Government; Taxes and social contributions

Government; Taxes and social contributions

Taxes and social contributions Periods Taxes and social contributions (million euros)
Total taxes and social contributions 2024 1st quarter* 103,677
Total taxes 2024 1st quarter* 73,674
Corporate income tax 2024 1st quarter* 10,707
Personal income tax 2024 1st quarter* 8,922
Value added tax (VAT) 2024 1st quarter* 19,298
Wage tax 2024 1st quarter* 18,214
Total excise duties 2024 1st quarter* 2,935
Excise duties on beer 2024 1st quarter* 97
Excise duties on gasoline 2024 1st quarter* 1,148
Excise duties on intermediate alc.drinks 2024 1st quarter* 5
Excise duties on other alcoholic drinks 2024 1st quarter* 79
Excise duties on other mineral oils 2024 1st quarter* 813
Excise duties on tobacco products 2024 1st quarter* 725
Excise duties on wine 2024 1st quarter* 68
Advertising tax 2024 1st quarter* 9
Air travel tax 2024 1st quarter* 148
Animal wellbeing tax 2024 1st quarter* 3
Bank levies (regular) 2024 1st quarter* 152
Bank levies (resolution tax) 2024 1st quarter* 0
Benefit tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Betting and lottery tax 2024 1st quarter* 255
Business investment zone tax 2024 1st quarter* 6
Chamber of Commerce contribution 2024 1st quarter* 0
Civil aviation noise pollution tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Coal tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Commuter tax 2024 1st quarter* 11
Deposit guarantee scheme tax 2024 1st quarter* 143
Dividend tax 2024 1st quarter* 1,397
Dog-license tax 2024 1st quarter* 7
Emission permits 2024 1st quarter* 290
Employer payroll tax 2024 1st quarter* 57
Energy tax 2024 1st quarter* 2,833
Groundwater and landfill tax provinces 2024 1st quarter* 4
Groundwater tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Inheritance and gift tax 2024 1st quarter* 648
Insurance premium tax 2024 1st quarter* 1,328
Levies on real estate developers 2024 1st quarter* 10
Levies on stocks of petroleum products 2024 1st quarter* 33
Motor vehicle tax 2024 1st quarter* 1,698
Packaging tax 2024 1st quarter* 109
Passenger car and motorcycle 2024 1st quarter* 433
Public Corporate Organisations levies 2024 1st quarter* 0
Real estate tax 2024 1st quarter* 1,376
Real estate transfer tax 2024 1st quarter* 765
Rental housing tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Resolution levy on social housing corp. 2024 1st quarter* 0
Sewage charges 2024 1st quarter* 501
Solidarity contribution 2024 1st quarter* 0
Surplus manure tax 2024 1st quarter* 6
Sustainable energy surcharge 2024 1st quarter* -10
Tap water tax 2024 1st quarter* 83
Tax on non-alcoholic drinks 2024 1st quarter* 139
Tax on raising of equity capital 2024 1st quarter* 0
Tax revenue from Caribbean Netherlands 2024 1st quarter* 38
Tourist tax 2024 1st quarter* 96
Waste disposal charges 2024 1st quarter* 64
Wastewater treatment charge 2024 1st quarter* 443
Water system charge 2024 1st quarter* 515
Wealth tax 2024 1st quarter* 0
Withholding tax on interest, royalties 2024 1st quarter* 20
Other taxes 2024 1st quarter* -12
Total social contributions 2024 1st quarter* 30,003
Childcare Act 2024 1st quarter* 381
Compulsory Health Insurance Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
Disability Benefits Fund 2024 1st quarter* 5,608
Disability Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
Exceptional Medical Health Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
Executive Fund of the Government 2024 1st quarter* 149
General Disability Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
General Family Allowance Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
General Old Age Pensions Fund 2024 1st quarter* 4,645
General Surviving Relatives Fund 2024 1st quarter* 30
General Unemployment Fund 2024 1st quarter* 2,236
Health Care Insurance Fund 2024 1st quarter* 13,528
Long-term Care Fund 2024 1st quarter* 2,932
Resumption of Work Fund 2024 1st quarter* 494
Sector Funds 2024 1st quarter* 0
Self-Employed Persons Disability Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
Sickness Fund 2024 1st quarter* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table contains information on the taxes and social contributions collected by the general government sector. The terms and definitions used are in accordance with the framework of the National Accounts. The National Accounts are based on the international definitions of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). The taxes and social contributions are not categorised according to the ESA but broken down into national schemes. The time of recording is in congruence with the accrual principle. Small temporary differences with publications of National Accounts may occur due to the fact that government finance statistics are sometimes more up to date.

Data available from:
Yearly figures from 1995, quarterly figures for the taxes from 2008 and quarterly figures for the social contributions from 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the period 1995-2021 are final. The quarterly figures for 2022 are provisional. The annual figures for 2022 are final. The figures for 2023 and 2024 are provisional.

Changes as of 24 June 2024:
The figures for the first quarter of 2024 are available.
The quarterly figures for 2021 and the annual figures for 2022 are final now.
In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 and the quarterly figures from 1999 have been revised.
The Withholding tax on interest and royalties and Levies on real estate developers have been added. The Withholding tax on interest and royalties was previously part of Other taxes.

When will new figures be published?
Initial quarterly figures are published three months after the end of the quarter. In September the figures on the first quarter are revised, in December the figures on the second quarter are revised and in March the first three quarters are revised. Yearly figures are published for the first time three months after the end of the year concerned. Yearly figures are revised two times: 6 and 18 months after the end of the year. Please note that there is a possibility that adjustments might take place at the end of March or September, in order to provide the European Commission with the most actual figures. Revised yearly figures are published in June each year. Quarterly figures are aligned to the three revised years at the end of June.
More information on the revision policy of National Accounts can be found under 'relevant articles' under paragraph 3.

Description topics

Taxes and social contributions
Taxes and social contributions received by the general government sector.

Taxes: compulsory unrequited transactions that are levied by the general government sector. Taxes can be classified into on production and imports, current taxes on income and wealth and capital taxes.

Social contributions: compulsory and voluntary contributions to social security schemes, paid by employers, employees, the self-employed and inactive persons.