Income distribution of households; National Accounts

Income distribution of households; National Accounts

Characteristics of households Periods Total amount Resources Compensation of employees Employers' social contributions (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Total (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Employers' imputed social contributions (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Social benefits in cash Total (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Social benefits in cash Social sec. non-pension benefits in cash (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Social benefits in cash Other social insurance benefits (million euros) Total amount Resources Social contributions and benefits Social benefits in cash Social assistance benefits in cash (million euros) Total amount Resources Social transfers in kind (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Total (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Other social insurance benefits (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Net social contributions Total (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Net social contributions Employers' actual social contributions (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Net social contributions Employers' imputed social contributions (million euros) Total amount Uses Social contributions and benefits Net social contributions Households' actual social contributions (million euros)
Total 2021* 89,244 148,103 348 147,755 59,357 62,621 25,777 158,566 197,450 348 197,102 72,534 16,710 84,325
Disposable income: 1st 20%-group 2021* 1,737 23,670 6 23,664 10,533 1,994 11,137 31,483 9,883 6 9,877 1,412 325 7,233
Disposable income: 2nd 20%-group 2021* 7,133 33,428 13 33,415 18,024 9,265 6,126 35,306 19,202 13 19,189 5,798 1,336 10,393
Disposable income: 3rd 20%-group 2021* 16,947 32,053 25 32,028 13,710 14,417 3,901 33,060 36,725 25 36,700 13,774 3,173 15,672
Disposable income: 4th 20%-group 2021* 27,206 30,296 49 30,247 9,957 17,514 2,776 31,047 55,269 49 55,220 22,112 5,094 21,437
Disposable income: 5th 20%-group 2021* 36,221 28,656 255 28,401 7,133 19,431 1,837 27,670 76,371 255 76,116 29,438 6,782 29,590
Type: Single man 2021* 9,010 18,219 35 18,184 7,539 6,880 3,765 12,564 20,744 35 20,709 7,323 1,687 9,650
Type: Single woman 2021* 5,899 25,831 14 25,817 13,047 9,374 3,396 22,406 16,785 14 16,771 4,795 1,105 8,319
Type: One-parent family 2021* 5,273 9,644 17 9,627 2,179 2,150 5,298 13,389 10,730 17 10,713 4,286 987 4,794
Type: Couple, with child(ren) 2021* 43,017 26,484 179 26,305 6,712 11,040 8,553 59,713 81,049 179 80,870 34,962 8,054 31,881
Type: Couple, no children 2021* 22,970 59,526 87 59,439 26,395 30,867 2,177 38,539 60,893 87 60,806 18,669 4,301 25,838
Other types of households 2021* 3,075 8,399 16 8,383 3,485 2,310 2,588 11,955 7,249 16 7,233 2,499 576 3,843
Source of income: mixed income 2021* 3,117 6,938 273 6,665 2,641 2,147 1,877 15,129 14,074 273 13,801 2,533 584 8,791
Source of income: compensation of employ 2021* 84,667 39,799 62 39,737 9,105 21,616 9,016 75,655 152,093 62 152,031 68,814 15,853 55,045
Source of income: old age benefits 2021* 556 77,473 9 77,464 38,072 37,700 1,692 50,635 22,700 9 22,691 452 104 13,078
Source of income: other 2021* 904 23,893 4 23,889 9,539 1,158 13,192 17,147 8,583 4 8,579 735 169 7,411
Main earner: to 35 years 2021* 19,317 11,254 52 11,202 1,705 3,761 5,736 22,144 32,513 52 32,461 15,700 3,617 14,076
Main earner: 35 to 50 years 2021* 32,075 21,239 129 21,110 4,910 7,045 9,155 44,008 58,601 129 58,472 26,070 6,006 23,803
Main earner: 50 to 65 years 2021* 35,700 33,842 138 33,704 11,295 13,851 8,558 37,748 79,448 138 79,310 29,015 6,684 31,490
Main earner: 65 years or older 2021* 2,152 81,768 29 81,739 41,447 37,964 2,328 54,666 26,888 29 26,859 1,749 403 14,956
Home ownership: Owner-occupied home 2021* 67,329 89,224 270 88,954 33,536 47,701 7,717 92,350 147,491 270 147,221 54,723 12,607 58,256
Home ownership: Rent with rent subsidy 2021* 3,100 26,249 12 26,237 11,226 2,848 12,163 29,028 9,955 12 9,943 2,519 580 7,126
Home ownership: Rent: no rent subsidy 2021* 18,255 28,120 65 28,055 12,681 11,112 4,262 30,306 38,165 65 38,100 14,837 3,418 17,578
Home ownership: Other 2021* 560 4,510 1 4,509 1,914 960 1,635 6,882 1,839 1 1,838 455 105 1,365
Net worth: 1st 20%-group 2021* 8,145 17,242 4 17,238 5,131 1,737 10,370 26,346 15,406 4 15,402 6,620 1,525 8,447
Net worth: 2nd 20%-group 2021* 12,486 24,591 16 24,575 12,457 5,378 6,740 30,117 24,559 16 24,543 10,148 2,338 12,199
Net worth: 3rd 20%-group 2021* 20,533 24,908 46 24,862 12,038 9,198 3,626 31,696 39,636 46 39,590 16,688 3,845 16,999
Net worth: 4th 20%-group 2021* 23,075 31,496 86 31,410 14,063 14,416 2,931 35,403 48,950 86 48,864 18,754 4,321 20,406
Net worth: 5th 20%-group 2021* 25,005 49,866 196 49,670 15,668 31,892 2,110 35,004 68,899 196 68,703 20,324 4,681 26,274
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table describes the income distribution of the sector households in the national accounts over different household groups. Households are identified by main source of income, living situation, household composition, age classes of the head of the household, income class by 20% groups, and net worth class by 20% groups.

Data available from: 2015.

Status of the figures:
All data are provisional.

Changes as of October 19th 2023:
The figures of 2015-2020 are revised, because national accounts figures are changed due to the revision policy of Statistics Netherlands. Results for 2021 are added to the table.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will be released in October 2024.

Description topics

Total amount
Resources are transactions which add to the economic value of sectors.
Compensation of employees
The compensation of employees is the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during an accounting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the sum of wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Employers' social contributions
Employers' social contributions are social contributions payable by employers to social security schemes or other employment-related social insurance schemes to secure social benefits for their employees. Employer's social contributions may be either actual or imputed. As set out by the ESA 2010, pay over periods in which no work is done due to illness or bad weather is registered as part of employers' social contributions.
Social contributions and benefits
Social contributions and benefits are transfers to households, in cash or in kind, intended to relieve them from the financial burden of a number of risks or needs, made through collectively organized schemes, or outside such schemes by government units and NPISHs; they include payments from general government to producers which individually benefit households and which are made in the context of social risks or needs.
Social benefits are transfers to households, intended to relieve them from the financial burden of a number of risks or needs, such as sickness, invalidity, disability, old age, survivors and unemployment.
Employers' imputed social contributions
Imputed social contributions represent the counterpart to the 'unfunded employee social benefits' (less any employees' social contributions) paid directly by employers to their (former) employees. It is necessary to introduce this imputation because the direct payments are recorded twice. Firstly they are recorded as employers' social contributions (part of the compensation of employees). Secondly they are recorded as social benefits.
Social benefits in cash
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind is made up of three sub-headings:
- social security benefits in cash
- other social insurance benefits
- social assistance benefits in cash.
Social sec. non-pension benefits in cash
Social security non-pension benefits in cash.
Other social insurance benefits
Other private social insurance benefits are benefits paid by employers out of special reserves, which are segregated from their other reserves.
Social assistance benefits in cash
Social assistance benefits are payments of the central and local government to households, for which no quid pro quo by the beneficiary is expected. These benefits are based on a number of Dutch laws, such as the Act on Labor and Social Assistance.
Social transfers in kind
Social transfers in kind consist of individual goods and services provided for free or at prices that are not economically significant to individual households by government units and NPISHs, whether purchased on the market or produced as non-market output by government units or NPISHs. They are financed out of taxation, other government income or social security contributions, or out of donations and property income in the case of NPISHs.
Uses are transactions appear which deduces the economic value of sectors.
Social contributions and benefits
Social contributions and benefits are transfers to households, in cash or in kind, intended to relieve them from the financial burden of a number of risks or needs, made through collectively organized schemes, or outside such schemes by government units and NPISHs; they include payments from general government to producers which individually benefit households and which are made in the context of social risks or needs.
Social benefits are transfers to households, intended to relieve them from the financial burden of a number of risks or needs, such as sickness, invalidity, disability, old age, survivors and unemployment.
Net social contributions
Social contributions include social security contributions, private social contributions (among which contributions to pension schemes) and imputed social contributions. Employers, employees, self-employed persons and non-active persons pay these contributions. Actually, the employers' part is paid directly to the insurers. However, in the national accounts, the employers' contributions are supposed to be part of primary income of households (i.e. the income from direct participation in the production process). Therefore, in first instance these contributions are treated as payments by employers to households as compensation of employees, who are deemed to pay them to the insurers in the income account.
Employers' actual social contributions
Payments by employers, enforced by laws or (collective) labor agreement, in order to make social benefits possible.
Employers' imputed social contributions
Imputed social contributions represent the counterpart to the 'unfunded employee social benefits' (less any employees' social contributions) paid directly by employers to their (former) employees. It is necessary to introduce this imputation because the direct payments are recorded twice. Firstly they are recorded as employers' social contributions (part of the compensation of employees). Secondly they are recorded as social benefits.
Households' actual social contributions
Households' actual social contributions are social contributions payable on their own behalf by employees, self-employed or non-employed persons to social insurance schemes.
Other social insurance benefits
Other private social insurance benefits are benefits paid by employers out of special reserves, which are segregated from their other reserves.