Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption stock 1946-April 2021

Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption stock 1946-April 2021

Petroleum products Periods Supply of petroleum products Total supply (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Production Total production (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Production Refineries (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Production Petrochemical industry (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Production Wholesale (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Imports (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Exports (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Bunkers (million kg) Supply of petroleum products Stock change (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Total consumption (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products For transformation in petroleum products Total for transformation in oil products (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products For transformation in petroleum products Refineries (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products For transformation in petroleum products Petrochemical industry (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products For transformation in petroleum products Wholesale (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Total final consumption, other transform (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Refineries, fuel (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Petrochemical industry, fuel (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Petrochemical industry, feedstocks (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Fishing (million kg) Consumption of petroleum products Final consumption; other transformations Transportation and other (million kg) Stock of petroleum products Opening stock (million kg) Stock of petroleum products Closing stock (million kg) Stock of petroleum products Stock change (million kg)
Motor gasoline 2020 May* 397 1,015 266 749 917 1,315 -220 397 108 108 289 289.37 1,209 1,429 -220
Motor gasoline 2020 June* 309 1,553 251 1,301 1,157 2,197 -204 309 1 1 308 307.69 1,429 1,633 -204
Motor gasoline 2020 July* 342 1,455 310 1,145 693 1,878 72 342 5 5 338 337.53 1,633 1,562 72
Motor gasoline 2020 August* 354 1,173 327 846 419 1,406 168 354 36 4 32 318 317.74 1,562 1,394 168
Motor gasoline 2020 September* 340 1,276 356 920 245 1,535 355 340 6 1 5 334 334.42 1,394 1,039 355
Motor gasoline 2020 October* 313 1,713 400 1,313 305 1,650 -55 313 1 1 311 311.41 1,039 1,094 -55
Motor gasoline 2020 November* 323 1,205 364 842 530 1,325 -87 323 26 0 26 297 296.75 1,094 1,181 -87
Motor gasoline 2020 December* 308 1,472 338 1,134 985 1,971 -178 308 3 2 0 306 305.83 1,181 1,359 -178
Motor gasoline 2021 January* 255 1,380 334 1,046 438 1,702 139 255 0 0 0 255 254.85 1,359 1,220 139
Motor gasoline 2021 February* 249 1,359 326 1,033 967 1,829 -248 249 1 1 248 248.05 1,220 1,467 -248
Motor gasoline 2021 March* 323 1,990 361 1,629 350 2,407 390 323 12 0 12 311 310.83 1,467 1,077 390
Motor gasoline 2021 April* 362 1,841 353 1,488 888 2,284 -83 362 42 1 42 320 319.98 1,077 1,160 -83
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and consumption of petroleum products as a balance sheet. Petroleum products are e.g. fuels such as LPG, motor gasoline and diesel oil. The balance sheet shows all products for processing or consumption in the Netherlands and transit goods.

Supply is calculated as production plus imports minus exports minus bunkers plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of petroleum products consumed in the Netherlands in the period concerned.
Consumption is broken down by consumption as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products and final consumption and other transformations (consumption of petroleum products for transformation into other energy commodities, like electricity).

From 1990 onwards, consumption is broken down by consumption as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products and final consumption (no energy commodities remain). Up to 1990 only figures on consumption as feedstock for transformation are available.

Also published are the opening stock and closing stock of petroleum products.

Data available:
From 1946

Status of the figures:
This table contains definite figures until 2018 and provisional from January 2019.
Since this table is discontinued, the figures will not become definite.

Changes as of 30 July 2021
None; this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

This table is succeeded by 'Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption'. See section 3.

Description topics

Supply of petroleum products
The amount of petroleum products primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands. Supply is calculated as production plus imports minus exports minus bunkers plus net stock changes.
Total supply
The amount of petroleum products primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands.
Production of petroleum products by transforming crude or other petroleum products, e.g. production of motor gasoline by refining crude oil. From 2007 onwards, production excludes products used as re-input. Up to 2007, re-input was included.
Total production
Total production of petroleum products at refineries, the petrochemical industry and wholesale (companies that store or trade petroleum products).
Companies that transform crude oil and other feedstocks into useful fossil fuels and other petroleum products. Fuels are LPG, motor gasoline, kerosene and gasoil. Other products are e.g. lubricants and asphalt. The most important step in the refinery is distillation. Crude oil is heated and headed through a column. This process yields several petroleum products such as residual gases at the top of the column and heavy products at the bottom. Up to 2007 the refineries figure included wholesale (companies storing or trading petroleum products).
Petrochemical industry
Companies that transform petroleum products into chemical products. Some other petroleum products become available as a by-products. These come to the market along with petroleum products from refineries. For example the transformation of the chemical product ethylene (a feedstock for plastic) into naphtha and the petroleum product automotive gas delivered to the market for consumption as fuel.
Companies storing or trading petroleum products. In common these companies blend petroleum products just before they are delivered to the market. For example addition of more or less additives to motor gasoline or transport diesel to meet summer or winter specifications. From 2007 onwards wholesale production is published. Up to 2007 the wholesale production was included in the production by refineries.
Imports of petroleum products.
Exports of petroleum products.
Delivery of fuels for international shipping and aviation, i.e. ships and aircraft departing from Dutch (air)ports and arriving in foreign (air)ports. In the energy balance sheet bunkers are considered as a form of export and are not included in energy available for consumption in the Netherlands. Aviation bunkers are distinguished from 1978 onwards. Up to 1978 aviation bunkers are included in final consumption.
Stock change
Changes in stock are calculated as opening stock minus closing stock, in accordance with international energy statistics guidelines. A positive figure means that stocks have decreased, and the supply of energy has thus increased. A negative figure means the opposite: an increase in stocks and a decrease in consumption.
Consumption of petroleum products
The amount of petroleum products used for transformation into other petroleum products or as final consumption within the Netherlands.
Total consumption
Total consumption of petroleum products.
For transformation in petroleum products
The amount of petroleum products used as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products, e.g. distillation of fuel oil in a refinery. Or products are blended into other products, like propane and butane into automotive gas.
Total for transformation in oil products
Total input of petroleum products as feedstock for transformation at refineries, petrochemical industry and wholesale (companies storing and trading petroleum products).
Companies that transform crude oil and other feedstocks into useful fossil fuels and other petroleum products. Fuels are LPG, motor gasoline, kerosene and gasoil. Other products are e.g. lubricants and asphalt. The most important step in the refinery is distillation. Crude oil is heated and headed through a column. This process yields several petroleum products such as residual gases at the top of the column and heavy products at the bottom. Up to 2007 the refineries figure included wholesale (companies storing or trading petroleum products).
Petrochemical industry
Companies that transform petroleum products into chemical products. Some other petroleum products become available as a by-products. These come to the market along with petroleum products from refineries. For example the transformation of the chemical product ethylene (a feedstock for plastic) into naphtha and the petroleum product automotive gas delivered to the market for consumption as fuel.
Companies storing or trading petroleum products. In common they blend petroleum products just before they are delivered to the market. For example addition of more or less additives to motor gasoline or transport diesel to meet summer or winter specifications. From 2007 onwards wholesale production is published. Up to 2007 the wholesale production was included in the production by refineries.
Final consumption; other transformations
Final consumption is consumption then no other energy commodity remains. This may be final consumption for energy purposes, such as motor gasoline in cars, or final consumption for non-energy purposes, such as naphtha in the petrochemical industry. Consumption for other transformations is input for transformations of petroleum products into other energy commodities, e.g. input of residual gases in a power plant.
Total final consumption, other transform
Total consumption as feedstock, mainly in petrochemical industry, as fuel for refineries and petrochemical industry, for transportation and other consumption and as input for transformation in electricity.
Refineries, fuel
Consumption used to support business activities. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from refinery, such as refinery gas and fuel oil.
Petrochemical industry, fuel
Consumption used to support business activities, such as heating boilers. Includes input for electricity and heat production to be sold. Mainly consumption of residual products released from the assimilation process, such as chemical waste gas. Petrochemical industry contains companies which transform petroleum products into chemical products.
Petrochemical industry, feedstocks
Final consumption for non-energy purposes in the petrochemical industry. This means petroleum is transformed into a chemical product, such as feedstocks for plastics. Petrochemical industry contains companies that transform petroleum products into chemical products.
Petroleum products, like gas oil and fuel oil, burned for the propulsion of fishing ships. These are gas/diesel oil and fuel oil.

Up to 1995 this sheet item includes consumption of gasoil of sea fishing and piloting.
For the period 1956-1981 the sheet item 'Transportation and other' includes all consumption of gasoil of sea fishing and piloting.
From 1955 to 1994 the sheet item 'Transportation and other' includes all consumption of inland fishing.
For the period 1955-2006 the sheet item 'Transportation and other' includes consumption of fuel oil of sea fishing.
Transportation and other
The amount of petroleum products delivered to retail and other final consumers. Excludes deliveries for bunkers (international shipping and aviation). Most petroleum products are consumed as motor fuel for transportation. There also are other products with another destination, e.g. bitumen (asphalt) for roof covering, white spirits as thinner in paint or lubricant oil in equipment and motors.
Stock of petroleum products
The amount of the petroleum product stored. It is the amount stored at refineries, the petrochemical industry and wholesale (companies storing and trading petroleum products). Excluded are stocks at petrol stations and other final consumers.
Opening stock
The opening amount of stock of petroleum products.
Closing stock
The closing amount of stock of petroleum products.
Stock change
Changes in stock are calculated as opening stock minus closing stock, in accordance with international energy statistics guidelines. A positive figure means that stocks have decreased, and the supply of energy has thus increased. A negative figure means the opposite: an increase in stocks and a decrease in consumption.