Key figures by sector; National Accounts, 1995-Q4 2023

Table explanation

This table presents a number of key figures of the sector accounts. These main indicators provide the most important information on the total economy and on the main institutional sectors of the economy: non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households and the rest of the world.

Data available from:
Annual figures from 1995.
Quarterly figures from first quarter 1999.

Status of the figures:
The figures from 1995 up to and including 2020 are final. Data of 2021, 2022 and 2023 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, these data will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts.
This table contains revised data. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Households including NPISHs
Households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)

The households sector consists of individuals or groups of individuals as consumers and as entrepreneurs producing market goods and non-financial and financial services (market producers) provided that the production of goods and services is not by separate entities treated as quasi-corporations. It also includes individuals or groups of individuals as producers of goods and non-financial services for exclusively own final use.
The sector households includes all natural persons who are resident for more than one year in the Netherlands, irrespective of their nationality. On the other hand Dutch citizens who stay abroad for longer than one year do not belong to the Dutch sector households.
The sector households does not only cover independently living persons, but also persons in nursing homes, old people's homes, prisons, boarding schools, etc. If persons are entrepreneurs, their business also belongs to the sector households. This is the case for self-employed persons (one-man business). Large autonomous unincorporated enterprises (quasi-corporations) are included in the sector non-financial or financial corporations.

The non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) sector consists of non-profit institutions which are separate legal entities, which serve households and which are private non-market producers. Their principal resources are voluntary contributions in cash or in kind from households in their capacity as consumers, from payments made by general government and from property income.
Examples are religious organisations, charity organisations, political parties, trade unions and cultural, sports and recreational organisations.
Gross operating surplus and mixed income
The surplus that remains after compensation of employees and taxes less subsidies on production and imports have been subtracted from the sum of value added at basic prices. For the self-employed (who are part of the sector households) the surplus is called mixed income, it is partly a reward for their entrepreneurship compensation for their labour.

In the system of national accounts 'gross' means that consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) has not been subtracted. When it has, 'net' is used. Depreciation must be paid for from the gross operating surplus.
Mixed income
Mixed income is equal to the income earned by sole proprietors and other entrepreneurs personally liable for all gains and losses from their activities. The income earned has both an element of wage income as well as profit since the entrepreneur is both rewarded for the provided labour input as well as the undertaken risks. Included in mixed income are rentals received from letting real estate and income earned from black and illegal activities.
Gross disposable income
Disposable income is the balancing item of the secondary distribution of income account. It shows for each sector its disposable income, which remains after the redistribution of primary income by compulsory or non-compulsory current transfers between the sectors. Total disposable income of all resident units is called disposable national income, which is equal to national income plus net current transfers received from the rest of the world.
Real disposable income
Disposable income of a sector is the income that remains after redistribution of the primary income by compulsory or non-compulsory current transfers between sectors (taxes on income and capital, social premiums and benefits and other income transfers). Primary income is defined as income from compensation of employees, interest, dividends, taxes and subsidies on production and imports. Disposable income is spent on consumption and free savings.
Real disposable income is disposable income adjusted for the price changes in the consumer expenditure of households (including non-profit institutions serving households).
The percentage change of the real disposable income is calculated on the basis of moving annual totals. The real disposable income of a reporting quarter plus that of the previous three quarters is divided by the sum of real disposable income of the four corresponding quarters a year earlier. The percentage change for the fourth quarter is equal to the change for the year.

Adjusted disposable income
Adjusted disposable income is equal to disposable income of households including NPISH plus any income transfers in kind provided to households free of charge by general government or NPISH. This variable facilitates comparisons over time and across countries when there are differences or changes in economic and social conditions.
Final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By definition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefore classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government 'consumes its own production'. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.
Free / individual savings
The part of the disposable income of sector households including NPISHs that is not used for the final consumption expenditure. The sum of the free savings and the balance of capital transfers received is available for capital formation, investments in financial assets or debt repayment.
Savings ratio
The savings ratio equals the gross disposable income, adjusted for the net equity in pension funds reserves, minus the consumption expenditure divided by the gross disposable income, adjusted for the net equity in pension funds reserves.
Households' capital formation ratio
Households' capital formation ratio equals gross household capital formation divided by gross disposable income, adjusted for the net equity in pension funds reserves.
Savings deposits and other deposits
Savings deposits and other deposits are all the savings of individuals and deposits (in euros and foreign currency) at any resident and non-resident bank, which are not immediately transferable without restrictions.
Insurance, pension and guarantee schemes
Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes are divided into six subcategories:
- non-life insurance technical reserves
- life insurance and annuity entitlements
- pension entitlements
- claims of pension funds on pension managers
- entitlements to non-pension benefits
- provisions for calls under standardised guarantees
Pension entitlements and claims
Pension entitlements and claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
Pension entitlements comprise financial claims that current employees and former employees hold against either:
- their employers;
- a scheme designated by the employer to pay pensions as part of a compensation agreement between the employer and the employee
- an insurer.

Claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
For the Netherlands this category only relates to claims of pension funds on pension managers, entitlements to non-pension benefits don't occur here.
An employer may contract with a third party to look after the pension funds for his employees. If the employer continues to determine the terms of the pension schemes and retains the responsibility for any deficit in funding as well as the right to retain any excess funding, the employer is described as the pension manager and the unit working under the direction of the pension manger is described as the pension administrator. If the agreement between the employer and the third party is such that the employer passes the risks and responsibilities for any deficit in funding to the third part in return for the right of the third party to retain any excess, the third party becomes the pension manager as well as the administrator.
Home mortgages; closing balance
Total of the home mortgages at the end of the period. These are long-term loans with as collateral the property itself which is occupied by the private person.
Home mortgages; net lending
Acquisitions less disposals of home mortgages in a period. Home mortgages are long-term loans linked to dwellings owned by households. The dwellings serve as collateral.
Labour input of employees
The amount of labour that is deployed by employees in a given period. Employees are persons who during a reference period performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind. The volume of labour can be expressed in jobs, in full-time equivalent jobs or in labour hours worked.
Labour input of self-employed persons
The amount of labour that is deployed by self-employed persons in a specific time period. Self-employed persons are those who earn their income by performing labour on their own (company, profession) or who cooperate in the business of their family. The latter are not counted as self-employed if there is an employment contract.