Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; NA, 1999-2017

Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; NA, 1999-2017

Sectors (assets) Counterpart sectors (liabilities) Balance sheets and transactions Periods Long-term securities (mln euro) Long-term loans (mln euro) Listed shares (mln euro)
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Opening balance sheet 2017* 0 907 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Financial transactions 2017* 0 66 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Total other changes 2017* 0 -4 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Price changes and revaluations 2017* 0 -4 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Other volume changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations and pension funds Closing balance sheet 2017* 0 969 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Opening balance sheet 2017* 0 906 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Financial transactions 2017* 0 66 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Total other changes 2017* 0 -4 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Price changes and revaluations 2017* 0 -4 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Other volume changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations and pension funds Insurance corporations Closing balance sheet 2017* 0 968 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Opening balance sheet 2017* 0 905 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Financial transactions 2017* 0 63 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Total other changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Price changes and revaluations 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Other volume changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations and pension funds Closing balance sheet 2017* 0 968 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Opening balance sheet 2017* 0 905 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Financial transactions 2017* 0 63 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Total other changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Price changes and revaluations 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Other volume changes 2017* 0 0 0
Insurance corporations Insurance corporations Closing balance sheet 2017* 0 968 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the from-whom-to-whom matrices of seven important financial instruments. The matrices provide information on the debtor/creditor relationships between sectors. The matrices provide a three dimensional overview on financial transactions, price changes and revaluations, other volume changes and balance sheets and the sectors and financial instruments involved. The sector on the assets side is the creditor, the sector on the liabilities side the debtor. The sectors non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and the rest of the world are shown in this table. The sectors financial corporations and general government are broken down into subsectors.

Data available from: 1999 up to and including 2017.

Status of the figures:
The figures of the period 1999-2014 are final. Data of 2015, 2016 and 2017 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Long-term securities
All transferable securities, which generally do not mature within one year. They are usually quoted at the stock exchange. The interest on long-term bonds is made payable through coupons. Mortgage bonds, notes issued by banks and convertible bonds as long as they have not been converted into shares, also belong to this type of assets.
Long-term loans
Long-term loans are all credits, which do not have the characteristics of deposits and which do not mature within one year. They mainly concern long-term loans on obligations, mortgage loans and long-term consumer credit.
Listed shares
Listed shares are equity securities listed on an exchange. Such an exchange may be a recognised stock exchange or any other form of secondary market. Listed shares are also referred to as quoted shares. The existence of quoted prices of shares listed on an exchange means that current market prices are usually readily available.