Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

Dutch economy Periods Greenhouse gases (climate change) CO2 Total CO2 (mln kgs)
Total Dutch economy 2023* 156,419
Total private households 2023* 28,611
Transport activity by private households 2023* 14,539
Other private households 2023* 14,072
A-U All economic activities 2023* 127,504
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2023* 8,584
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2023* 78,358
B Mining and quarrying 2023* 1,322
C Manufacturing 2023* 39,038
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2023* 3,893
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2023* 150
16-18 Man. wood en paperprod., printing 2023* 833
16 Manufacture of wood products 2023* 91
17 Manufacture of paper 2023* 693
18 Printing and reproduction 2023* 49
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2023* 10,288
20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2023* 16,015
20 Manufacture of chemicals 2023* 15,898
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2023* 117
22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2023* 1,472
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2023* 249
23 Manufacture of building materials 2023* 1,223
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2023* 5,277
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2023* 4,780
25 Manufacture of metal products 2023* 497
26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2023* 165
26 Manufacture of electronic products 2023* 50
27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2023* 115
28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2023* 289
29-30 Transport equipment 2023* 213
31-33 Other manufacturing and repair 2023* 443
D Electricity and gas supply 2023* 28,888
E Water supply and waste management 2023* 9,109
F Construction 2023* 3,613
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering 2023* 28,876
G Wholesale and retail trade 2023* 3,475
H Transportation and storage 2023* 24,575
49 Land transport 2023* 5,963
50 Water transport 2023* 7,725
51 Air transport 2023* 10,178
52 Warehousing, services for transport 2023* 553
53 Postal and courier activities 2023* 156
I Accommodation and food serving 2023* 826
J Information and communication 2023* 156
K Financial institutions 2023* 349
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2023* 237
M-N Business services 2023* 3,381
M Other specialised business services 2023* 727
N Renting and other business support 2023* 2,654
O-Q Government and care 2023* 3,184
O Public administration and services 2023* 1,472
P Education 2023* 548
Q Health and social work activities 2023* 1,163
R-U Culture, recreation, other services 2023* 767
R Culture, sports and recreation 2023* 402
S Other service activities 2023* 365
T Activities of households 2023* 0
U Extraterritorial organisations 2023* 0
Landfill sites (waste dumps) 2023* 303
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the air emission accounts, as a part of the annual environmental accounts compiled by Statistics Netherlands.
The air emission accounts describe the emissions of air pollutants and gases as a result of Dutch economic activities. This is including the emissions of residents abroad and excluding emissions of non-residents in the Netherlands. The emissions of the substances are allocated to the various economic activities. Emissions from natural sources are excluded as these emissions are not related to economic activities. In this table, the emission of pollutants and gases from stationary sources (such as power plants) as well as mobile sources (such as road transport) are allocated to the different industries or households. Included are CO (carbon monoxide); Total CO2 (carbon dioxide); CO2 (carbon dioxide) excluding emissions from biomass; CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions from biomass; CH4 (methane);
N2O (nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas); NOx (nitrogen oxides (diversity)); SO2 (sulphur dioxide); NH3 (ammonia); PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 micrometres); NMVOC (volatile organic compounds excluding methane (CH4)). The environmental accounts are compiled according to the concepts (such as the resident principle) and definitions of the national accounts, making it possible to quantify the environmental effects of the economic activities for the Netherlands in a consistent manner.

Data available from: 1990

Status of the figures:
Figures for the latest year are provisional. In order to obtain a consistent time series, the complete data set is (re)calculated every year.
The air emission accounts data are consistent in time and in compliance with the Dutch national accounts. The alignment between the environmental accounts and the national accounts however, takes place using a wide variety of sources. This means that, although every year the system required to perform the various calculations are similar and consistent, variation can occur due to changes in particular sources. As a result changes in emission factors from the emission inventory (pollutant release and transfer register, PRTR) and changing traffic and transport statistics affect the full time series of the air emission accounts. In order to obtain consistent time series, every year the entire time series are (re)calculated, enabling that latest insights in the data are captured.

Changes as of November 2024:
Data for 2023 have been added. Data for previous years are adjusted according to the revision policy (see: Status of the figures).

When will new figures be published?
New annual figures will be published in November.

Description topics

Greenhouse gases (climate change)
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere retain part of the solar heat that reaches the earth. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases means more heat is retained and the temperature of the earth's surface rises.
This is called the 'enhanced greenhouse effect'. The most important greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), laughing gas (N2O), HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
Total CO2
Carbon dioxide.
Greenhouse gas (causes the temperature of the earth's atmosphere to rise gradually).