Imports of goods and services by destination; NA, 1995-2016

Imports of goods and services by destination; NA, 1995-2016

Destination of imports Periods Value at current prices Imports of goods and services (mln euro) Value at current prices Imports of goods (mln euro) Value at current prices Imports of services (mln euro) Value at prices of 2010 Imports of goods and services (mln euro) Value at prices of 2010 Imports of goods (mln euro) Value at prices of 2010 Imports of services (mln euro)
A-U All economic activities 2016* 194,642 112,697 81,945 198,342 122,828 75,776
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2016* 2,419 2,033 386 2,480 2,106 373
01 Agriculture 2016* 2,344 1,975 369 2,405 2,046 357
02 Forestry and logging 2016* 17 10 7 16 11 5
03 Fishing and aquaculture 2016* 58 48 10 58 47 11
B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2016* 109,784 80,351 29,433 114,296 89,293 25,221
B Mining and quarrying 2016* 510 58 452 488 72 416
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2016* 449 11 438 428 26 402
08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2016* 61 47 14 61 47 14
09 Mining support activities 2016* 0 0 0 . . .
C Manufacturing 2016* 104,750 76,620 28,130 108,513 84,739 23,983
10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2016* 19,173 17,070 2,103 17,389 15,466 1,983
10 Manufacture of food products 2016* 17,635 15,884 1,751 15,924 14,344 1,641
11 Manufacture of beverages 2016* 1,199 959 240 1,142 910 232
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2016* 339 227 112 302 196 108
13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2016* 969 828 141 865 729 135
16-18 Man. wood en paperprod., printing 2016* 3,668 3,201 467 3,512 3,062 449
16 Manufacture of wood products 2016* 830 775 55 760 706 54
17 Manufacture of paper 2016* 1,774 1,645 129 1,690 1,566 123
18 Printing and reproduction 2016* 1,064 781 283 1,057 784 272
19 Manufacture of coke and petroleum 2016* 13,959 13,694 265 22,112 21,899 227
20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals 2016* 15,073 12,547 2,526 16,622 14,243 2,349
20 Manufacture of chemicals 2016* 14,114 12,139 1,975 15,715 13,849 1,831
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals 2016* 959 408 551 905 389 519
22-23 Man. plastics and constructionprod 2016* 3,448 2,934 514 3,268 2,789 478
22 Manufacture rubber, plastic products 2016* 2,276 2,036 240 2,139 1,917 223
23 Manufacture of building materials 2016* 1,172 898 274 1,117 862 256
24-25 Man. of basic metals and -products 2016* 5,937 5,362 575 6,722 6,164 556
24 Manufacture of basic metals 2016* 2,323 2,153 170 2,962 2,794 166
25 Manufacture of metal products 2016* 3,614 3,209 405 3,757 3,365 390
26-27 Elektrical and electron. industry 2016* 26,038 6,160 19,878 22,050 5,752 16,287
26 Manufacture of electronic products 2016* 24,157 4,584 19,573 20,273 4,255 15,994
27 Manufacture of electric equipment 2016* 1,881 1,576 305 1,803 1,507 296
28 Manufacture of machinery n.e.c. 2016* 6,367 5,807 560 6,070 5,549 519
29-30 Transport equipment 2016* 7,238 6,540 698 7,018 6,378 650
29 Manufacture of cars and trailers 2016* 5,371 5,201 170 5,253 5,100 157
30 Manufacture of other transport 2016* 1,867 1,339 528 1,763 1,268 493
31-33 Other manufacturing and repair 2016* 2,880 2,477 403 2,816 2,438 379
31-32 Man. of furniture and other prods. 2016* 1,442 1,246 196 1,430 1,249 181
31 Manufacture of furniture 2016* 732 626 106 679 579 101
32 Manufacture of other products 2016* 710 620 90 758 678 80
33 Repair and installation of machinery 2016* 1,438 1,231 207 1,390 1,194 197
D Electricity and gas supply 2016* 3,672 3,013 659 4,389 3,765 628
35 Electricity and gas supply 2016* 3,672 3,013 659 4,389 3,765 628
E Water supply and waste management 2016* 852 660 192 976 781 195
36 Water collection and distribution 2016* 63 35 28 73 47 25
37-39 Sewerage and waste treatment 2016* 789 625 164 903 733 169
F Construction 2016* 9,953 8,207 1,746 9,430 7,749 1,677
41 Construction buildings, development 2016* 3,261 2,495 766 3,092 2,356 735
42 Civil engineering 2016* 1,130 881 249 1,109 877 231
43 Specialised construction activities 2016* 5,562 4,831 731 5,224 4,513 711
G-I Trade, transport, hotels, catering 2016* 31,051 10,191 20,860 30,525 10,830 19,695
G Wholesale and retail trade 2016* 15,722 4,127 11,595 15,212 4,115 11,084
45 Sale and repair of motor vehicles 2016* 2,621 1,841 780 2,479 1,741 742
46 Wholesale trade (no motor vehicles) 2016* 11,344 1,909 9,435 11,004 1,977 9,017
47 Retail trade (not in motor vehicles) 2016* 1,757 377 1,380 1,731 404 1,324
H Transportation and storage 2016* 12,233 3,454 8,779 12,514 4,444 8,151
49 Land transport 2016* 2,400 1,262 1,138 2,634 1,566 1,097
50 Water transport 2016* 3,133 638 2,495 3,272 843 2,402
51 Air transport 2016* 3,757 1,426 2,331 3,962 1,846 2,172
52 Warehousing, services for transport 2016* 1,584 103 1,481 1,533 140 1,394
53 Postal and courier activities 2016* 1,359 25 1,334 1,127 41 1,089
I Accommodation and food serving 2016* 3,096 2,610 486 2,812 2,341 472
55 Accommodation 2016* 563 390 173 570 405 165
56 Food and beverage service activities 2016* 2,533 2,220 313 2,244 1,937 307
J Information and communication 2016* 9,611 2,356 7,255 10,336 2,888 7,402
58-60 Publishing, movie, radio and TV 2016* 2,175 265 1,910 2,103 281 1,792
58 Publishing 2016* 545 215 330 532 226 305
59-60 Movies, TV and radio 2016* 1,630 50 1,580 1,582 54 1,499
61 Telecommunications 2016* 3,383 1,917 1,466 3,965 2,421 1,582
62-63 IT- and information services 2016* 4,053 174 3,879 4,175 200 3,972
62 Support activities in the field of IT 2016* 3,582 122 3,460 3,697 142 3,556
63 Information service activities 2016* 471 52 419 478 59 415
K Financial institutions 2016* 6,665 206 6,459 6,811 246 6,568
64 Financial institutions, no insurance 2016* 5,700 96 5,604 5,852 112 5,742
65 Insurance and pension funding 2016* 508 57 451 550 72 476
66 Other financial services 2016* 457 53 404 405 61 345
L Renting, buying, selling real estate 2016* 1,299 537 762 1,348 582 768
68 Renting, buying, selling real estate 2016* 1,299 537 762 1,348 582 768
M-N Business services 2016* 13,733 1,825 11,908 13,413 2,016 11,405
M Other specialised business services 2016* 9,226 947 8,279 9,081 1,090 7,997
69-71 Management, technical consultancy 2016* 6,652 483 6,169 6,540 560 5,987
69-70 Legal and management consultancy 2016* 5,891 221 5,670 5,780 266 5,517
69 Legal services, administration etc. 2016* 1,021 65 956 1,027 99 932
70 Holding companies (not financial) 2016* 4,870 156 4,714 4,753 169 4,586
71 Architects, technical services etc. 2016* 761 262 499 760 295 471
72 Research and development 2016* 678 181 497 668 193 472
73-75 Advertising, design and other 2016* 1,896 283 1,613 1,878 340 1,537
74-75 Other specialised services 2016* 905 200 705 909 235 673
73 Advertising and market research 2016* 991 83 908 969 110 864
74 Other specialised business services 2016* 829 134 695 814 152 662
75 Veterinary activities 2016* 76 66 10 93 82 11
N Renting and other business support 2016* 4,507 878 3,629 4,332 925 3,406
77 Renting and leasing of tangible goods 2016* 593 183 410 646 254 404
78 Employment activities 2016* 572 29 543 565 50 517
79 Travel agencies, tour operators etc 2016* 2,264 33 2,231 2,092 37 2,055
80-82 Security, other business services 2016* 1,078 633 445 1,030 595 433
80 Security and investigation 2016* 54 11 43 58 16 43
81 Cleaning activities, gardening etc. 2016* 658 474 184 626 442 183
82 Other business services 2016* 366 148 218 345 138 207
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents data of imports of goods and services by destination from the National Accounts. The table contains data of imported products by economic activities. It also shows data of imports intended for final expenditure and imports that can not be imputed to economic activities.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2016.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the most recent reporting year 2016 are provisional. Data of 1995-2015 are final. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2016 will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Imports of goods and services by destination; National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Value at current prices
The values are expressed at prices of the reporting period. Alternatively, values may be expressed at constant prices. In this case, prices of a reference period are used.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.
Value at prices of 2010
The values are expressed at prices of the reference period 2010 by taking account of inflation. Alternatively, values may be expressed at prices of the reporting period.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.