Imports of goods and services by destination; NA, 2015-2022

Imports of goods and services by destination; NA, 2015-2022

Destination of imports Periods Value at current prices Imports of goods and services (million euros) Value at current prices Imports of goods (million euros) Value at current prices Imports of services (million euros) Value at prices of 2015 Imports of goods and services (million euros) Value at prices of 2015 Imports of goods (million euros) Value at prices of 2015 Imports of services (million euros) Volume changes on previous year Imports of goods and services (%) Volume changes on previous year Imports of goods (%) Volume changes on previous year Imports of services (%) Price indices Imports of goods and services (2015=100) Price indices Imports of goods (2015=100) Price indices Imports of services (2015=100)
A-U All economic activities 2015 233,084 134,076 99,008 233,084 134,076 99,008 . . . 100.0 100.0 100.0
A-U All economic activities 2016 230,135 130,452 99,683 239,041 138,963 100,078 2.6 3.6 1.1 96.3 93.9 99.6
A-U All economic activities 2017 253,370 144,201 109,169 253,433 144,109 109,139 6.0 3.7 9.1 100.0 100.1 100.0
A-U All economic activities 2018 278,394 156,271 122,123 269,841 149,796 119,850 6.5 3.9 9.8 103.2 104.3 101.9
A-U All economic activities 2019 275,620 154,672 120,948 267,304 151,044 116,003 -0.9 0.8 -3.2 103.1 102.4 104.3
A-U All economic activities 2020 255,680 137,339 118,341 257,679 145,607 111,824 -3.6 -3.6 -3.6 99.2 94.3 105.8
A-U All economic activities 2021 289,274 169,365 119,909 258,904 148,740 110,180 0.5 2.2 -1.5 111.7 113.9 108.8
A-U All economic activities 2022* 363,894 229,770 134,124 267,079 149,085 118,211 3.2 0.2 7.3 136.2 154.1 113.5
Total imports for final expenditure 2015 285,875 224,477 61,398 285,875 224,477 61,398 . . . 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total imports for final expenditure 2016 261,153 230,227 30,926 269,499 238,483 31,016 -5.7 6.2 -49.5 96.9 96.5 99.7
Total imports for final expenditure 2017 282,765 250,153 32,612 286,293 254,447 31,882 6.2 6.7 2.8 98.8 98.3 102.3
Total imports for final expenditure 2018 295,300 262,876 32,424 295,172 264,515 30,778 3.1 4.0 -3.5 100.0 99.4 105.3
Total imports for final expenditure 2019 315,328 280,998 34,330 316,063 284,305 31,948 7.1 7.5 3.8 99.8 98.8 107.5
Total imports for final expenditure 2020 286,705 264,946 21,759 297,435 278,272 20,202 -5.9 -2.1 -36.8 96.4 95.2 107.7
Total imports for final expenditure 2021 344,371 325,208 19,163 331,172 315,999 17,045 11.3 13.6 -15.6 104.0 102.9 112.4
Total imports for final expenditure 2022* 433,358 405,221 28,137 345,841 324,564 22,772 4.4 2.7 33.6 125.3 124.9 123.6
Total other items 2015 -365 -5,627 5,262 -365 -5,627 5,262 . . . 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total other items 2016 -244 -5,483 5,239 -200 -5,370 5,170 -45.2 -4.6 -1.7 122.0 102.1 101.3
Total other items 2017 28 -5,528 5,556 17 -5,344 5,405 -108.6 -0.5 4.5 162.7 103.5 102.8
Total other items 2018 138 -5,837 5,975 110 -5,518 5,727 539.3 3.3 6.0 125.4 105.8 104.3
Total other items 2019 411 -5,487 5,898 325 -5,056 5,518 195.7 -8.4 -3.6 126.3 108.5 106.9
Total other items 2020 819 -4,807 5,626 634 -4,301 5,116 94.9 -14.9 -7.3 129.2 111.8 110.0
Total other items 2021 586 -6,238 6,824 392 -5,457 6,006 -38.2 26.9 17.4 149.6 114.3 113.6
Total other items 2022* -2,044 -13,659 11,615 383 -5,638 6,177 -2.2 3.3 2.9 -533.6 242.2 188.0
Total imports 2015 518,594 352,926 165,668 518,594 352,926 165,668 . . . 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total imports 2016 491,044 355,196 135,848 508,340 372,076 136,264 -2.0 5.4 -17.7 96.6 95.5 99.7
Total imports 2017 536,163 388,826 147,337 539,806 393,308 146,421 6.2 5.7 7.5 99.3 98.9 100.6
Total imports 2018 573,832 413,310 160,522 565,302 408,894 156,275 4.7 4.0 6.7 101.5 101.1 102.7
Total imports 2019 591,359 430,183 161,176 583,579 430,123 153,447 3.2 5.2 -1.8 101.3 100.0 105.0
Total imports 2020 543,204 397,478 145,726 555,830 419,414 136,873 -4.8 -2.5 -10.8 97.7 94.8 106.5
Total imports 2021 634,231 488,335 145,896 590,029 459,071 132,965 6.2 9.5 -2.9 107.5 106.4 109.7
Total imports 2022* 795,208 621,332 173,876 612,704 467,532 146,976 3.8 1.8 10.5 129.8 132.9 118.3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents data of imports of goods and services by destination from the National Accounts. The table contains data of imported products by economic activities. It also shows data of imports intended for final expenditure and imports that can not be imputed to economic activities.

Data available from: 2015 up to and including 2022.

Status of the figures:
Data from 2015 up to and including 2021 are final. Data of 2022 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, provisional data will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Value at current prices
The values are expressed at prices of the reporting period. Alternatively, values may be expressed at constant prices. In this case, prices of a reference period are used.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.
Value at prices of 2015
The values are expressed at prices of the reference period 2015 by taking account of inflation. Alternatively, values may be expressed at prices of the reporting period.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.
Volume changes on previous year
The weighted average of the changes in the quantity and quality of the components of a certain goods or service transaction or balancing item, annual percentage changes.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.
Price indices
The weighted average of the price changes of the components of a certain variable. Deflators relative to the reference year 2015.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.