Municipal budgets; income and expenditures by region and size class

Municipal budgets; income and expenditures by region and size class

Municipal tasks Regions Periods Municipal budget in million of euros Revenues (million euros) Municipal budget in million of euros Expenditures (million euros) Municipal budget in million of euros Balance (million euros) Municipal budget in euro/inhabitant Revenues (euro/inhabitant) Municipal budget in euro/inhabitant Expenditures (euro/inhabitant) Municipal budget in euro/inhabitant Balance (euro/inhabitant)
Total economy The Netherlands 2024* 1,560 1,581 -21 87 88 -1
Total economy Noord-Nederland (LD) 2024* 99 131 -33 56 74 -18
Total economy Oost-Nederland (LD) 2024* 210 293 -83 55 77 -22
Total economy West-Nederland (LD) 2024* 1,002 808 194 116 94 23
Total economy Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2024* 250 350 -100 66 93 -26
Total economy Groningen (PV) 2024* 14 36 -21 24 59 -35
Total economy Fryslân (PV) 2024* 49 46 3 74 70 4
Total economy Drenthe (PV) 2024* 35 49 -14 70 98 -28
Total economy Overijssel (PV) 2024* 51 82 -31 43 69 -26
Total economy Flevoland (PV) 2024* 64 77 -14 142 172 -30
Total economy Gelderland (PV) 2024* 95 134 -39 44 62 -18
Total economy Utrecht (PV) 2024* 80 85 -5 57 61 -4
Total economy Noord-Holland (PV) 2024* 653 413 240 219 138 81
Total economy Zuid-Holland (PV) 2024* 186 264 -78 48 69 -20
Total economy Zeeland (PV) 2024* 83 46 37 213 118 95
Total economy Noord-Brabant (PV) 2024* 183 260 -77 69 98 -29
Total economy Limburg (PV) 2024* 67 90 -23 59 79 -20
Total economy Oost-Groningen (CR) 2024* 4 6 -2 27 41 -14
Total economy Delfzijl en omgeving (CR) 2024* 1 4 -3 26 83 -57
Total economy Overig Groningen (CR) 2024* 10 26 -17 23 63 -40
Total economy Noord-Friesland (CR) 2024* 23 19 4 69 57 12
Total economy Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2024* 8 6 3 58 39 18
Total economy Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2024* 18 22 -4 95 115 -20
Total economy Noord-Drenthe (CR) 2024* 11 14 -3 56 69 -13
Total economy Zuidoost-Drenthe (CR) 2024* 7 17 -9 44 97 -54
Total economy Zuidwest-Drenthe (CR) 2024* 17 19 -2 122 140 -18
Total economy Noord-Overijssel (CR) 2024* 22 32 -10 57 83 -26
Total economy Zuidwest-Overijssel (CR) 2024* 9 14 -4 59 85 -26
Total economy Twente (CR) 2024* 19 36 -17 30 56 -26
Total economy Veluwe (CR) 2024* 43 51 -8 59 71 -11
Total economy Achterhoek (CR) 2024* 23 30 -7 56 74 -18
Total economy Arnhem/Nijmegen (CR) 2024* 20 39 -20 26 51 -26
Total economy Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2024* 10 13 -4 38 52 -14
Total economy Utrecht (CR) 2024* 80 85 -5 57 61 -4
Total economy Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2024* 23 16 7 60 42 19
Total economy Alkmaar en omgeving (CR) 2024* 21 25 -4 81 97 -15
Total economy IJmond (CR) 2024* 14 15 -1 67 73 -6
Total economy Agglomeratie Haarlem (CR) 2024* 12 8 4 52 34 17
Total economy Zaanstreek (CR) 2024* 4 4 0 22 25 -3
Total economy Groot-Amsterdam (CR) 2024* 575 336 239 389 228 162
Total economy Het Gooi en Vechtstreek (CR) 2024* 4 8 -4 16 33 -17
Total economy Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek (CR) 2024* 14 25 -11 32 56 -24
Total economy Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (CR) 2024* 57 75 -18 62 82 -19
Total economy Delft en Westland (CR) 2024* 5 12 -7 21 50 -29
Total economy Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2024* 18 22 -4 51 62 -11
Total economy Groot-Rijnmond (CR) 2024* 57 84 -27 38 56 -18
Total economy Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2024* 34 46 -11 90 120 -30
Total economy Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2024* 20 10 10 193 95 97
Total economy Overig Zeeland (CR) 2024* 63 36 27 221 127 94
Total economy West-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2024* 33 58 -25 50 89 -39
Total economy Midden-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2024* 51 66 -15 101 131 -30
Total economy Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2024* 45 58 -13 67 85 -18
Total economy Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2024* 54 78 -24 67 96 -29
Total economy Noord-Limburg (CR) 2024* 16 22 -6 56 76 -19
Total economy Midden-Limburg (CR) 2024* 23 26 -3 95 108 -13
Total economy Zuid-Limburg (CR) 2024* 27 41 -14 45 69 -24
Total economy Flevoland (CR) 2024* 64 77 -14 142 172 -30
Total economy Fewer than 5,000 inhabitants 2024* 16 2 14 1,247 128 1,119
Total economy 5,000 to 9,999 inhabitants 2024* 5 2 3 92 35 57
Total economy 10,000 to 19,999 inhabitants 2024* 62 47 15 77 58 19
Total economy 20,000 to 49,999 inhabitants 2024* 358 356 2 61 60 0
Total economy 50,000 to 99,999 inhabitants 2024* 312 410 -98 72 95 -23
Total economy 100,000 to 149,999 inhabitants 2024* 98 158 -60 59 95 -36
Total economy 150,000 to 249,999 inhabitants 2024* 102 192 -91 39 73 -34
Total economy 250,000 inhabitants or more 2024* 607 415 193 239 163 76
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the budgeted expenditures and income per task (policy area) according to region and size class in millions of euros and in euros per inhabitant. The presented figures are based on data that adhere to the definitions and classifications that municipalities themselves use in their administration. These data are supplied to Statistics Netherlands through the questionnaire called Information for Third Parties (Iv3). The directives for this questionnaire have been laid down in the Directive for Budgeting and Accounting for provinces and municipalities (BBV).

Data available from: 2017

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are provisional at the time of first publication. Upon the third publication one year later, the figures will become definitive.

Changes as of 18 March 2024:
The provisional figures for 2024 have been added.
The figures for 2023 have become definitive.

In 2023, changes to the Iv3 questionnaire were introduced. This has led to a break in the time series for the municipal tasks Public health, General provisions including district teams, Income arrangements, Participation, Individual social support, Individual services 18+, Individual services 18-, Escalated care 18+ and Escalated care 18-. For these municipal tasks, comparing 2023 figures with figures relating to earlier years is therefore difficult.
The following changes were made as from 2023:
- Expenditures and revenues related to Centres for Youth and Family must be registered under General provisions including district teams instead of Public health;
- Expenditures and revenues related to tackling domestic violence must be registered under General provisions including district teams instead of Escalated care 18+;
- Expenditures and revenues related to debt counselling must be registered under Income arrangements instead of Individual services 18+;
- Expenditures and revenues related to housing and transport services must be registered under Individual social support instead of Individual services 18+;
- Expenditures and revenues related to day care under the Social Support Act (WMO) must be registered under Individual services 18+ instead of Participation;
- Expenditures and revenues related to the walk-in function mental health care facilities must be registered under Individual services 18+ instead of Escalated care 18+.

Because of the changes mentioned above, municipalities have had to adjust their financial administration. In this process, municipalities have also transferred amounts from Escalated care 18+ to other tasks, Individual services 18- in particular.

When will new figures be published?
The new figures will be made available in the month of March of the financial year.
The figures are subject to revision based on the availability of new or updated sources. In general these adjustments are limited in size and scope. The adjustments will be implemented when new annual figures are added to the series.
Because of changes in the source material, Information for Third Parties (Iv3), the data are no longer completely comparable with data from earlier years as of the publication of the figures of the 2017 budgets. More information on these changes can be found in paragraph 3 under 'relevant tables'.

Description topics

Municipal budget in million of euros
Figures based on the municipal budget shown in million of euros.
The revenues of the municipal budget in million of euros.

The municipal revenues include received interest, sale of land, sale of goods and services, received subsidies, transfers and taxes by municipalities.
The revenues are recorded including internal settlements (including withdrawals from reserves and release of provisions).

The largest part of the municipal revenues consists of the government contribution received from the Municipalities Fund and the municipal taxes received.
The expenditures of the municipal budget in million of euros.

The municipal expenditures include wages and salaries paid, interest charges, purchase of (non) durable goods and services (including energy costs and costs of hiring staff) and paid income transfers, paid investment contributions to governments and third parties and the land purchases.
Expenses are recorded including internal settlements (including depreciation, deposits in reserves and provisions).
The difference between the revenues and the expenditures of the municipal budget in million of euros.
Municipal budget in euro/inhabitant
Figures based on the municipal budget shown in euro per inhabitant.
The revenues of the municipal budget in euro per inhabitant.

The municipal revenues include received interest, sale of land, sale of goods and services, received subsidies, transfers and taxes by municipalities.
The revenues are recorded including internal settlements (including withdrawals from reserves and release of provisions).

The largest part of the municipal revenues consists of the government contribution received from the Municipalities Fund and the municipal taxes received.
The expenditures of the municipal budget in euro per inhabitant.

The municipal expenditures include wages and salaries paid, interest charges, purchase of (non) durable goods and services (including energy costs and costs of hiring staff) and paid income transfers, paid investment contributions to governments and third parties and the land purchases.
Expenses are recorded including internal settlements (including depreciation, deposits in reserves and provisions).
The difference between the revenues and the expenditures of the municipal budget in euro per inhabitant.