely to be found in the centre of the confidence interval than towards the extremities. So, the real figure is more likely to be close to the figure in the table than far away.
Estimated gross weight transported goods
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in thousands of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Gross weight
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in thousands of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Estimated gross weight of transported goods expressed in thousands of kg. The gross weight includes the weight of the goods and packing, but is exclusive the weight of the container in which the goods are carried.
Confidence interval
The estimated 95-percent confidence interval expressed as a percentage. For example, a confidence interval of 10 percent means that the real figure lies within the interval defined by the figure in the table minus 10 and plus 10 percent with a probability of 0.95. The real figure is also more likely to be found in the centre of the confidence interval than towards the extremities. So, the real figure is more likely to be close to the figure in the table than far away.