Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and consumption of petroleum products and crudes as a balance sheet.

Petroleum products include the fuels LPG, motor gasoline and diesel oil. The balance includes products used for processing or consumption in the Netherlands as well as those intended for transit.

Crudes are crude oil, natural gas liquids and additives (intermediates for motor gasoline and transport diesel). Separate balance sheet items are available for feedstocks for processing in the Netherlands and for feedstocks for the transit trade. The difference between the two flows is that import tax is paid for products destined for production in the Netherlands, while it is not paid for transit goods.

The following standard densities are used to convert from kg to liters of Gasoline, Diesel and Autogas delivered including excise duty:
Petrol 0.75 kg/l, Diesel 0.836 kg/l and LPG 0.535 kg/l.

This table replaces the next tables:

Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock, 1944 - April 2021
Petroleum products balance; supply, consumption and stock, 1946 - April 2021
Motor fuels; sales in petajoules, weight and volume, 1946 - April 2021

See section 3.

Data available:
From January 2015

Status of the figures:
- up to and including 2021 definite.
- 2022 and 2023 are revised provisional.
- 2024 are provisional.

Changes as of Augist 30th 2024:
Figures for June 2024 have been added.

Changes as of June 7th 2024
Revised provisional figures of 2023 have been added.

Changes as of November 14th of 2023:
Figures for 2015 up to and including 2021 are revised.
The revision mainly concerns the consumption of gas- and diesel oil and energy commodities higher in the classification (total petroleum products, total crude and petroleum products and total energy commodities).
New data for the consumption of diesel oil in mobile machine have been incorporated. Consequently, the final energy consumption of gas- and diesel of other users increases (construction, services and agriculture). Final consumption of road transport is calculated as the remainder of total supply to the market, so this is decreased by the same amount.

Furthermore, by improved analyses of the 2015 data, the bunkers of High Sulphur Fuel has been lowered by 800 kt and the export has been increased by the same amount.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures: in the second month after the month under review.
Definite figures: not later than in the second following December.

Description topics

The amount of crudes and petroleum products used for transformation into other petroleum products or as final consumption within the national borders of the Netherlands.
Total consumption
Final consumption
Final consumption of energy. No useful energy commodity remains. This can be final energy consumption, like motor gasoline in a car, or non energy use, like naphtha in petrochemical industry.
Total final consumption as feedstock for chemical products mainly in the petrochemical industry or as fuel for refineries, the petrochemical industry, transport, fishing and other consumers. In this table final consumption includes also own consumption of refineries, while this is 'Own consumption' in the Energy balance sheet.
Refineries, own use of fuel
These are all petroleum products consumed in support of the operation of a refinery. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from refinery, such as refinery gas and fuel oil. In this table final consumption includes also own consumption of refineries, while this is 'Own consumption' in the Energy balance sheet.
Petrochemical industry
Companies that transform petroleum products into chemical products. Some other petroleum products become available as a by-products. These come to the market along with petroleum products from refineries. For example the transformation of the chemical product ethylene (a feedstock for plastic) into naphtha and the petroleum product automotive gas delivered to the market for consumption as fuel.
Final energy consumption
Consumption used to support business activities of the petrochemical plant, such as heat for steam cracking. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from the assimilation process, such as chemical waste gas.
Final consumption other oil industry
Consumption for heating very heavy oil fractions (bitumen, tar) in order to be able to pump them.
Final consumption transport sector
All domestic passenger and freight transport by rail, road, water and air.

Excludes transport on own premises and consumption of mobile equipment.
Total transport
Total domestic transport.
Road transport
All passenger and freight transport on public roads by car, auto bus, goods vehicle, motorcycle, moped, etc.

Excludes transport on own premises and consumption of mobile equipment, such as tractors and mobile machinery for agriculture/construction (which typically do not operate on public roads).
Rail transport
All passenger and freight transport by rail, like train, tram and metro. Excludes transport on own premises.

Trolley buses are included in road transport.
Domestic navigation
All domestic passenger and freight water transport, inland waterway, maritime and coastal shipping departing from and arriving in Dutch ports. Includes work on sea, like dredging, construction and maintenance of offshore rigs and off shore wind turbines.

Does not include fishing.
Domestic aviation
All domestic passenger and freight air transport departing from and arriving on Dutch airports.
Other consumers
The amount of petroleum products delivered to retail and other final consumers. Includes consumption by agriculture, construction, defence, services and other consumers, e.g. bitumen (asphalt) for roof covering, white spirits as a thinner in paint or lubricant oil in equipment and motors.