Motor fuels; deliveries by petajoule, weight and volume, 1946-April 2021

Motor fuels; deliveries by petajoule, weight and volume, 1946-April 2021

Delivery motor fuels Periods Motor fuels in petajoule Total deliveries (PJ) Motor fuels in petajoule Water transport Total water transport (PJ) Motor fuels in petajoule Air transport Total air transport (PJ) Motor fuels physical units Road transport and other consumers Automotive LPG (million kg) Motor fuels physical units Road transport and other consumers Motor gasoline Total motor gasoline (million kg) Motor fuels physical units Road transport and other consumers Diesel Total diesel (million kg) Motor fuels volume Automotive LPG (million litres) Motor fuels volume Motor gasoline Total motor gasoline (million litres) Motor fuels volume Diesel Total diesel (million litres)
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 May* 35.1 0.7 0.1 8 289 490 15 386 586
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 June* 35.3 0.9 0.1 10 308 472 19 410 564
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 July* 37.7 0.7 0.2 10 338 502 18 450 601
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 August* 34.0 0.6 0.2 9 318 438 17 424 523
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 September* 38.7 0.8 0.2 10 334 525 18 446 628
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 October* 36.7 0.9 0.1 10 311 501 18 415 599
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 November* 35.1 0.7 0.2 10 297 480 19 396 574
Deliveries for final consumption 2020 December* 34.4 0.7 0.1 7 306 461 14 408 551
Deliveries for final consumption 2021 January* 30.0 0.8 0.1 8 255 404 14 340 483
Deliveries for final consumption 2021 February* 30.5 0.7 0.1 7 248 426 13 331 509
Deliveries for final consumption 2021 March* 37.5 0.8 0.1 9 311 522 17 414 624
Deliveries for final consumption 2021 April* 36.2 0.8 0.1 9 320 483 16 427 578
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 May* 45.5 40.9 4.7
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 June* 45.6 40.2 5.4
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 July* 49.7 42.3 7.4
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 August* 50.0 41.6 8.4
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 September* 51.3 43.3 8.1
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 October* 49.4 41.4 8.0
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 November* 46.3 38.9 7.4
Deliveries for bunkers 2020 December* 46.8 39.4 7.4
Deliveries for bunkers 2021 January* 46.8 39.8 6.9
Deliveries for bunkers 2021 February* 41.1 35.2 5.9
Deliveries for bunkers 2021 March* 47.2 40.6 6.7
Deliveries for bunkers 2021 April* 46.9 40.2 6.7
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides information on deliveries of motor fuels for transport and other customers in the Netherlands. Deliveries are either for consumption in the Netherlands and international road transport, which is called final consumption, or for international sea and air transport, which is traditionally called bunkering.

The table gives figure for all modes of transport and Agricultural and mobile equipment. Figures for relevant motor fuels are given by transport category. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel. Biofuels are products produced from agricultural crops.

Deliveries of motor fuels are expressed by energy (petajoules) and physical units (million kg or million kWh). Deliveries for road transport are also published in volume (million litres). This table includes figures (in petajoules) on total transport, total road transport, total water transport, total air transport and total rail transport. This is not possible for physical units, due to different units (e.g. kg and kWh) are not countable.

Since 2013, low-duty red diesel no longer sold. The customers of these red diesel, such as construction and agriculture, have since been obliged to fill the high-duty diesel also consumed by road transport. Until August 2016 was a month made a model-based estimate of the share of road transport in the use of diesel. This model-based estimation is no longer considered responsible for determining monthly figures. The difference in consumption of diesel between road transport and other consumers in the tables by month is therefore lapsed. On an annual basis, the difference in consumption of diesel between road transport and other consumers will be published in the following table: 'Energy balance sheet; supply and consumption, sector'.

Data available from:
From 1946.

Status of the figures:
This table contains definite figures until 2018 and provisional from January 2019.
Since this table is discontinued, the figures will not become definite.

Changes as of 30 July 2021:
None; this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

This table is succeeded by 'Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption'. See section 3.

Description topics

Motor fuels in petajoule
Amounts of substances, expressed in petajoules, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods, mobile- and none mobile equipment, including motor gasoline, transport diesel, kerosene, natural gas, electricity and fuel oil. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel.
A joule is a unit of energy equivalent to 0.24 calories. A Petajoule (PJ) equals 1,000,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 15) and is equivalent to 31.6 million cubic metres of natural gas or 278 million kilowatt-hours of electricity.
Total deliveries
All passenger and freight transport by rail, road, water and air. Includes transport on own premises, mobile- and none mobile equipment.
Water transport
All passenger and freight water transport, like inland water and sea water transport. Excludes fishing.
For the period 1955-1960 fishing is included in the deliveries of gasoil to water transport.
Total water transport
Total deliveries of motor fuels for water transport, namely gasoil and fuel oil.
Air transport
All passenger air and freight air transport.
Total air transport
Total deliveries of motor fuels for air transport, namely kerosene type jet fuel, aviation gasoline and gasoline type jet fuel.
Motor fuels physical units
Amounts of substances, expressed in million kg or million m3, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods and mobile- and none mobile equipment, including motor gasoline, diesel, kerosene, natural gas, electricity and fuel oil. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel. Biofuels are products produced from agricultural crops.
Road transport and other consumers
All passenger and freight transport on public roads by car, auto bus, goods vehicle, motorcycle, moped, etc. Includes transport on own premises and consumption of mobile equipment, such as tractors and mobile machinery for construction (which typically do not operate on public roads).
Automotive LPG
Motor fuel consisting of propane and butane. Often called LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). In summer, the proportion propane/butane is about 60:40, in winter 70:30.
Motor gasoline
Fuel for spark ignition engines. It is a mixture of light oils and additives. The light oil in motor gasoline normally consists of molecules with five to twelve carbon atoms. The distillation range lies between 35 and 215 degrees Celsius. Additives are additions to modify fuel properties and to reduce CO2 emissions from motor gasoline.
Total motor gasoline
Total of the motor fuels unleaded 95 and super unleaded 98 (both unleaded) and normal and super (both leaded).
Fuel for diesel engines for road transport (cars and goods vehicles), agriculture, construction, rail, defense and services.
Called diesel at the pump station.
Total diesel
Total of low-sulphur and high-sulphur transport dieseloil.
Motor fuels volume
Amounts of substances, expressed in million litres, combusted for the propulsion of vehicles transporting persons or goods, including automotive LPG, motor gasoline and diesel. Pure biofuels for road transport are not included in this table. Blended biofuels are included in the deliveries of motor gasoline and transport diesel.
Automotive LPG
Motor fuel consisting of propane and butane. Often called LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). In summer, the proportion propane/butane is about 60:40, in winter 70:30.
Motor gasoline
Fuel for spark ignition engines. It is a mixture of light oils and additives. The light oil in motor gasoline normally consists of molecules with five to twelve carbon atoms. The distillation range lies between 35 and 215 degrees Celsius. Additives are additions to modify fuel properties and to reduce CO2 emissions from motor gasoline.
Total motor gasoline
Total of the motor fuels unleaded 95 and super unleaded 98 (both unleaded) and normal and super (both leaded).
Fuel for diesel engines for road transport (cars and goods vehicles), agriculture, construction, rail, defense and services.
Called diesel at the pump station.
Total diesel
Total of low-sulphur and high-sulphur transport diesel.