Population dynamics; month and year

Population dynamics; month and year

Periods Population at start of selected period (aantal) Live births (aantal) Deaths (aantal) Immigration (aantal) Emigration including administrative c... (aantal) Net corrections (aantal) Total population growth (aantal) Population at end of selected period (aantal)
2023 September 17,894,349 13,933 12,850 41,915 17,202 0 25,796 17,920,145
2023 October 17,920,145 14,108 14,138 30,252 15,701 0 14,521 17,934,666
2023 November 17,934,666 13,431 14,823 25,105 14,548 0 9,165 17,943,831
2023 December 17,943,831 13,005 16,099 19,441 16,555 -681 -889 17,942,942
2024 January* 17,942,942 13,582 16,825 24,815 17,958 3,614 17,946,556
2024 February* 17,946,556 12,893 15,195 27,110 15,621 9,187 17,955,743
2024 March* 17,955,743 13,527 15,220 22,850 14,137 7,020 17,962,763
2024 April* 17,962,763 13,171 14,272 21,837 13,455 7,281 17,970,044
2024 May* 17,970,044 14,254 13,844 20,651 13,429 7,632 17,977,676
2024 June* 17,977,676 13,831 13,073 20,478 16,979 4,257 17,981,933
2024 July* 17,981,933 14,536 13,402 25,919 23,618 3,435 17,985,368
2024 August* 17,985,368 14,828 13,333 39,259 20,980 19,774 18,005,142
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information about the population dynamics of the Dutch population. These changes consist of live births, deaths, immigration, emigration (including administrative corrections) and other corrections. In addition, figures on the total population growth, beginning and end population are also included.

Data available from: January 1995.

Status of the figures:
The figures up to 2023 in this table are final. The figures of 2024 are provisional.

Changes as of 30 September 2024:
Provisional figures of August 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
At the end of each month provisional figures of the previous month will be added in this publication. Data for previous months may be subject to adjustment.

Description topics

Population at start of selected period
The total number of people residing in a given area.

In the population, only persons recorded in the population register of a Dutch municipality are included. In principle, everyone who lives in the Netherlands for an indefinite period is included in the population register of the municipality. Persons belonging to the population of the Netherlands, but for whom no permanent place of residence can be designated, are included in the population register of the municipality of The Hague. The population registers do not include the persons living in the Netherlands for whom exemption rules apply with regard to inclusion in the population registers (for example diplomats and NATO military personnel) and persons who do not legally reside in the Netherlands.
Live births
Live birth:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
People moving to the Netherlands from another country.
Immigration concerns all individuals whose arrival in the Netherlands results in a new entry in the municipal population register.
The criteria are a residency for at least four months in the forthcoming six months.

Trend break external migration figures
As a result of improvements in the production process, a minor shift has taken place in the external migration figures. With effect from 2010, the following changes have been implemented:
- administrative entries which are preceded by emigration are now counted towards immigration;
-administrative removals which are followed by immigration are now counted towards emigration.
The improvements in the production process have led to a significant reduction in the number of ‘other corrections’ on balance as of 2010.
For some immigrants and emigrants, the country of birth is unknown in the provisional figures. From January 2014 onwards, the country of birth is estimated for these groups (for immigrants, country of origin is considered country of birth and for emigrants, country of destination is considered country of birth).

Emigration including administrative c...
Emigration including administrative corrections

Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data on emigration excluding net administrative corrections.

People leaving for another country.
Emigration relates to all individuals departing from the Netherlands, whose departure result in removals from the Netherlands population registers. The criteria for removal from the registers are 8 months abroad in the following 12 months.

Administrative correction:
Entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.
The greater part of these corrections relates to the processing of either the departures of persons who did not notify the local authorities or the subsequent arrivals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

Trend break external migration figures
As a result of improvements in the production process, a minor shift has taken place in the external migration figures. With effect from 2010, the following changes have been implemented:
- administrative entries which are preceded by emigration are now counted towards immigration;
-administrative removals which are followed by immigration are now counted towards emigration.
The improvements in the production process have led to a significant reduction in the number of ‘other corrections’ on balance as of 2010.
For some immigrants and emigrants, the country of birth is unknown in the provisional figures. From January 2014 onwards, the country of birth is estimated for these groups (for immigrants, country of origin is considered country of birth and for emigrants, country of destination is considered country of birth).
Net corrections
Net administrative corrections and other corrections

Other corrections are only included in the final figures, and only in the totals for December.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Other correction:
Discrepancies in the population size between two consecutive years which cannot be attributed to changes made by the municipalities in the municipal population registers throughout the year.

Administrative correction:
Entry in or removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.

Administrative entry:
All entries in and removals from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

Total population growth
Population growth:
The increase or decrease of the population.
Population at end of selected period
The total number of people residing in a given area.

In the population, only persons recorded in the population register of a Dutch municipality are included. In principle, everyone who lives in the Netherlands for an indefinite period is included in the population register of the municipality. Persons belonging to the population of the Netherlands, but for whom no permanent place of residence can be designated, are included in the population register of the municipality of The Hague. The population registers do not include the persons living in the Netherlands for whom exemption rules apply with regard to inclusion in the population registers (for example diplomats and NATO military personnel) and persons who do not legally reside in the Netherlands.