Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

Institutional sectors Transactions and Balancing items Periods Government Production and Consumption (million euros)
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 67,222
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 30,853
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 264,091
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 178,925
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 85,166
Central government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 27,675
Central government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 15,264
Central government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 71,954
Central government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 19,518
Central government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 52,436
The State P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 16,677
The State P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 7,358
The State P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 47,597
The State P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 12,932
The State P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 34,665
Other central government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 10,998
Other central government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 7,906
Other central government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 24,357
Other central government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 6,586
Other central government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 17,771
Local government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 36,643
Local government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 15,473
Local government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 104,250
Local government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 71,520
Local government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 32,730
Municipalities P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 19,201
Municipalities P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 9,181
Municipalities P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 46,239
Municipalities P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 26,574
Municipalities P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 19,665
Local intergovernmental organisations P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 3,190
Local intergovernmental organisations P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 695
Local intergovernmental organisations P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 8,682
Local intergovernmental organisations P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 5,183
Local intergovernmental organisations P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 3,499
Provinces P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 1,520
Provinces P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 1,079
Provinces P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 3,485
Provinces P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 149
Provinces P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 3,336
Public water boards P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 1,451
Public water boards P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 1,039
Public water boards P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 3,276
Public water boards P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 0
Public water boards P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 3,276
Other local government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 11,281
Other local government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 3,479
Other local government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 42,568
Other local government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 39,614
Other local government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 2,954
Social security funds P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 2,904
Social security funds P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 116
Social security funds P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 87,887
Social security funds P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 87,887
Social security funds P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on the output and final consumption expenditure of the general government. The general government output is determined from the production costs, which consist of compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, consumption of fixed capital, other taxes on production (payable) and other subsidies on production (receivable). Please note that the subsidies are denoted with a negative sign, as subsidies reduce production costs.
General government output is predominantly comprised of non-market output that is provided for free. To a lesser extent, output of the general government is also sold on the market, used as output for own final use, or provided to the market as non-market output at prices that are not economically significant.
The final consumption expenditure of the general government can be broken down into an individual and collective component. The individual consumption expenditure is equal to the social transfers in kind, which are individual goods and services supplied to individual households for free or at prices that are not economically significant, either produced as non-market output or purchased from market producers. The collective consumption expenditure are the costs associated with providing collective goods and services to society, or large parts of it, as a whole.
The terms and definitions used are in accordance with the framework of the National Accounts. The National Accounts are based on the international definitions of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). The time of recording is in congruence with the accrual principle. Small temporary differences with publications of National Accounts may occur due to the fact that government finance statistics are sometimes more up to date.

Data available from:
Yearly figures from 1995.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the period 1995-2022 are final. The figures for 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of 24 June 2024:
Annual figures for year 2023 are available.
The annual figures for 2022 are now final.
In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 have been revised.

When will new figures be published?
Yearly figures are published six months after the end of the year concerned.
These yearly figures are revised eighteen months after the end of the year concerned. Please note that there is a possibility that adjustments might take place at the end of March or September, in order to provide the European Commission with the most actual figures.
More information on the revision policy of National Accounts can be found under 'relevant articles' under paragraph 3.

Description topics

Government Production and Consumption
The general government output (P1) is determined from the production costs, which consist of compensation of employees (D1), intermediate consumption (P2), consumption of fixed capital (P51c), other taxes on production (D29, payable), other subsidies on production (D39, receivable) and the net operating surplus (B2n). Please note that the subsidies are denoted with a negative sign, as subsidies reduce production costs. Furthermore, the net operating surplus (B2n) of the general government is always equal to zero:
P1 = D1 + P2 + P51c + D29 (payable) + D39 (receivable) + B2n
General government output (P1) is predominantly comprised of non-market output that is provided for free (P132). To a lesser extent, output of the general government is also sold on the market (P11), used as output for own final use (P12), or provided to the market as non-market output at prices that are not economically significant (P131):
P1 = P11 + P12 + P131 + P132
The final consumption expenditure of the general government (P3) can be broken down into an individual (P31) and collective component (P32):
P3 = P31 + P32
The individual consumption expenditure (P31) is equal to the social transfers in kind, which are individual goods and services supplied to individual households for free or at prices that are not economically significant, either produced as non-market output (D631) or purchased from market producers (D632):
P31 = D631 + D632
The collective consumption expenditure (P32) are the costs associated with providing collective goods and services to society, or large parts of it, as a whole. In other words, this is the part of the non-market output that is provided for free (P132), which does not pertain to individual consumption expenditure (D631):
P132 = D631 + P32
The relevant balancing items for the output and final consumption expenditure of the general government are as follows:
B1n (Value added, net) = D1 + D29 (payable) + D39 (receivable) + B2n
B1g (Value added, gross) = P1 – P2 = B1n + P51c