Government debt; debt instruments, counterpart sector, valuation, sectors

Government debt; debt instruments, counterpart sector, valuation, sectors

Institutional sectors Debt instruments Counterpart sectors Face value and market value Periods Total government debt (million euros)
General government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 79,155
General government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 74,526
General government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
General government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
General government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
General government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
General government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,660
General government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,645
General government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 73,484
General government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 68,863
General government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,520
General government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,522
General government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 491
General government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 496
Central government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 78,237
Central government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 73,607
Central government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Central government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Central government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Central government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Central government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,660
Central government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,645
Central government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 73,422
Central government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 68,805
Central government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,140
Central government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,142
Central government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 15
Central government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 15
The State Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 78,237
The State Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 73,607
The State AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
The State AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
The State AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
The State AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
The State AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,660
The State AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,645
The State AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 73,422
The State AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 68,805
The State AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 2,140
The State AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 2,142
The State AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 15
The State AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 15
Local government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 918
Local government Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 919
Local government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter*
Local government AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter*
Local government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter*
Local government AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter*
Local government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Local government AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Local government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 62
Local government AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 58
Local government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 380
Local government AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 380
Local government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 476
Local government AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 481
Social security funds Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds Government debt (EMU) Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter*
Social security funds AF22 Transferable deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter*
Social security funds AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter*
Social security funds AF29 Other deposits Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter*
Social security funds AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF31 Short-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF32 Long-term debt securities Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF41 Short-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Face value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Social security funds AF42 Long-term loans Insurance corporations and pension funds Market value 2024 1st quarter* 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on general government debt.
Debt is broken down into debt instruments and counterpart sectors (debt holders). Government debt is presented at face value (redemption value of debt) as well as market value (value at which debt can be traded). General government debt according to the Maastricht-definitions relevant in the Stability and Growth Pact is valued at face value, whereas the market value is applied in national accounts.
Government debt denominated in euros as well as debt denominated in foreign currency are separately disclosed. Foreign currency debt is valued at prevailing currency exchange rate.
The figures are consolidated which means that flows between units that belong to the same sector of general government are eliminated. As a result, the debt of subsectors do not add up to total debt of general government. For example, debt of the State to social security funds is part of debt of the State. However, it is not included in the consolidated debt of general government, because it is debt of general government to general government.
The terms and definitions used are in accordance with the framework of the national accounts. National accounts are based on the international definitions of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). Small temporary differences in this table with publications of the Dutch national accounts may occur due to the fact that the Dutch government finance statistics are sometimes more up to date.

Data available from:
Yearly figures from 1995, quarterly figures from 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the period 1995-2022 are final. The figures for 2023 and 2024 are provisional.

Changes as of 24 June 2024:
Figures on the first quarter of 2024 are available.
The figures for 2022 are final.
In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 and the quarterly figures from 1999 have been revised.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional quarterly figures are published three months after the end of the quarter. In September the figures on the first quarter may be revised, in December the figures on the second quarter may be revised and in March the first three quarters may be revised. Yearly figures are published for the first time three months after the end of the year concerned. Yearly figures are revised two times: 6 and 18 months after the end of the year. Please note that there is a possibility that adjustments might take place at the end of March or September, in order to provide the European Commission with the latest figures. Revised yearly figures are published in June each year. Quarterly figures are aligned to revised years at the end of June. More information on the revision policy of Dutch national accounts and government finance statistics can be found under 'relevant articles' under paragraph 3.

Description topics

Total government debt
The consolidated debt of the general government sector excluding other accounts payable and debt on financial derivatives. Government debt according to the EMU definition consists of the following debt instruments: deposits, short term debt securities, long term debt securities, short term loans and long term loans. The government debt (or Maastricht debt) is one of the elements of the Stability and Growth Pact.