Energy consumption; components, branch, 2011-2016

Energy consumption; components, branch, 2011-2016

Energy commodities Sector / branches (SIC 2008) Periods From consumption Total energy consumption (PJ) From consumption Final energy consumption (PJ) From consumption Non-energy use (PJ) From supply Total energy consumption (PJ)
Total energy commodities A-U All economic activities 2016JJ00 2,305.0 1,195.1 565.2 2,305.1
Total energy commodities A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2016JJ00 167.1 156.8 167.1
Total energy commodities 01 Agriculture 2016JJ00 159.5 149.2 159.5
Total energy commodities 02 Forestry and logging 2016JJ00
Total energy commodities 03 Fishing and aquaculture 2016JJ00 7.6 7.6 7.6
Total energy commodities B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016JJ00 1,820.8 743.6 557.0 1,820.8
Total energy commodities B Mining and quarrying 2016JJ00 39.1 39.0 39.1
Total energy commodities 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2016JJ00 34.0 33.9 34.0
Total energy commodities 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2016JJ00 4.9 4.9 4.9
Total energy commodities 09 Mining support activities 2016JJ00 0.1 0.1 0.1
Total energy commodities C Manufacturing 2016JJ00 1,348.9 659.6 557.0 1,348.9
Total energy commodities 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2016JJ00 90.2 87.2 0.2 90.2
Total energy commodities 10 Manufacture of food products 2016JJ00 85.7 82.8 0.2 85.7
Total energy commodities 101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 2016JJ00 6.3 6.3 6.3
Total energy commodities 102 Processing of fish 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2016JJ00 9.9 9.7 9.9
Total energy commodities 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2016JJ00 7.9 7.5 7.9
Total energy commodities 105 Manufacture of dairy products 2016JJ00 22.2 21.8 22.2
Total energy commodities 106 Grain milling and starch products 2016JJ00 11.4 10.5 11.4
Total energy commodities 107 Manufacture of bakery products 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 108 Manufacture of other food 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 109 Manufacture of animal foods 2016JJ00 7.3 7.0 7.3
Total energy commodities 11 Manufacture of beverages 2016JJ00 4.2 4.0 4.2
Total energy commodities 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2016JJ00 0.4 0.4 0.4
Total energy commodities 13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2016JJ00 4.1 4.1 4.1
Total energy commodities 13 Manufacture of textiles 2016JJ00 3.4 3.4 3.4
Total energy commodities 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2016JJ00 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total energy commodities 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2016JJ00 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total energy commodities 16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2016JJ00 28.9 28.7 28.9
Total energy commodities 16 Manufacture of wood products 2016JJ00 3.2 3.0 3.2
Total energy commodities 17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2016JJ00 26.6 24.3 0.7 26.6
Total energy commodities 17 Manufacture of paper 2016JJ00 23.3 21.0 0.7 23.3
Total energy commodities 18 Printing and reproduction 2016JJ00 3.3 3.3 3.3
Total energy commodities 19-22 Refineries and chemistry 2016JJ00 1,052.4 432.5 553.9 1,052.4
Total energy commodities 19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2016JJ00 191.1 137.3 191.1
Total energy commodities 191 Manufacture of coke oven products 2016JJ00 14.5 8.1 14.5
Total energy commodities 192 Manufacture of refined petroleum 2016JJ00 176.7 129.1 176.7
Total energy commodities 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2016JJ00 851.4 285.4 553.9 851.4
Total energy commodities 20 Manufacture of chemicals 2016JJ00 847.3 281.6 553.9 847.3
Total energy commodities 201 Manufacture of basic chemicals 2016JJ00 832.0 268.2 552.0 832.0
Total energy commodities 2011 Manufacture of industrial gases 2016JJ00 20.1 10.6 5.0 20.1
Total energy commodities 2012 Manufacture of dyes and pigments 2016JJ00 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total energy commodities 2013 Manuf. other inorganic basic chemic 2016JJ00 59.7 30.6 26.8 59.7
Total energy commodities 2014 Manufacture organic basic chemicals 2016JJ00 625.1 169.4 452.7 625.1
Total energy commodities 2015 Manufacture of fertilisers 2016JJ00 97.5 29.0 67.5 97.5
Total energy commodities 2016 Manufacture plastics (primary form) 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 2017 Manufacture of synthetic rubber 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 202 Manufacture agrochemical products 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 203 Manufacture of paints and ink 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 204 Manufacture detergents and cosmetics 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 205 Manufacture of other chemicals 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 206 Manufacture of man-made fibres 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2016JJ00 4.1 3.8 4.1
Total energy commodities 22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2016JJ00 9.9 9.9 0.0 9.9
Total energy commodities 23 Manufacture of building materials 2016JJ00 25.7 25.7 25.7
Total energy commodities 231 Manufacture of glass 2016JJ00 9.1 9.1 9.1
Total energy commodities 232 Manufacture of refractory products 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 233 Manufacture clay building materials 2016JJ00 7.5 7.5 7.5
Total energy commodities 234 Manufacture other ceramic products 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 235 Manufacture of cement, lime, plaster 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 236 Manufacture concrete etc. products 2016JJ00 3.5 3.5 3.5
Total energy commodities 237 Stone dressing 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 239 Manufacture other mineral products 2016JJ00 . . . .
Total energy commodities 24-30, 33 Metalectro 2016JJ00 141.0 79.2 0.1 141.0
Total energy commodities 24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2016JJ00 124.3 62.5 0.1 124.3
Total energy commodities 24 Manufacture of basic metals 2016JJ00 113.1 51.3 0.1 113.1
Total energy commodities 25 Manufacture of metal products 2016JJ00 11.2 11.2 11.2
Total energy commodities 26-28 Manufact of electronics, machinery 2016JJ00 10.5 10.5 10.5
Total energy commodities 26-27 Elektrical and electron. Industry 2016JJ00 5.2 5.2 5.2
Total energy commodities 26 Manufacture of electronic products 2016JJ00 1.7 1.7 1.7
Total energy commodities 27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2016JJ00 3.5 3.5 3.5
Total energy commodities 28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2016JJ00 5.3 5.3 5.3
Total energy commodities 29-30 Transport equipment 2016JJ00 4.5 4.5 4.5
Total energy commodities 29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2016JJ00 3.0 3.0 3.0
Total energy commodities 30 Manufacture of other transport 2016JJ00 1.6 1.6 1.6
Total energy commodities 31 Manufacture of furniture 2016JJ00 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total energy commodities 32 Manufacture of other products 2016JJ00 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total energy commodities 33 Repair and installation of machinery 2016JJ00 1.7 1.7 1.7
Total energy commodities Manufacturing unknown 2016JJ00 2.7 0.7 2.0 2.7
Total energy commodities D Energy supply 2016JJ00 363.2 29.6 0.0 363.3
Total energy commodities E Water supply and waste management 2016JJ00 69.6 15.4 69.6
Total energy commodities 36 Water collection and distribution 2016JJ00 2.4 2.4 2.4
Total energy commodities 37 Sewerage 2016JJ00 5.8 4.9 5.8
Total energy commodities 38 Waste collection and treatment 2016JJ00 61.0 7.9 61.0
Total energy commodities 39 Remediation, other waste management 2016JJ00 0.5 0.2 0.5
Total energy commodities F Construction 2016JJ00 31.9 25.2 6.7 31.9
Total energy commodities G-U Services 2016JJ00 285.2 269.5 1.5 285.2
Total energy commodities G Wholesale and retail trade 2016JJ00 54.6 57.4 54.6
Total energy commodities H Transportation and storage 2016JJ00 38.1 22.6 38.1
Total energy commodities I Accommodation and food serving 2016JJ00 28.1 28.1 28.1
Total energy commodities J Information and communication 2016JJ00 12.5 12.5 12.5
Total energy commodities K Financial institutions 2016JJ00 10.2 10.1 10.2
Total energy commodities L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2016JJ00 8.3 8.3 8.3
Total energy commodities M Other specialised business services 2016JJ00 9.1 9.1 9.1
Total energy commodities N Renting and other business support 2016JJ00 5.4 5.3 5.4
Total energy commodities O Public administration and services 2016JJ00 26.8 26.7 26.8
Total energy commodities P Education 2016JJ00 15.4 15.1 15.4
Total energy commodities Q Health and social work activities 2016JJ00 37.7 36.9 37.7
Total energy commodities R Culture, sports and recreation 2016JJ00 13.9 13.9 13.9
Total energy commodities S Other service activities 2016JJ00 9.1 9.1 9.1
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the consumption of energy of companies broken down by branche based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008). Consumption of energy can calculated in two ways. First from a consumption perspective. Consumption is final energy consumption plus non-energy use plus net energy transformation. The latter is the amount of energy lost during the transformation of energy commodities. Second from a supply perspective. Energy consumption is indigenous production plus supply minus delivery of energy plus stock change. The result of these two calculation perspectives is the same. The table also shows energy transformation input (the amount of energy used to produce other energy commodities) and energy transformation output (the amount of energy transformed from another energy commodity).

Data available from: 2011.

Status of the figures:
Figures up to 2014 are definite. Figures of 2015 and 2016 are revised provisional.

Changes as of 23 March 2018:
None, this table has been discontinued.
The successor of this table is 'Energy balance sheet; supply and consumption, sector'. See section 3.

Changes as of 27 December 2017
Figures for 2015 and 2016 have been adjusted.
Figures for 2011 up to and including 2014 have been revised. See section 4 for explanations.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

From consumption
Calculated from consumption energy consumption is final energy consumption plus non-energy use plus net energy transformation.
Total energy consumption
The amount of energy used by companies, households and transport in the Netherlands. Energy can be used
- for transformation into other energy commodities, this is input minus the energy produced.
- as final consumption.

Energy consumption is final energy consumption plus non-energy use plus net energy transformation.
Final energy consumption
Final consumption of energy. No useful energy commodity remains.

Examples are the combustion of natural gas in boilers, household electricity consumption and the consumption of motor fuels for transport.
Non-energy use
Use of an energy commodity for a product that is not energy. The energy used for the production process remains in the product. E.g. use of oil for the production of plastics, or natural gas for fertilisers.
From supply
Calculated from supply energy consumption is indigenous production plus supply of energy minus delivery of energy plus stock change.
Total energy consumption
The amount of energy used by companies, households and transport in the Netherlands. Energy can be used
- for transformation into other energy commodities, this is input minus the energy produced.
- as final consumption.

Energy consumption is indigenous production plus supply of energy minus delivery of energy plus stock change.