Business Survey Netherlands; key figures 2016-2023

Business Survey Netherlands; key figures 2016-2023

Margins Sector/Branches Periods Turnover and selling prices Turnover next three months (%) Economic climate Economic climate next 3 months (%) Profitability Profitability last 3 months (%)
Value A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023 2nd quarter 14.8 -9.8 -16.3
Lower bound 95% confidence interval A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023 2nd quarter 6.6 -17.2 -24.2
Upper bound 95% confidence interval A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023 2nd quarter 23.0 -2.4 -8.4
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information (including uncertainty margins) about the opinion of Dutch entrepreneurs about developments, expectations and judgments regarding their business.
By means of a panel study insight is gained into the current situation, the future development and the judgments of the Dutch business community. As a result, it is possible to signal changes in optimism or pessimism at an early stage and thus to obtain an early indication of a possible trend change in the economic activities of the Dutch business community. The data can be broken down into business activities according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008). The questions submitted to the entrepreneurs relate among other things to production, turnover, prices, staff size, economic climate and profitability. In answering questions relating to developments in the past three months and to expectations for the next three months, entrepreneurs are asked to make a comparison with the preceding three-month period.

Status of the figures: All data are definite.

Data available from: 1st quarter 2016 - 2nd quarter 2023.

Changes as of July 27, 2023:
This table has been discontinued. The reason for this is the introduction of confidence margins in all related tables, making this table redundant.

When will new figures be published?
Does not apply.

Description topics

Turnover and selling prices
The weighted response rates to the questions:
- "Our turnover / marketing in the last three months increased
remained unchanged or decreased? "
- "Our turnover / marketing in the next three months will grow,
remain unchanged or decrease? "
Weighted response rates to the question:
- "Our total turnover will increase in the next year,
remain unchanged or decrease? "
- "Our foreign turnover / marketing in the last three months increased remained unchanged or decreased? "
- "Our foreign turnover will increase over the next three months,
remain unchanged or decrease? "
- "Our foreign turnover will increase in the next year,
remain unchanged or decrease? "
- "Our selling prices / rates over the next three months
will increase, remain unchanged or decrease? ".
Turnover next three months
The weighted response rate of producers with an expected increase in turnover minus the weighted response rate of producers with an expected decrease in turnover. This balance shows the expected development of turnover in the next three months.
Economic climate
The weighted response rates on the statements:
- "The economic climate (business situation) for our business has improved, remained unchanged or declined in the last three months."
- "The economic climate (business situation) in the next three months for our company is expected to improve, remain unchanged or decline? "
Economic climate next 3 months
The weighted response rate of producers indicating that
the economic climate (business situation) in the next three months will improve minus the weighted response rate that it will decline.
This balance represents the expected development of the economic climate over the next three months compared with the previous three months.
Profitability last 3 months
The weighted response rate of producers indicating that
the profitability in the last three months has improved minus the
weighted response rate that it has declined.
This balance represents the development of the profitability over
the last three months compared with the previous three months.