Labour income share, economic activity; National Accounts 1995-2022

Labour income share, economic activity; National Accounts 1995-2022

Branches Periods Labour income share (%) Compensation of employees (mln euro) Imputed labour income (mln euro) Net operating surplus (mln euro) Remuneration of labour (mln euro) Remuneration of labour and capital (mln euro)
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1995 81.3 110,464 20,873 51,060 131,337 161,524
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1996 81.1 115,335 21,674 53,683 137,009 169,018
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1997 79.1 122,193 23,869 62,427 146,062 184,620
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1998 77.8 131,434 24,853 69,578 156,287 201,012
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1999 78.7 142,054 26,370 71,899 168,424 213,953
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2000 79.5 154,413 28,265 75,492 182,678 229,905
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2001 78.0 161,436 30,556 84,632 191,992 246,068
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2002 78.1 165,935 30,487 85,471 196,422 251,406
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2003 78.8 167,755 30,264 83,385 198,019 251,140
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2004 77.2 169,146 29,809 88,405 198,955 257,551
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2005 75.0 171,095 30,686 97,775 201,781 268,870
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2006 73.6 176,874 33,173 108,372 210,047 285,246
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2007 72.5 187,754 34,820 119,331 222,574 307,085
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2008 74.1 199,256 35,021 116,740 234,277 315,996
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2009 78.0 199,734 33,401 99,330 233,135 299,064
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2010 77.2 196,296 34,118 102,308 230,414 298,604
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2011 77.5 201,985 35,117 103,837 237,102 305,822
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2012 78.9 204,649 35,215 99,319 239,864 303,968
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2013 79.1 203,635 35,960 99,457 239,595 303,092
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2014 78.7 206,636 37,810 103,806 244,446 310,442
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2015 76.2 209,640 41,150 119,321 250,790 328,961
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2016 76.1 217,513 43,583 125,771 261,096 343,284
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2017 75.3 226,961 46,059 135,816 273,020 362,777
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2018 75.5 239,835 48,676 142,165 288,511 382,000
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2019 75.4 252,106 51,080 150,214 303,186 402,320
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2020 77.0 256,156 51,698 143,505 307,854 399,661
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2021* 73.3 267,398 58,413 176,812 325,811 444,210
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2022* 73.7 289,384 64,581 191,115 353,965 480,499
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table presents data on the labour income share and the components used to calculate it. The labour income share is a measure of the distribution of earned income between providers of labour (employees and the self-employed) and providers of capital.

Data available from: 1995.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2020 are final. Data of 2021 and 2022 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, provisional data will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Labour income share
The share of compensation of labor (employees and self-employed) in the total earned income of a country.
Compensation of employees
The total compensation, in cash or in kind, due by an employer to an employee for the work performed during a reporting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the total of wages and social contributions at the expense of employers.
Imputed labour income
Imputed labour income by self-employed and family workers.
Net operating surplus
The surplus that remains after compensation of employees and taxes less subsidies on production and imports have been subtracted from the sum of value added at basic prices. For the self-employed (who are part of the sector households) the surplus is called mixed income, it is partly a reward for their entrepreneurship compensation for their labour.
Remuneration of labour
Remuneration of labour and capital