Labour income share, economic activity; National Accounts 1995-2022

Labour income share, economic activity; National Accounts 1995-2022

Branches Periods Labour income share (%) Compensation of employees (mln euro) Imputed labour income (mln euro) Net operating surplus (mln euro) Remuneration of labour (mln euro) Remuneration of labour and capital (mln euro)
A-U All economic activities 2022* 74.6 451,678 76,583 256,296 528,261 707,974
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2022* 100.8 4,155 5,836 5,755 9,991 9,910
B Mining and quarrying 2022* 5.2 885 18 16,334 903 17,219
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2022* 51.7 56,132 7,558 67,110 63,690 123,242
C Manufacturing 2022* 59.5 50,117 4,811 42,236 54,928 92,353
D Energy supply 2022* 54.9 2,656 2,514 6,759 5,170 9,415
E Water supply and waste management 2022* 63.2 2,474 215 1,781 2,689 4,255
F Construction 2022* 85.7 21,812 10,080 15,398 31,892 37,210
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering 2022* 66.0 88,647 17,199 71,634 105,846 160,281
G Wholesale and retail trade 2022* 60.7 56,957 8,716 51,166 65,673 108,123
H Transportation and storage 2022* 69.8 22,576 2,354 13,126 24,930 35,702
I Accommodation and food serving 2022* 92.6 9,114 6,129 7,342 15,243 16,456
J Information and communication 2022* 79.9 25,442 2,746 9,849 28,188 35,291
K Financial institutions 2022* 59.1 20,858 360 15,059 21,218 35,917
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2022* 22.9 4,324 1,968 23,137 6,292 27,461
M-N Business services 2022* 85.2 82,446 16,076 33,190 98,522 115,636
M Other specialised business services 2022* 87.0 46,650 11,221 19,863 57,871 66,513
N Renting and other business support 2022* 82.8 35,796 4,855 13,327 40,651 49,123
O-Q Government and care 2022* 99.3 136,227 9,656 10,651 145,883 146,878
O Public administration and services 2022* 100.0 41,069 0 0 41,069 41,069
P Education 2022* 102.1 32,405 1,849 1,129 34,254 33,534
Q Health and social work activities 2022* 97.6 62,753 7,807 9,522 70,560 72,275
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 2022* 103.7 11,635 5,104 4,513 16,739 16,148
R Culture, sports and recreation 2022* 104.7 4,966 2,622 2,284 7,588 7,250
S Other service activities 2022* 103.2 5,655 2,482 2,229 8,137 7,884
T Activities of households 2022* 100.0 1,014 0 0 1,014 1,014
U Extraterritorial organisations 2022* . . . . . .
68A Imp. rents owner-occupided dwellings 2022* 0.0 0 0 12,213 0 12,213
68B Real estate excl. imputed rents 2022* 41.3 4,324 1,968 10,924 6,292 15,248
A-U (excl. O and P) 2022* 71.5 378,204 74,734 255,167 452,938 633,371
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2022* 73.7 289,384 64,581 191,115 353,965 480,499
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents data on the labour income share and the components used to calculate it. The labour income share is a measure of the distribution of earned income between providers of labour (employees and the self-employed) and providers of capital.

Data available from: 1995.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2020 are final. Data of 2021 and 2022 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, provisional data will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Labour income share
The share of compensation of labor (employees and self-employed) in the total earned income of a country.
Compensation of employees
The total compensation, in cash or in kind, due by an employer to an employee for the work performed during a reporting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the total of wages and social contributions at the expense of employers.
Imputed labour income
Imputed labour income by self-employed and family workers.
Net operating surplus
The surplus that remains after compensation of employees and taxes less subsidies on production and imports have been subtracted from the sum of value added at basic prices. For the self-employed (who are part of the sector households) the surplus is called mixed income, it is partly a reward for their entrepreneurship compensation for their labour.
Remuneration of labour
Remuneration of labour and capital