Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock, 1944-April 2021

Crude balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock, 1944-April 2021

Feedstocks Destination Periods Supply of crude Total supply (million kg) Supply of crude Indigenous production (million kg) Supply of crude Production from other sources (million kg) Supply of crude Imports (million kg) Supply of crude Exports (million kg) Supply of crude Stock change (million kg) Consumption of crude Total consumption (million kg) Consumption of crude Processing (million kg) Consumption of crude Final consumption (million kg) Stock of crude Opening stock (million kg) Stock of crude Closing stock (million kg) Stock of crude Stock change (million kg)
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 May* 4,502 68 91 9,026 2,631 -2,053 4,502 4,373 129 9,362 11,415 -2,053
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 June* 4,062 82 -54 6,702 4,212 1,545 4,062 3,890 172 11,415 9,869 1,545
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 July* 4,255 79 74 6,694 3,210 619 4,255 4,109 146 9,869 9,251 619
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 August* 4,457 94 94 7,772 3,369 -132 4,457 4,380 77 9,251 9,382 -132
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 September* 4,681 72 127 7,987 3,170 -335 4,681 4,526 155 9,382 9,717 -335
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 October* 5,005 80 173 6,604 2,214 364 5,005 4,913 91 9,717 9,353 364
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 November* 5,102 92 84 7,588 3,034 373 5,102 4,929 173 9,353 8,980 373
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2020 December* 5,001 96 54 8,904 3,735 -318 5,001 4,818 183 8,980 9,298 -318
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2021 January* 4,723 130 215 8,205 3,724 -101 4,723 4,648 75 9,298 9,400 -101
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2021 February* 5,045 104 11 8,458 3,275 -251 5,045 4,992 53 9,400 9,651 -251
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2021 March* 5,263 97 122 8,700 3,832 175 5,263 5,144 119 9,651 9,476 175
Total crude Total for processing and transit 2021 April* 4,972 105 150 8,325 3,416 -192 4,972 4,857 114 9,474 9,666 -192
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 May* 4,502 68 91 4,777 26 -409 4,502 4,373 129 4,810 5,218 -409
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 June* 4,062 82 -54 3,487 153 702 4,062 3,890 172 5,218 4,517 702
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 July* 4,255 79 74 3,972 44 176 4,255 4,109 146 4,517 4,341 176
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 August* 4,457 94 94 4,386 83 -31 4,457 4,380 77 4,341 4,372 -31
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 September* 4,681 72 127 4,787 99 -205 4,681 4,526 155 4,372 4,577 -205
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 October* 5,005 80 173 4,586 88 255 5,005 4,913 91 4,577 4,322 255
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 November* 5,102 92 84 5,118 95 -96 5,102 4,929 173 4,322 4,418 -96
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 December* 5,001 96 54 5,014 97 -67 5,001 4,818 183 4,418 4,484 -67
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 January* 4,723 130 215 4,617 112 -125 4,723 4,648 75 4,484 4,609 -125
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 February* 5,045 104 11 4,813 122 241 5,045 4,992 53 4,609 4,368 241
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 March* 5,263 97 122 5,266 62 -159 5,263 5,144 119 4,368 4,527 -159
Total crude Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 April* 4,972 105 150 4,910 107 -86 4,972 4,857 114 4,527 4,613 -86
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 May* 3,746 49 8,308 2,605 -2,006 3,746 3,746 7,603 9,609 -2,006
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 June* 3,294 55 6,128 4,087 1,199 3,294 3,294 9,609 8,410 1,199
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 July* 3,671 62 6,186 3,185 608 3,671 3,671 8,410 7,803 608
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 August* 3,904 61 7,310 3,325 -142 3,904 3,904 7,803 7,945 -142
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 September* 4,144 53 7,268 3,073 -104 4,144 4,144 7,945 8,049 -104
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 October* 4,058 60 6,012 2,158 144 4,058 4,058 8,049 7,905 144
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 November* 4,445 66 6,921 2,985 443 4,445 4,445 7,905 7,462 443
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2020 December* 4,356 77 8,291 3,656 -356 4,356 4,356 7,462 7,818 -356
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2021 January* 4,060 75 7,720 3,646 -88 4,060 4,060 7,818 7,906 -88
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2021 February* 4,740 68 8,187 3,184 -330 4,740 4,740 7,906 8,236 -330
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2021 March* 4,807 71 8,185 3,752 303 4,807 4,807 8,236 7,933 303
Crude oil Total for processing and transit 2021 April* 4,517 87 7,777 3,347 0 4,517 4,517 7,933 7,933 0
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 May* 3,746 49 4,067 16 -354 3,746 3,746 3,252 3,606 -354
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 June* 3,294 55 2,913 47 374 3,294 3,294 3,606 3,232 374
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 July* 3,671 62 3,463 23 169 3,671 3,671 3,232 3,063 169
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 August* 3,904 61 3,924 42 -39 3,904 3,904 3,063 3,102 -39
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 September* 4,144 53 4,088 23 27 4,144 4,144 3,102 3,075 27
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 October* 4,058 60 3,995 36 39 4,058 4,058 3,075 3,036 39
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 November* 4,445 66 4,451 48 -24 4,445 4,445 3,036 3,060 -24
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 December* 4,356 77 4,420 32 -108 4,356 4,356 3,060 3,169 -108
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 January* 4,060 75 4,132 34 -112 4,060 4,060 3,169 3,281 -112
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 February* 4,740 68 4,541 32 163 4,740 4,740 3,281 3,117 163
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 March* 4,807 71 4,798 33 -29 4,807 4,807 3,117 3,146 -29
Crude oil Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 April* 4,517 87 4,367 41 104 4,517 4,517 3,146 3,042 104
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 May* 624 7 593 24 48 624 495 129 558 510 48
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 June* 643 10 543 19 109 643 471 172 510 401 109
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 July* 457 7 449 6 6 457 311 146 401 395 6
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 August* 418 8 407 4 7 418 341 77 395 388 7
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 September* 362 7 679 32 -292 362 208 154 388 680 -292
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 October* 698 6 502 6 196 698 608 91 680 484 196
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 November* 444 9 570 14 -121 444 271 172 484 606 -121
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2020 December* 495 9 540 35 -20 495 312 183 606 626 -20
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2021 January* 561 11 341 0 209 561 487 75 626 416 209
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2021 February* 195 9 223 6 -31 195 142 53 416 448 -31
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2021 March* 330 11 388 54 -16 330 213 117 448 464 -16
Natural gas liquids Total for processing and transit 2021 April* 320 7 421 8 -100 320 206 114 462 562 -100
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 May* 624 7 586 9 39 624 495 129 357 317 39
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 June* 643 10 543 1 90 643 471 172 317 227 90
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 July* 457 7 449 1 2 457 311 146 227 225 2
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 August* 418 8 407 2 5 418 341 77 225 221 5
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 September* 362 7 659 11 -293 362 208 154 221 514 -293
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 October* 698 6 502 1 191 698 608 91 514 322 191
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 November* 444 9 570 12 -124 444 271 172 322 446 -124
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 December* 495 9 521 20 -15 495 312 183 446 461 -15
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 January* 561 11 341 0 209 561 487 75 461 252 209
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 February* 195 9 223 5 -32 195 142 53 252 284 -32
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 March* 330 11 341 3 -18 330 213 117 284 302 -18
Natural gas liquids Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 April* 320 7 414 5 -97 320 206 114 302 399 -97
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 May* 33 12 125 2 -102 33 33 0 399 501 -102
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 June* 40 17 30 105 98 40 40 0 501 403 98
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 July* 32 10 59 19 -18 32 32 0 403 421 -18
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 August* 31 25 55 39 -10 31 31 0 421 431 -10
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 September* 48 12 40 65 61 48 48 0 431 370 61
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 October* 69 14 89 51 17 69 69 0 370 353 17
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 November* 47 17 97 36 -31 47 47 0 353 383 -31
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2020 December* 42 10 73 44 3 42 42 0 383 381 3
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2021 January* 37 44 144 78 -73 37 37 0 381 453 -73
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2021 February* 55 27 48 86 66 55 55 0 453 387 66
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2021 March* 52 15 127 26 -64 52 50 2 387 451 -64
Fossil additives Total for processing and transit 2021 April* 48 11 128 61 -30 48 48 0 451 481 -30
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 May* 33 12 125 2 -102 33 33 0 399 501 -102
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 June* 40 17 30 105 98 40 40 0 501 403 98
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 July* 32 10 59 19 -18 32 32 0 403 421 -18
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 August* 31 25 55 39 -10 31 31 0 421 431 -10
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 September* 48 12 40 65 61 48 48 0 431 370 61
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 October* 69 14 89 51 17 69 69 0 370 353 17
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 November* 47 17 97 36 -31 47 47 0 353 383 -31
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2020 December* 42 10 73 44 3 42 42 0 383 381 3
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 January* 37 44 144 78 -73 37 37 0 381 453 -73
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 February* 55 27 48 86 66 55 55 0 453 387 66
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 March* 52 15 127 26 -64 52 50 2 387 451 -64
Fossil additives Destined for processing the Netherlands 2021 April* 48 11 128 61 -30 48 48 0 451 481 -30
Bioadditives Total for processing and transit 2020 May* 99 91 . . 8 99 99 802 794 8
Bioadditives Total for processing and transit 2020 June* 85 -54 . . 140 85 85 794 654 140
Bioadditives Total for processing and transit 2020 July* 95 74 . . 23 95 95 654 632 23
Bioadditives Total for processing and transit 2020 August* 105 94 . . 13 105 105 632 619 13
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the supply and the consumption of crude as a balance sheet. Crude include crude oil, natural gas liquids and additives (intermediates for motor gasoline and transport diesel). Separate balance sheet items are available for feedstocks for processing in the Netherlands and for feedstocks for the transit trade. The difference between the two flows is that import tax is paid for products destined for production in the Netherlands, while it is not paid for transit goods.

Supply is calculated as indigenous production plus production from crude oil plus production from other sources plus imports minus exports plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of crude consumed in the period concerned.

From 1990 onwards, consumption is broken down by consumption as feedstock for transformation into other petroleum products and final consumption (no energy commodities remain). Up to 1990 only figures on consumption as feedstock for transformation are available.

Data available:
From 1944

Status of the figures:
This table contains definite figures until 2018 and provisional from January 2019.
Since this table is discontinued, the figures will not become definite.

Changes as 30 July 2021
None; this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

This table is succeeded by 'Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption'. See section 3.

Description topics

Supply of crude
The amount of crude primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands. Supply is calculated as indigenous production plus production from crude oil plus production from other sources plus imports minus exports plus net stock changes. This calculation of the supply results in the amount of crude consumed in the period concerned.
Total supply
The amount of crude primarily available for consumption in the Netherlands.
Indigenous production
Energy made available for consumption, with no input of an energy commodity. Extraction of crude oil and natural gas liquids from nature, on land and off shore in the Dutch part of the North Sea.
Production from other sources
Calculation of indigenous production plus imports minus exports of bio additives.
Imports of crude.
Exports of crude.
Stock change
Changes in stock are calculated as opening stock minus closing stock, in accordance with international energy statistics guidelines. A positive figure means that stocks have decreased, and the supply of energy has thus increased. A negative figure means the opposite: an increase in stocks and a decrease in consumption.
Consumption of crude
The amount of crude delivered to consumers in the Netherlands.
Total consumption
Total consumption of crude for processing or final consumption.
Crude and petroleum products input for the production of petroleum products. Crude oil and natural gas liquids are used as feedstocks in refineries. Additives are blended into other petroleum products, like motor gasoline and transport diesel.
Final consumption
No useful energy commodity remains. From 2007 onwards figures are available for final consumption of natural gas liquids, i.e. final consumption for the production of non-energy products, like plastics.
Stock of crude
Opening and closing stock of the amount of crude in the Netherlands.
Opening stock
The opening amount of stock of crude.
Closing stock
The closing amount of stock of crude.
Stock change
Changes in stock are calculated as opening stock minus closing stock, in accordance with international energy statistics guidelines. A positive figure means that stocks have decreased, and the supply of energy has thus increased. A negative figure means the opposite: an increase in stocks and a decrease in consumption.