Producer Price Index (PPI); output and importprices, 2015=100, 2012-2023

Producer Price Index (PPI); output and importprices, 2015=100, 2012-2023

Output and import prices Products according to PRODCOM-list Periods Price index numbers excluding excise (2015=100) Month-on-month development (%) Year-on-year development (%)
Foreign sales 10512 Milk in solid forms 2023* . .
Foreign sales 1091 Prepared feeds for farm animals 2023* 136.5 -12.0
Foreign sales 13921 Made-up textile articles for... 2023* 132.3 4.8
Foreign sales 2016 Plastics in primary forms 2023* 125.8 -13.2
Foreign sales 201654 Polyamides, in primary forms 2023* . .
Foreign sales 201657 Silicones, in primary forms 2023* 138.0 5.5
Foreign sales 2361 Concrete products for constr... 2023* . .
Foreign sales 2362 Plaster products for constru... 2023* . .
Foreign sales 2410621 Hot rolled concrete reinforc... 2023*
Foreign sales 2433 Cold formed or folded products 2023* 110.5 -20.2
Foreign sales 255 Forging, pressing, stamping ... 2023* 119.3 -4.2
Foreign sales 25991 Metal articles for bathroom ... 2023* 121.4 5.0
Foreign sales 26302 Electrical apparatus for lin... 2023* 102.4 2.5
Foreign sales 28241 Electromechanical tools for ... 2023* . .
Foreign sales 283 Agricultural and forestry ma... 2023* 122.6 4.1
Foreign sales 28306 Machinery for projecting, di... 2023* 131.2 8.5
Foreign sales 284 Metal forming machinery and ... 2023* 132.2 3.4
Foreign sales 2841 Metal forming machinery 2023* 132.9 3.4
Foreign sales 28491 Machine tools for working st... 2023* 126.2 3.3
Foreign sales 2891 Machinery for metallurgy 2023* 116.5 3.0
Foreign sales 2892 Machinery for mining, quarry... 2023* 112.7 3.6
Foreign sales 2893 Machinery for food, beverage... 2023* 129.2 8.9
Foreign sales 2894 Machinery for textile, appar... 2023* 128.3 11.5
Foreign sales 2895 Machinery for paper and pape... 2023* 140.5 9.0
Foreign sales 29104 Motor vehicles for the trans... 2023* 120.3 12.7
Foreign sales 292 Bodies (coachwork) for motor... 2023* 134.6 4.4
Foreign sales 29201 Bodies for motor vehicles 2023* . .
Foreign sales 293 Parts and accessories for mo... 2023* 115.8 -2.8
Consumption of foreign products 10512 Milk in solid forms 2023* 155.4 -19.0
Consumption of foreign products 1091 Prepared feeds for farm animals 2023* 146.5 -4.1
Consumption of foreign products 13921 Made-up textile articles for... 2023* 114.7 1.0
Consumption of foreign products 2016 Plastics in primary forms 2023* 123.5 -9.2
Consumption of foreign products 201654 Polyamides, in primary forms 2023* 121.6 -3.7
Consumption of foreign products 201657 Silicones, in primary forms 2023* 89.8 -22.9
Consumption of foreign products 2361 Concrete products for constr... 2023* 153.6 22.4
Consumption of foreign products 2362 Plaster products for constru... 2023* 168.1 25.8
Consumption of foreign products 2410621 Hot rolled concrete reinforc... 2023* 157.0 -30.9
Consumption of foreign products 2433 Cold formed or folded products 2023* 165.5 -5.7
Consumption of foreign products 255 Forging, pressing, stamping ... 2023*
Consumption of foreign products 25991 Metal articles for bathroom ... 2023* 119.2 6.1
Consumption of foreign products 26302 Electrical apparatus for lin... 2023* 73.7 -8.9
Consumption of foreign products 28241 Electromechanical tools for ... 2023* 125.9 -0.3
Consumption of foreign products 283 Agricultural and forestry ma... 2023* 136.1 6.0
Consumption of foreign products 28306 Machinery for projecting, di... 2023* 126.2 6.7
Consumption of foreign products 284 Metal forming machinery and ... 2023* 120.5 4.5
Consumption of foreign products 2841 Metal forming machinery 2023* 124.2 4.9
Consumption of foreign products 28491 Machine tools for working st... 2023* 112.5 0.3
Consumption of foreign products 2891 Machinery for metallurgy 2023* 160.0 10.9
Consumption of foreign products 2892 Machinery for mining, quarry... 2023* 123.0 5.2
Consumption of foreign products 2893 Machinery for food, beverage... 2023* 134.9 7.0
Consumption of foreign products 2894 Machinery for textile, appar... 2023* 106.8 .
Consumption of foreign products 2895 Machinery for paper and pape... 2023* . .
Consumption of foreign products 29104 Motor vehicles for the trans... 2023* 111.3 2.4
Consumption of foreign products 292 Bodies (coachwork) for motor... 2023* 127.3 8.2
Consumption of foreign products 29201 Bodies for motor vehicles 2023* 127.2 9.6
Consumption of foreign products 293 Parts and accessories for mo... 2023* 108.8 1.3
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the average price development of the selling prices, the import prices and the domestic consumption of industrial products with a base year of 2015=100. This data is available for both domestic and foreign sales. The products are classified based on the goods classification PRODCOM (PRODuction COMmunautaire).

Data available from January 2012 up to and including December 2023.

Status of the figures:
The data for August 2023 up to and including December 2023 and the 2023 annual rate are provisional. Since this table has been stopped, the data is no longer made definitive.

Changes as of March 6th 2024
None, this table is stopped.

When will new figures be published?
The results in this series are based on 2015=100. Due to the base shift this table is stopped. Figures based on 2021=100 are published in table Producer Price Index (PPI), output and importprices by product, 2021=100.
Further information, see Base Year Revision Industrial Producer Price Index, 2021=100 in paragraph 3.

Description topics

Price index numbers excluding excise
The producer price index (ppi) is an index figure that reflects the average price development of Dutch industrial products. The price indices of the sales are a weighted average of price data for domestic sales and for the export of the goods in question. The price indices of the consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products are a weighted average of price data for the purchase of domestic products and for the import of the goods in question. The price indexes do not include excise duties.
Month-on-month development
Percentual month-on-month development. The not round price index
number of month T compared to the not round price index number of
month T-1.
Year-on-year development
Percentual year-on-year development. The not round price index number of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-12.