Fixed capital formation; type of capital good, region, National Accounts

Fixed capital formation; type of capital good, region, National Accounts

Regions Periods Total fixed capital formation (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Dwelling stock (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Industrial buildings (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Civil engineering (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Transport (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Machinery and equipment (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Cultivated biological resources (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Transfer costs of ground (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Computers software and databases (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Research and development (million euros)
The Netherlands 2021 189,208 47,968 26,467 19,246 14,546 21,041 230 4,058 26,203 14,660
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2021 15,985 3,899 2,712 1,860 823 2,126 71 296 1,881 1,068
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2021 34,910 8,382 5,543 4,048 2,586 4,030 33 708 4,412 2,576
West-Nederland (LD) 2021 101,176 26,495 12,209 10,651 8,994 10,034 81 2,270 14,656 7,756
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2021 36,973 9,191 6,004 2,652 2,143 4,812 45 784 5,213 3,260
Extra-Regio (LD) 2021 165 0 0 34 1 40 0 0 40 1
Groningen (PV) 2021 6,360 886 1,494 868 425 875 4 98 762 397
Fryslân (PV) 2021 5,621 1,783 775 520 233 693 37 114 652 403
Drenthe (PV) 2021 4,004 1,231 443 471 165 557 30 84 468 268
Overijssel (PV) 2021 10,738 2,644 1,555 1,022 576 1,657 8 216 1,415 846
Flevoland (PV) 2021 4,701 853 871 640 948 372 2 73 416 234
Gelderland (PV) 2021 19,471 4,885 3,116 2,386 1,062 2,000 23 418 2,581 1,496
Utrecht (PV) 2021 17,349 3,938 1,684 2,111 2,640 1,317 5 382 2,746 1,216
Noord-Holland (PV) 2021 35,991 8,543 3,973 2,963 3,775 3,161 21 989 6,083 2,984
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2021 42,756 12,389 5,447 5,111 2,417 4,889 51 824 5,430 3,228
Zeeland (PV) 2021 5,080 1,625 1,105 466 162 666 3 76 396 328
Noord-Brabant (PV) 2021 26,568 6,385 4,406 1,794 1,784 3,259 36 571 3,871 2,348
Limburg (PV) 2021 10,405 2,807 1,598 859 359 1,553 9 213 1,342 912
Oost-Groningen (CR) 2021 653 110 60 79 38 136 1 18 97 62
Delfzijl en omgeving (CR) 2021 831 311 125 66 67 145 0 6 41 50
Overig Groningen (CR) 2021 4,876 465 1,309 724 319 595 2 74 624 285
Noord-Friesland (CR) 2021 2,910 1,007 330 378 108 305 33 55 330 182
Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2021 1,223 453 170 55 51 195 2 25 106 86
Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2021 1,488 323 275 86 74 193 2 34 216 134
Noord-Drenthe (CR) 2021 1,731 541 176 259 53 228 23 35 192 93
Zuidoost-Drenthe (CR) 2021 1,076 306 122 68 55 194 2 25 129 91
Zuidwest-Drenthe (CR) 2021 1,197 384 145 144 57 135 5 24 147 84
Noord-Overijssel (CR) 2021 4,047 769 527 517 194 827 4 74 508 295
Zuidwest-Overijssel (CR) 2021 1,231 435 190 57 56 114 1 29 166 103
Twente (CR) 2021 5,461 1,440 838 448 326 715 3 113 741 449
Veluwe (CR) 2021 7,044 1,788 1,247 720 430 675 6 151 953 581
Achterhoek (CR) 2021 3,354 1,076 553 259 143 370 9 73 381 272
Arnhem/Nijmegen (CR) 2021 7,009 1,682 1,038 1,146 267 670 3 143 972 459
Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2021 2,064 338 278 261 221 285 4 51 276 183
Utrecht (CR) 2021 17,349 3,938 1,684 2,111 2,640 1,317 5 382 2,746 1,216
Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2021 4,310 1,228 752 538 152 749 10 73 342 203
Alkmaar en omgeving (CR) 2021 2,142 723 268 236 137 162 3 57 259 135
IJmond (CR) 2021 1,540 379 116 117 71 332 5 40 203 166
Agglomeratie Haarlem (CR) 2021 1,970 709 237 270 119 105 0 67 222 102
Zaanstreek (CR) 2021 1,215 343 147 81 48 181 0 34 167 127
Groot-Amsterdam (CR) 2021 22,688 4,347 2,227 1,628 3,184 1,504 2 642 4,591 2,058
Het Gooi en Vechtstreek (CR) 2021 2,126 813 225 93 64 127 1 76 300 194
Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek (CR) 2021 3,807 1,338 682 216 119 297 11 100 484 274
Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (CR) 2021 11,133 3,467 1,106 1,823 560 1,019 18 214 1,501 557
Delft en Westland (CR) 2021 2,170 406 324 164 121 327 4 61 360 188
Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2021 2,672 896 476 139 129 256 10 68 331 198
Groot-Rijnmond (CR) 2021 19,824 5,659 2,374 2,589 1,117 2,598 7 314 2,292 1,682
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2021 3,149 624 486 180 370 393 1 67 463 329
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2021 1,247 369 154 141 44 237 1 21 102 110
Overig Zeeland (CR) 2021 3,833 1,256 951 325 118 430 2 54 294 218
West-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2021 6,706 1,654 886 466 750 874 5 135 871 603
Midden-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2021 4,172 1,291 562 220 375 397 23 100 565 348
Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2021 7,257 1,822 1,327 693 296 804 4 149 942 579
Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2021 8,433 1,618 1,631 414 362 1,184 3 186 1,494 818
Noord-Limburg (CR) 2021 2,663 631 539 142 120 440 3 59 337 213
Midden-Limburg (CR) 2021 2,190 613 425 136 85 362 1 46 249 156
Zuid-Limburg (CR) 2021 5,551 1,563 633 581 154 751 5 108 756 543
Flevoland (CR) 2021 4,701 853 871 640 948 372 2 73 416 234
Utrecht-West (CP) 2021 1,159 380 124 39 60 175 2 31 144 96
Stadsgewest Amersfoort (CP) 2021 4,052 971 321 598 949 194 1 78 488 241
Stadsgewest Utrecht (CP) 2021 10,950 2,303 1,127 1,338 1,566 818 2 235 1,910 785
Zuidoost-Utrecht (CP) 2021 1,187 285 112 137 65 130 1 38 204 94
Amsterdam (CP) 2021 14,964 3,145 1,635 1,145 1,281 816 0 481 3,422 1,371
Overig Agglomeratie Amsterdam (CP) 2021 1,493 362 147 116 44 82 0 58 367 156
Edam-Volendam en omgeving (CP) 2021 1,205 578 148 83 48 99 1 29 94 62
Haarlemmermeer en omgeving (CP) 2021 5,025 261 296 284 1,812 507 1 75 707 469
Aggl.'s-Gravenhage excl. Zoetermeer (CP) 2021 10,372 3,376 1,024 1,714 533 942 17 190 1,301 478
Zoetermeer (CP) 2021 761 91 82 109 28 78 2 23 199 79
Rijnmond (CP) 2021 18,804 5,455 2,241 2,533 1,042 2,447 5 277 2,127 1,570
Overig Groot-Rijnmond (CP) 2021 1,020 204 133 56 75 151 1 37 164 112
Drechtsteden (CP) 2021 2,198 425 368 132 274 263 0 42 318 216
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CP) 2021 951 199 117 47 97 129 1 25 145 113
Stadsgewest 's-Hertogenbosch (CP) 2021 3,939 971 678 561 147 367 1 74 500 255
Overig Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CP) 2021 3,318 851 650 132 149 437 3 76 441 323
Almere (CP) 2021 2,870 558 394 477 860 111 0 36 203 100
Flevoland-Midden (CP) 2021 1,075 91 228 134 61 173 1 25 148 89
Noordoostpolder en Urk (CP) 2021 755 204 249 29 26 89 1 12 65 45
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region.
This table concerns regional figures on fixed capital formation (gross) by type of capital good.
The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets).

The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union.
It is in use for the year 2008 onwards.

Data available from: 1995.

Status of the figures:
Data of the years 1995 to 2021 are final.

Changes as of 25th October 2023:
The final reporting year 2021 has been added.

When will new figures be published?
Final data will be published in December 2024.

Description topics

Total fixed capital formation
Total fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Dwelling stock
Buildings that are used entirely or primarily as residences, including any associated structures, such as garages, and all permanent fixtures customarily installed in residences. Houseboats, barges, mobile homes and caravans used as principal residences of households are also included, as are public monuments identified primarily as dwellings. Costs of site clearance and preparation are also included. Examples include residential buildings, such as one- and two-dwelling buildings and other residential buildings intended for non-transient occupancy. Uncompleted dwellings are included to the extent that the ultimate user is deemed to have taken ownership, either because the construction is on own- account or as evidenced by the existence of a contract of sale/purchase. Dwellings acquired for military personnel are included because they are used, as are dwellings acquired by civilian units, for the production of housing services. The value of dwellings is net of the value of land underlying dwellings, which is included in land if separately classified.
Industrial buildings
Buildings other than dwellings, including fixtures, facilities and equipment that are integral parts of the associated structures and costs of site clearance and preparation. Public monuments (see AN.1122) identified primarily as non-residential buildings are also included. Public monuments are identifiable because of particular historical, national, regional, local, religious or symbolic significance. They are described as public because they are accessible to the general public, not due to public sector ownership. Visitors are often charged for admission to them. Consumption of fixed capital on new monuments, or on major improvements to existing monuments, should be calculated on the assumption of appropriately long service lives. Other examples of buildings other than dwellings include warehouse and industrial buildings, commercial buildings, buildings for public entertainment, hotels, restaurants, educational buildings, health buildings.

Civil engineering
Structures other than residential structures, including the costs of the streets, sewers and site clearance and preparation. Also included are public monuments not classified as dwellings or buildings other than dwellings; shafts, tunnels and other structures associated with mining mineral and energy reserves; and the construction of sea-walls, dykes and flood barriers intended to improve land adjacent but not integral to them. Examples include highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways; bridges, elevated highways, tunnels and subways; waterways, harbours, dams and other waterworks; long-distance pipelines, communication and power lines; local pipelines and cables, ancillary works; constructions for mining and manufacture; and constructions for sport and recreation.
Equipment for moving people and objects. For examples motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, and other transport equipment.
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment including weapons systems.
Cultivated biological resources
Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units, as defined below. Immature cultivated assets are excluded unless produced for own use.
Transfer costs of ground
The costs of transfer of ownership of land.
Computers software and databases
Computer programs, program descriptions and supporting materials for both systems and applications software. Included are the initial development and subsequent extensions of software as well as acquisition of copies that are classified as computer software assets.
Files of data organised to permit resource-effective access and use of the data. For databases created exclusively for own use the valuation is estimated by costs.
Research and development
Consists of the value of expenditure on creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The value is determined in terms of the economic benefits expected in the future. Unless the value can be reasonably estimated it is, by convention, valued as the sum of the costs, including those of unsuccessful research and development. Research and development that will not provide a benefit to the owner is not classified as an asset and is instead recorded as intermediate consumption.