International trade; import and export value, SITC-1, countries, from 1917

International trade; import and export value, SITC-1, countries, from 1917

SITC Countries Periods Import value (mln euro) Export value (mln euro)
Total goods Total countries 2021 527,055 589,202
Total goods Europe (excluding the Netherlands) 2021 326,543 453,827
Total goods Africa 2021 13,494 16,882
Total goods America 2021 62,592 45,594
Total goods Asia 2021 118,727 62,078
Total goods Oceania 2021 2,687 4,400
Total goods Other 2021 3,012 6,422
Total goods Belgium 2021 52,095 62,683
Total goods China 2021 53,725 14,112
Total goods France 2021 18,627 47,429
Total goods Germany 2021 91,402 135,644
Total goods Indonesia 2021 3,221 864
Total goods Italy 2021 14,603 25,463
Total goods Japan 2021 7,943 4,292
Total goods Luxembourg 2021 1,198 1,568
Total goods Russia 2021 18,520 6,617
Total goods Saudi Arabia 2021 2,231 2,843
Total goods United Kingdom 2021 26,493 38,118
Total goods United States 2021 40,237 28,199
Total goods Belgium and Luxembourg (final year 1999) 2021
0 Food and live animals Total countries 2021 46,620 71,048
0 Food and live animals Europe (excluding the Netherlands) 2021 31,572 58,317
0 Food and live animals Africa 2021 4,245 2,316
0 Food and live animals America 2021 6,886 2,668
0 Food and live animals Asia 2021 3,568 7,219
0 Food and live animals Oceania 2021 321 520
0 Food and live animals Other 2021 29 7
0 Food and live animals Belgium 2021 6,925 8,860
0 Food and live animals China 2021 827 2,634
0 Food and live animals France 2021 3,159 6,165
0 Food and live animals Germany 2021 9,184 17,854
0 Food and live animals Indonesia 2021 422 114
0 Food and live animals Italy 2021 1,332 2,689
0 Food and live animals Japan 2021 87 579
0 Food and live animals Luxembourg 2021 62 113
0 Food and live animals Russia 2021 115 449
0 Food and live animals Saudi Arabia 2021 3 487
0 Food and live animals United Kingdom 2021 1,295 5,322
0 Food and live animals United States 2021 1,069 1,465
0 Food and live animals Belgium and Luxembourg (final year 1999) 2021
1 Beverages and tobacco Total countries 2021 4,549 6,430
1 Beverages and tobacco Europe (excluding the Netherlands) 2021 3,930 4,185
1 Beverages and tobacco Africa 2021 98 120
1 Beverages and tobacco America 2021 340 1,197
1 Beverages and tobacco Asia 2021 136 783
1 Beverages and tobacco Oceania 2021 45 118
1 Beverages and tobacco Other 2021 0 27
1 Beverages and tobacco Belgium 2021 853 574
1 Beverages and tobacco China 2021 19 154
1 Beverages and tobacco France 2021 620 515
1 Beverages and tobacco Germany 2021 817 789
1 Beverages and tobacco Indonesia 2021 6 2
1 Beverages and tobacco Italy 2021 326 .
1 Beverages and tobacco Japan 2021 37 64
1 Beverages and tobacco Luxembourg 2021 13 15
1 Beverages and tobacco Russia 2021 3 33
1 Beverages and tobacco Saudi Arabia 2021 0 17
1 Beverages and tobacco United Kingdom 2021 218 693
1 Beverages and tobacco United States 2021 124 812
1 Beverages and tobacco Belgium and Luxembourg (final year 1999) 2021
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Total countries 2021 20,056 29,161
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Europe (excluding the Netherlands) 2021 12,146 24,535
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Africa 2021 970 538
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... America 2021 5,136 1,320
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Asia 2021 1,180 2,650
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Oceania 2021 623 90
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Other 2021 0 28
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Belgium 2021 2,198 2,555
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... China 2021 481 1,039
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... France 2021 782 1,881
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Germany 2021 3,248 8,368
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Indonesia 2021 85 56
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Italy 2021 409 1,017
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Japan 2021 106 182
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Luxembourg 2021 44 67
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Russia 2021 256 587
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Saudi Arabia 2021 5 51
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... United Kingdom 2021 371 2,180
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... United States 2021 1,489 730
2 Crude materials, inedible, except f... Belgium and Luxembourg (final year 1999) 2021
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Total countries 2021 84,176 74,207
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Europe (excluding the Netherlands) 2021 59,430 53,313
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Africa 2021 5,999 6,859
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... America 2021 10,189 7,233
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Asia 2021 5,896 2,279
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Oceania 2021 252 50
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Other 2021 2,409 4,473
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Belgium 2021 7,875 11,203
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... China 2021 271 263
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... France 2021 1,076 5,017
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Germany 2021 6,075 23,082
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Indonesia 2021 138 1
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Italy 2021 964 .
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Japan 2021 22 8
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Luxembourg 2021 3 137
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Russia 2021 16,189 76
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Saudi Arabia 2021 1,719 274
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... United Kingdom 2021 9,619 3,649
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... United States 2021 7,841 4,170
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and relat... Belgium and Luxembourg (final year 1999) 2021
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains a time series with figures on international trade. In this table the Dutch import and export value is broken down into commodity categories (SITC sections), continents and a number of countries.

Data available: from 1917.

Status of the figures:
In this table all figures are final.

Changes as of December 19, 2022:
The figures for 2021 have been corrected. For May 2021, a small part of the source information was wrongly not included. This has been rectified in this version.

When will new figures be published?
The final annual figures will be published in the fourth quarter following the reporting year.

Description topics

Import value
Value of foreign-supplied goods to residents according to the International trade statistics. Imports from EU countries: the value of the goods including freight and insurance to the Dutch border. Imports from non-EU countries: the value including freight and insurance to the border of the European Union.
Export value
The value of goods supplied to foreign residents according to International trade statistics. This is the value including freight and insurance to the Dutch border.