Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Coal and coal products Periods Energy supply Total energy supply (million kg) Energy supply Production (million kg) Energy supply Recovered products (million kg) Energy supply Imports, total (million kg) Energy supply Of which from outside EU (million kg) Energy supply Exports (million kg) Energy supply Stocks - beginning of period (miilion kg) Energy supply Stocks - end of period (million kg) Energy supply Stock change (million kg) Statistical differences (million kg) Energy consumption Total consumption (million kg) Energy consumption Total energy companies (million kg) Energy consumption Coke-oven plants (million kg) Energy consumption Industry, total (million kg) Energy consumption Of which iron and steel (million kg) Energy consumption Total other consumers (million kg)
Hard coal 2023 September** 397 372 372 881 856 25 397 121 203 72 71 0
Hard coal 2023 October** 567 510 510 856 799 57 567 291 189 87 85 0
Hard coal 2023 November** 579 653 653 799 873 -74 579 328 179 72 71 0
Hard coal 2024 September* 494 710 710 599 815 -216 494 214 185 95 94 0
Hard coal 2024 October* 724 454 454 815 545 270 724 390 226 108 107 0
Hard coal 2024 November* 716 849 849 545 677 -133 716 400 195 122 120 0
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 September** 1 1 1 1 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 October** 1 1 1 1 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2023 November** 1 1 1 1 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 September* 1 1 1 1 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 October* 1 1 1 1 1
Lignite and BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) 2024 November* 1 1 1 1 1
Coke-oven cokes 2023 September** 111 146 3 3 51 129 116 13 111 111 108
Coke-oven cokes 2023 October** 115 151 3 3 22 116 133 -17 115 115 112
Coke-oven cokes 2023 November** 107 130 3 3 44 133 114 19 107 107 105
Coke-oven cokes 2024 September* 116 141 9 8 52 86 -34 116 116 113
Coke-oven cokes 2024 October* 165 148 3 3 86 72 14 165 165 162
Coke-oven cokes 2024 November* 149 143 7 6 72 72 0 149 149 146
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and the consumption of hard coal, lignite + BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) and coke-oven cokes. Supply is calculated as production plus recovered products plus imports minus exports plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of hard coal, lignite + BKB (Braunkohlenbriketts) and coke-oven cokes consumed. This consumption is divided into consumption by energy companies, coke oven plants, industry, iron and steel and other consumers. This table is a redesign.

Data available from: January 2015.

Status of the figures:
- up to and including 2022 definite.
- 2023 are revised provisional.
- 2024 is provisional.

Changes as of January 31st of 2024:
Figures for November 2024 have been added.

Changes as of November 19th of 2024:
This table has been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns changes of a maximum of a few Petajoules.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures: in the second month after the month under review.
Revised provisional figures: not later than in the following June.
Definite figures: not later than in December of the second following year.

Description topics

Energy supply
The amount of energy available for consumption in the Netherlands.
Total energy supply
The amount of energy available for consumption in the Netherlands (production plus recovered products plus imports and withdrawal from stocks) minus the amount which is not available for consumption (exports).
The amount of energy transformed from another energy commodity.
Recovered products
Slurries and waste-heap shale recovered by mines.
Imports, total
Imports of energy commodities.
Of which from outside EU
Imports of energy commodities coming from non-EU countries.
Exports of energy commodities.
Stocks - beginning of period
The opening amount of stocks of coal and coal products.
Stocks - end of period
The closing amount of stocks of coal and coal products.
Stock change
Changes in stock are calculated as opening stock minus closing stock, in accordance with international energy statistics guidelines. A positive figure means that stocks have decreased, and the supply of energy has thus increased. A negative figure means the opposite: an increase in stocks and a decrease in consumption.
Statistical differences
The difference between the energy sypply and energy consumption of an energy commodity.

This difference arises because the figures on supply and consumption come from different sources
For many energy commodities, the difference is allocated to supply or consumption. Then this statistical difference is nil.
Energy consumption
The amount of hard coal delivered to consumers in the Netherlands.
Total consumption
The amount of energy used by companies, households and transport in the Netherlands. Energy can be used
- for transformation into other energy commodities, this is input minus the energy produced.
- as final consumption.
Total energy companies
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.
Coke-oven plants
Manufacture of coke oven products, like cokes and coke-oven gas.
Industry, total
Of which iron and steel
This category is made up of the categories:
241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys
242 Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings of steel
243 Other first processing of steal
2451 Casting of iron
2452 Casting of steel
Total other consumers
This category is made up of the categories:
- Services, waste, water and repair
- Dwellings
- Agriculture
- Fishing
- Non-specified
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