Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Coal and coal products Periods Energy supply Of which from outside EU (million kg)
Hard coal 2023 August** 277
Hard coal 2023 September** 372
Hard coal 2023 October** 510
Hard coal 2023 November** 653
Hard coal 2023 December** 591
Hard coal 2024 January* 618
Hard coal 2024 February* 424
Hard coal 2024 March* 502
Hard coal 2024 April* 308
Hard coal 2024 May* 300
Hard coal 2024 June* 271
Hard coal 2024 July* 532
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 August** 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 September** 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 October** 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 November** 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 December** 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 January* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 February* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 March* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 April* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 May* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 June* 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 July* 1
Coke-oven cokes 2023 August** 3
Coke-oven cokes 2023 September** 3
Coke-oven cokes 2023 October** 3
Coke-oven cokes 2023 November** 3
Coke-oven cokes 2023 December** 3
Coke-oven cokes 2024 January* 3
Coke-oven cokes 2024 February* 2
Coke-oven cokes 2024 March* 10
Coke-oven cokes 2024 April* 3
Coke-oven cokes 2024 May* 10
Coke-oven cokes 2024 June* 14
Coke-oven cokes 2024 July* 15
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and the consumption of hard coal, lignite + BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) and coke-oven cokes. Supply is calculated as production plus recovered products plus imports minus exports plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of hard coal, lignite + BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) and coke-oven cokes consumed. This consumption is divided into consumption by energy companies, coke oven plants, industry, iron and steel and other consumers. This table is a redesign.

Data available from: January 2015.

Status of the figures:
- up to and including 2021 definite.
- 2022 and 2023 are revised provisional.
- 2024 is provisional.

Changes as of September 30th 2024:
Figures for July 2024 have been added.

Changes as of June 7th 2024:
Revised provisional figures of 2023 have been added.

Changes as of November 14th 2023:
Figures of 2015 till 2021 are revised. The revisions relate to the introduction of an improved analysis method in 2022, which has been carried back to 2015. The differences are less then 5%.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures: in the second month after the month under review.
Revised provisional figures: not later than in the following June.
Definite figures: not later than in December of the second following year.

Description topics

Energy supply
The amount of energy available for consumption in the Netherlands.
Of which from outside EU
Imports of energy commodities coming from non-EU countries.