Income accounts of the sector households, region; national accounts

Income accounts of the sector households, region; national accounts

Regions Periods Transactions in million euros Secondary distribution of income account Uses Total current taxes on income and wealth (million euros) Transactions per capita Secondary distribution of income account Uses Total current taxes on income and wealth (euro)
Nederland 2021* 80,103 4,569
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2021* 5,804 3,340
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2021* 14,332 3,869
West-Nederland (LD) 2021* 44,248 5,273
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2021* 15,719 4,248
Flevoland (PV) 2021* 1,608 3,726
Gelderland (PV) 2021* 8,572 4,075
Noord-Holland (PV) 2021* 17,314 5,972
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2021* 17,796 4,758
Zeeland (PV) 2021* 1,496 3,874
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table the Regional accounts; transactions of the sector households, describes the primary and secondary income distribution of the section households. The transactions within the primary and secondary income distribution are breakdown by resources and uses (earnings and expenses).

Data available from: 2015.

Status of the figures:
Data of the reporting years 2015 up to and including 2021 are provisional.

Changes as of October 25th 2023:
The provisional reporting year 2021 has been added.

When will new figures be published?
In December 2024 new provisional data of reporting year 2022 will be published.

Description topics

Transactions in million euros
Amounts in million euros.
Secondary distribution of income account
The distribution of secondary income account shows the redistribution of income. The consequence of government policy on disposable income of household groups is shown here. The balancing item is disposable income by household group.
Uses are transactions appear which deduces the economic value of sectors.

Total current taxes on income and wealth
Current taxes on income and wealth of corporations consist of corporation tax and dividend tax. These taxes are based on the profits of corporations.
Current taxes on income and wealth of households include all taxes, which are periodically imposed on income and wealth, such as the income tax, the wage tax and the tax on net wealth of individuals. Non-periodical levies, such as inheritance tax are defined as capital transfers. Several types of taxes are simultaneously seen as taxes on production and imports when imposed on producers and as taxes on income and wealth when imposed on consumers. For instance, motor vehicle tax is a tax on production when it is imposed on company cars and it is a tax on income and wealth and imports when it is imposed on cars for private use.
The treatment of dividend tax results from the recording of dividends. Because dividends are recorded gross, i.e. before deduction of dividend tax, dividend tax is in all cases recorded at the receiving sector. The same applies for the dividend tax to and from the rest of the world.
Transactions per capita
The compilations of the per capita data is based on the total value per household type divided by the number of persons of that household type per region.
Secondary distribution of income account
The distribution of secondary income account shows the redistribution of income. The consequence of government policy on disposable income of household groups is shown here. The balancing item is disposable income by household group.
Uses are transactions appear which deduces the economic value of sectors.

Total current taxes on income and wealth
Current taxes on income and wealth of corporations consist of corporation tax and dividend tax. These taxes are based on the profits of corporations.
Current taxes on income and wealth of households include all taxes, which are periodically imposed on income and wealth, such as the income tax, the wage tax and the tax on net wealth of individuals. Non-periodical levies, such as inheritance tax are defined as capital transfers. Several types of taxes are simultaneously seen as taxes on production and imports when imposed on producers and as taxes on income and wealth when imposed on consumers. For instance, motor vehicle tax is a tax on production when it is imposed on company cars and it is a tax on income and wealth and imports when it is imposed on cars for private use.
The treatment of dividend tax results from the recording of dividends. Because dividends are recorded gross, i.e. before deduction of dividend tax, dividend tax is in all cases recorded at the receiving sector. The same applies for the dividend tax to and from the rest of the world.