Motor vehicles and motorcycles trade; turnover change, 2015=100, 2005-2023
Sector/branches (SIC 2008) | Periods | Turnover working day adjusted Turnover indices (2015=100) | Turnover working day adjusted Turnover year-on-year change (%) | Turnover seasonally adjusted Turnover indices (2015=100) | Turnover seasonally adjusted Turnover quarter-on-quarter change (%) | Turnover unadjusted Turnover indices (2015 = 100) | Turnover unadjusted Turnover year-on-year change (%) |
45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles | 2023* | 164.2 | 15.7 | 164.4 | 15.7 | 164.1 | 15.7 |
451 Sale and repair of motor vehicles | 2023* | 174.3 | 18.5 | 174.5 | 18.5 | 174.2 | 18.4 |
452 Specialised repair of motor vehicles | 2023* | 147.3 | 11.3 | 146.9 | 10.9 | 147.3 | 11.3 |
Source: CBS. |
Table explanation
This table presents information on turnover and development in turnover in the sector motor vehicles and motorcycles trade (SIC 2008 code 45). These figures are shown unadjusted, adjusted for working day effects and seasonally adjusted. Developments are presented as percentage changes compared to a previous period and by means of indices. In this table, the base year is 2015
Data available from 1st quarter 2005 to the last quarter of 2023.
Status of the figures:
The figures of 2023 are provisional. Seeing as this table is being discontinued, these figures will not be made definitive.
Changes as of May 27, 2024:
None, this table has been discontinued.
When will new figures be available?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is followed by Trade and services; turnover and production changes, index 2021=100. See section 3.
Data available from 1st quarter 2005 to the last quarter of 2023.
Status of the figures:
The figures of 2023 are provisional. Seeing as this table is being discontinued, these figures will not be made definitive.
Changes as of May 27, 2024:
None, this table has been discontinued.
When will new figures be available?
Not applicable anymore.
This table is followed by Trade and services; turnover and production changes, index 2021=100. See section 3.
Description topics
- Turnover working day adjusted
- By clearing the quarterly results for working day effects, quarter-to-quarter developments can be followed more clearly. For example, a turnaround in the increase or decrease in turnover can be determined more quickly than if there were no working day adjustments.
- Turnover indices
- An index compares the value of a variable (e.g. turnover) in a certain period with the value of the same variable in the base period. The index of this base period is 100.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.
- Turnover year-on-year change
- Change in turnover indicates the growth rate with respect to the same month of the previous year as a percentage. Statistics Netherlands calculates this on the basis of non-rounded figures.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.
- Turnover seasonally adjusted
- Seasonal adjustment enables direct comparison of consecutive periods by removing the effects of annually recurring seasonal influences, which have been observed in the past. Turning points in developments (growth or decline) can be diagnosed at an earlier stage than without seasonal adjustment.
It should be noted that the calendar adjustment of time series can have effects on the yearly average of the unadjusted index. These differences occur when certain years have a higher number of working days than others, because several holidays fall on a weekend. Since seasonal adjustment also includes the calendar adjustment, this effect on the yearly index average is also visible in the seasonally adjusted data. Eurostat guidelines state that modifications for these differences are only required if the variation between the yearly average of the adjusted and the unadjusted index is more than +/- 2 percentage points.”- Turnover indices
- An index compares the value of a variable (e.g. turnover) in a certain period with the value of the same variable in the base period. The index of this base period is 100.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.
- Turnover quarter-on-quarter change
- Change in turnover indicates the growth rate with respect to the same month of the previous year as a percentage. Statistics Netherlands calculates this on the basis of non-rounded figures.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.
- Turnover unadjusted
- Turnover unadjusted for working day and seasonal effects.
- Turnover indices
- An index compares the value of a variable (e.g. turnover) in a certain period with the value of the same variable in the base period. The index of this base period is 100.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.
- Turnover year-on-year change
- Change in turnover indicates the growth rate with respect to the same month of the previous year as a percentage. Statistics Netherlands calculates this on the basis of non-rounded figures.
Turnover is defined as the value of sales of goods and services to third parties, VAT excluded. Turnover includes the main activity as well as secondary activities. Third parties are consumers and enterprises not belonging to (the Dutch part of) the own group of companies.