Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts 1995-2022

Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts 1995-2022

Type of non-financial asset Sector Year Closing balance sheet (mln euros) Volume indices 2015=100 (2015 = 100)
Non-financial assets Total all sectors 2022* 5,322,450 106.6
Non-financial assets The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 1,616,793 107.0
Non-financial assets Financial corporations 2022* 103,362 103.4
Non-financial assets General government 2022* 647,193 90.6
Non-financial assets Households including NPISHs 2022* 2,955,106 110.9
Non-financial assets Households 2022* 2,953,549 110.9
Non-financial assets Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 1,557 89.4
AN11 Total fixed assets Total all sectors 2022* 2,789,430 110.4
AN11 Total fixed assets The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 1,052,880 108.2
AN11 Total fixed assets Financial corporations 2022* 54,650 107.2
AN11 Total fixed assets General government 2022* 521,695 104.4
AN11 Total fixed assets Households including NPISHs 2022* 1,160,209 115.7
AN11 Total fixed assets Households 2022* 1,158,858 115.8
AN11 Total fixed assets Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 1,351 87.7
AN111 Dwellings Total all sectors 2022* 1,231,710 111.8
AN111 Dwellings The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 209,933 102.2
AN111 Dwellings Financial corporations 2022* 25,613 105.8
AN111 Dwellings General government 2022* 4,362 105.9
AN111 Dwellings Households including NPISHs 2022* 991,802 114.3
AN111 Dwellings Households 2022* 991,802 114.3
AN111 Dwellings Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 0 0.0
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Total all sectors 2022* 459,557 106.9
AN1121 Non-residential buildings The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 250,150 108.9
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Financial corporations 2022* 9,488 86.8
AN1121 Non-residential buildings General government 2022* 100,368 95.2
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Households including NPISHs 2022* 99,551 118.5
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Households 2022* 98,887 118.6
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 664 103.2
AN1122 Civil engineering works Total all sectors 2022* 507,860 109.0
AN1122 Civil engineering works The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 154,222 116.1
AN1122 Civil engineering works Financial corporations 2022* 63 80.6
AN1122 Civil engineering works General government 2022* 346,913 105.6
AN1122 Civil engineering works Households including NPISHs 2022* 6,662 144.6
AN1122 Civil engineering works Households 2022* 6,516 146.4
AN1122 Civil engineering works Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 147 94.2
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Total all sectors 2022* 29,516 178.9
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 10,333 213.7
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Financial corporations 2022* 5,453 113.3
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land General government 2022* 1,450 58.0
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Households including NPISHs 2022* 12,279 261.6
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Households 2022* 12,278 261.7
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 2 0.0
AN1131 Total transport equipment Total all sectors 2022* 88,828 123.7
AN1131 Total transport equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 76,426 125.7
AN1131 Total transport equipment Financial corporations 2022* 424 124.9
AN1131 Total transport equipment General government 2022* 3,581 95.9
AN1131 Total transport equipment Households including NPISHs 2022* 8,397 120.6
AN1131 Total transport equipment Households 2022* 8,351 120.9
AN1131 Total transport equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 47 84.6
AN1131A Passenger cars Total all sectors 2022* 32,190 111.9
AN1131A Passenger cars The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 27,423 110.6
AN1131A Passenger cars Financial corporations 2022* 375 122.4
AN1131A Passenger cars General government 2022* 855 118.7
AN1131A Passenger cars Households including NPISHs 2022* 3,537 119.3
AN1131A Passenger cars Households 2022* 3,497 120.0
AN1131A Passenger cars Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 39 84.1
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Total all sectors 2022* 17,198 156.0
AN1131B Other road transport equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 13,054 163.9
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Financial corporations 2022* 49 147.0
AN1131B Other road transport equipment General government 2022* 1,524 102.4
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Households including NPISHs 2022* 2,572 167.3
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Households 2022* 2,565 168.0
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 6 64.3
AN1131C Trains and trams Total all sectors 2022* 9,873 116.6
AN1131C Trains and trams The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 9,697 114.6
AN1131C Trains and trams Financial corporations 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131C Trains and trams General government 2022* 176 0.0
AN1131C Trains and trams Households including NPISHs 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131C Trains and trams Households 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131C Trains and trams Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131D Ships Total all sectors 2022* 17,458 116.9
AN1131D Ships The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 14,720 124.2
AN1131D Ships Financial corporations 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131D Ships General government 2022* 513 69.9
AN1131D Ships Households including NPISHs 2022* 2,225 94.7
AN1131D Ships Households 2022* 2,224 94.6
AN1131D Ships Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 1 0.0
AN1131E Aircraft Total all sectors 2022* 12,110 143.2
AN1131E Aircraft The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 11,532 152.4
AN1131E Aircraft Financial corporations 2022* 0 0.0
AN1131E Aircraft General government 2022* 514 64.5
AN1131E Aircraft Households including NPISHs 2022* 64 68.8
AN1131E Aircraft Households 2022* 64 68.8
AN1131E Aircraft Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 0 0.0
AN1132A Computers Total all sectors 2022* 15,252 115.8
AN1132A Computers The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 8,868 105.7
AN1132A Computers Financial corporations 2022* 1,657 140.7
AN1132A Computers General government 2022* 3,405 138.3
AN1132A Computers Households including NPISHs 2022* 1,322 115.5
AN1132A Computers Households 2022* 1,294 117.5
AN1132A Computers Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 28 67.1
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Total all sectors 2022* 2,120 104.8
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 1,445 106.8
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Financial corporations 2022* 84 102.3
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment General government 2022* 375 97.6
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Households including NPISHs 2022* 215 105.2
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Households 2022* 204 109.0
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2022* 11 65.2
AN1139 Machinery and equipment Total all sectors 2022* 234,719 105.8
AN1139 Machinery and equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2022* 195,822 102.9
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table is followed by Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts. See section 3.

This table contains figures on non-financial balance sheets. The balance sheets show the market value of non-financial assets. Changes in the value of non-financial assets are also presented in this table. These changes are, for example, the result of price changes or the result of purchases minus sales of non-financial assets.

Non-financial balance sheets are part of the National Accounts. The balance sheets are presented by different types of assets for the economy as a whole and for the different institutional sectors in the Dutch economy.

Data is available from 1995 up to and including 2022.

Status of the figures:
Data up to and including 2021 are final. Data for 2022 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, the data for 2022 will not be finalized.

Changes per 3 September 2024:
None, this table has been discontinued.

Erratum as of 22 September 2023:
An imperfection in the processing of the physical natural gas reserves had been discovered, causing an incorrect distribution between revaluation and other changes in volume for the oil and gas reserves for the years 2016 to 2022. This has been corrected.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Closing balance sheet
The closing balance sheet is the balance sheet on 31 December of the reporting year, measured in average prices of that year. The closing balance sheet equals the opening balance sheet of the next reporting year.
Volume indices 2015=100
Index of the volume change of the closing balance of the non-financial asset.