Environmental accounts; emissions to water 1995 to 2014

Environmental accounts; emissions to water 1995 to 2014

Origin-destination Periods Emissions to water, heavy metals Chromic compounds like Cr (kg) Emissions to water, heavy metals Copper compounds like Cu (kg) Emissions to water, heavy metals Mercury compounds like Hg (kg) Emissions to water, heavy metals Lead compounds like Pb (kg) Emissions to water, heavy metals Nickel compounds like Ni (kg) Emissions to water, heavy metals Zinc compounds like Zn (kg) Emissions to water, nutrients Total nutrients (in equivalents) (1 000 nutrient-equivalents) Emissions to water, nutrients Phosphorus compounds like P (kg)
Total origin emissions on water 1995 618,764 912,021 5,323 682,690 504,010 3,828,803 118,351 48,901,872
Total origin emissions on water 2000 164,045 747,775 3,057 475,639 356,933 2,653,973 100,409 42,773,313
Total origin emissions on water 2005 228,457 584,387 2,370 313,690 311,905 2,491,964 74,451 31,255,573
Total origin emissions on water 2010 237,463 587,784 1,761 272,566 320,917 2,526,793 75,700 31,642,387
Total origin emissions on water 2013 237,849 565,232 1,504 280,131 296,128 2,149,460 77,031 31,033,582
Total origin emissions on water 2014 158,615 496,996 1,242 213,354 231,446 2,003,830 65,601 27,833,973
Total Dutch economy 1995 52,632 345,952 1,455 162,521 100,907 900,518 47,630 25,540,634
Total Dutch economy 2000 33,135 311,236 926 129,336 92,466 876,076 45,439 23,368,524
Total Dutch economy 2005 25,435 237,873 775 96,636 70,181 782,706 38,521 21,148,438
Total Dutch economy 2010 21,787 215,295 584 75,375 72,287 761,257 37,393 20,180,010
Total Dutch economy 2013 20,639 220,973 521 72,956 65,564 700,764 35,189 19,374,528
Total Dutch economy 2014 19,889 223,968 480 72,425 63,843 698,712 34,995 19,120,866
A-U All economic activities 1995 33,090 101,571 1,296 37,052 86,166 464,804 26,473 13,335,442
A-U All economic activities 2000 15,744 94,624 394 24,751 70,498 428,229 24,282 11,531,350
A-U All economic activities 2005 12,107 74,755 211 17,142 51,469 324,187 16,471 8,207,287
A-U All economic activities 2010 5,800 68,282 113 12,653 52,080 329,092 15,837 7,775,400
A-U All economic activities 2013 4,604 66,498 88 10,966 47,089 307,884 13,624 7,111,931
A-U All economic activities 2014 4,519 66,743 73 10,679 46,848 300,974 13,613 7,049,302
Total private households 1995 3,086 207,613 275 59,173 7,638 181,532 17,036 10,466,786
Total private households 2000 3,171 215,748 284 53,300 7,879 179,872 18,411 11,633,193
Total private households 2005 3,254 172,065 292 52,998 8,125 193,920 19,891 12,902,313
Total private households 2010 3,271 180,342 294 53,830 8,177 192,828 20,016 12,983,168
Total private households 2013 3,326 186,731 299 54,822 8,314 195,763 20,348 13,198,477
Total private households 2014 3,326 195,459 299 54,952 8,314 196,524 20,345 13,196,942
Total other domestic origin 1995 16,455 36,768 -115 66,296 7,103 254,182 4,122 1,738,407
Total other domestic origin 2000 14,219 863 248 51,285 14,088 267,974 2,746 203,981
Total other domestic origin 2005 10,074 -8,947 272 26,496 10,586 264,599 2,159 38,838
Total other domestic origin 2010 12,716 -33,329 177 8,892 12,030 239,337 1,540 -578,558
Total other domestic origin 2013 12,709 -32,256 133 7,167 10,161 197,117 1,218 -935,881
Total other domestic origin 2014 12,045 -38,233 108 6,793 8,682 201,214 1,036 -1,125,378
Transport difference 1995 14,975 9,049 -536 25,051 70 121,857 1,803 1,738,407
Transport difference 2000 12,741 -31,099 -121 9,161 8,162 143,437 520 203,981
Transport difference 2005 8,701 -30,719 -60 1,906 4,839 175,004 132 38,838
Transport difference 2010 11,615 -43,836 -69 1,942 9,364 197,673 -202 -578,558
Transport difference 2013 11,715 -43,083 -90 1,336 7,859 164,037 -373 -935,881
Transport difference 2014 10,983 -48,372 -116 939 6,164 169,787 -545 -1,125,378
Non-residents in the Netherlands 1995 . 13,456 . 1,449 . 33,864 . .
Non-residents in the Netherlands 2000 . 13,138 . . . 32,143 . .
Non-residents in the Netherlands 2005 . 15,974 . . . 33,814 . .
Non-residents in the Netherlands 2010 . 20,260 . . . 33,567 . .
Non-residents in the Netherlands 2013 . 20,101 . . . 33,340 . .
Non-residents in the Netherlands 2014 . 20,132 . . . 33,330 . .
Total destination 1995 618,764 912,021 5,323 682,690 504,010 3,828,803 118,351 48,901,872
Total destination 2000 164,045 747,775 3,057 475,639 356,933 2,653,973 100,409 42,773,313
Total destination 2005 228,457 584,387 2,370 313,690 311,905 2,491,964 74,451 31,255,573
Total destination 2010 237,463 587,784 1,761 272,566 320,917 2,526,793 75,700 31,642,387
Total destination 2013 237,849 565,232 1,504 280,131 296,128 2,149,460 77,031 31,033,582
Total destination 2014 158,615 496,996 1,242 213,354 231,446 2,003,830 65,601 27,833,973
Total absorption 1995 37,098 183,429 710 76,552 30,951 450,635 22,154 13,756,000
Total absorption 2000 22,707 156,891 511 59,425 25,394 438,782 21,773 13,300,000
Total absorption 2005 17,128 159,754 419 43,817 21,507 469,266 22,908 14,425,000
Total absorption 2010 17,391 145,405 319 36,893 20,905 460,409 22,667 13,880,000
Total absorption 2013 17,107 152,832 291 36,351 19,572 425,214 22,129 13,356,000
Total absorption 2014 16,332 155,156 266 36,058 18,414 427,162 21,978 13,146,000
Contribution environmental problem 1995 481,476 525,668 3,301 497,868 353,811 2,575,570 63,342 25,225,330
Contribution environmental problem 2000 41,148 388,007 1,234 311,859 212,290 1,414,256 45,781 19,552,771
Contribution environmental problem 2005 111,140 221,936 639 165,518 171,150 1,222,822 18,688 6,910,031
Contribution environmental problem 2010 68,247 146,941 501 88,565 124,990 886,938 16,209 7,572,387
Contribution environmental problem 2013 60,612 126,561 171 84,170 106,581 724,876 18,540 8,320,086
Contribution environmental problem 2014 32,740 129,333 400 89,029 80,687 549,235 17,441 7,445,838
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about the origin and destination of emissions to water of nutrients and heavy metals. These data are part of the environmental accounts. The origin of the emissions to water can be divided into the Dutch economy (disaggregated by private households and industries) and the rest of the world. The destination can be divided into absorption by producers, drain off emissions to the rest of the world and contribution to the environmental problem. The figures in this table can be compared in a consistent way to macro-economic indicators. Furthermore, water emission accounts indicators can be derived for the emissions of heavy metals into water and the eutrophication of surface waters. These indicators can be used for supporting water policy.

Data available from:1995 to 2014

Status of the figures:

Changes as of April 1, 2021
No changes

When will new figures be published?
This table has been discontinued as the calculation of the equivalent is open to discussion.

Description topics

Emissions to water, heavy metals
A group of metals with a high atomic weight, in particular metals with high toxicity, such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, lead, nickel and zinc.
Chromic compounds like Cr
The sum of chromic compounds, measured as the total amount of chromium that is present in those compounds.
Copper compounds like Cu
The sum of copper compounds, measured as the total amount of copper that is present in those compounds.
Mercury compounds like Hg
The sum of mercury compounds, measured as the total amount of mercury that is present in those compounds.
Lead compounds like Pb
The sum of lead compounds, measured as the total amount of lead that is present in those compounds.
Nickel compounds like Ni
The sum of nickel compounds, measured as the total amount of nickel that is present in those compounds.
Zinc compounds like Zn
The sum of zinc compounds, measured as the total amount of zinc that is present in those compounds.
Emissions to water, nutrients
Nutrients that are necessary for the growth of crops and plants (such as phosphorus and nitrogen).
A too high concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in the surface water is bad for the quality of the surface water.
Total nutrients (in equivalents)
Nutrients that are necessary for the growth of crops and plants (such as phosphorus and nitrogen)
The emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen are converted to nutrient-equivalents and then added up. In the conversion the harmfulness of the nutrients to the environment is taken into account. Phosphorus gets a heavier weight than nitrogen (factor 10)

A too high concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in the surface water is bad for the quality of the surface water.
Phosphorus compounds like P
The total amount of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in waste water, measured as phosphorus (P). Phosphate is a compound of phosphorus with oxygen. Phosphorus compounds are nutrients and of vital importance for all organisms, because it is a nutrient for different proteins and for the skeleton.