Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Products of activity and other items Periods Value at current prices Supply of goods and services Total supply at basic prices (mln euro) Value at current prices Supply of goods and services Domestic output (mln euro) Value at current prices Supply of goods and services Imports of goods and services Total (mln euro) Value at current prices Supply of goods and services Imports of goods and services Imports of goods (mln euro) Value at current prices Supply of goods and services Imports of goods and services Imports of services (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Total use at purchaser's prices (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Intermediate consumption (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Final consumption expenditure Total (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Final consumption expenditure Households and NPISHs (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Final consumption expenditure General government (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Gross fixed capital formation (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Changes in inventories incl. valuables (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Exports of goods and services Total (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Exports of goods and services Exports of goods (mln euro) Value at current prices Use of goods and services Exports of goods and services Exports of services (mln euro)
A-U All goods and services 2014 1,550,177 1,101,021 449,156 363,550 85,606 1,698,068 633,396 439,994 268,511 171,483 96,599 2,925 525,154 420,713 104,441
A-U All goods and services 2015 1,591,530 1,121,767 469,763 371,701 98,062 1,746,611 643,736 445,900 274,755 171,145 107,612 3,711 545,652 430,118 115,534
A-U All goods and services 2016* 1,610,119 1,137,104 473,015 373,745 99,270 1,771,283 648,865 455,510 282,361 173,149 112,878 870 553,160 437,605 115,555
Total other items 2014 192,651 166,277 26,374 -9,813 36,187 124,627 36,488 28,674 28,171 503 22,931 0 22,261 8,942 13,319
Total other items 2015 204,180 175,900 28,280 -9,848 38,128 132,966 38,945 29,247 28,715 532 24,852 0 24,526 10,122 14,404
Total other items 2016* 211,751 182,797 28,954 -9,535 38,489 137,706 40,004 28,864 28,331 533 27,171 0 26,157 10,322 15,835
Total products and other items 2014 1,742,828 1,267,298 475,530 353,737 121,793 1,822,695 669,884 468,668 296,682 171,986 119,530 2,925 547,415 429,655 117,760
Total products and other items 2015 1,795,710 1,297,667 498,043 361,853 136,190 1,879,577 682,681 475,147 303,470 171,677 132,464 3,711 570,178 440,240 129,938
Total products and other items 2016* 1,821,870 1,319,901 501,969 364,210 137,759 1,908,989 688,869 484,374 310,692 173,682 140,049 870 579,317 447,927 131,390
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data from national accounts on the supply and use of goods and services by groups products of activities. Domestic production and imports make up the supply of goods and services. The use of goods and services consist of intermediate consumption, the consumption, fixed capital formation, exports and changes in inventories.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2016.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the most recent reporting year 2016 are provisional. Data of 1995-2015 are final. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2016 will not become final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Supply and use; products of activity, National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Value at current prices
The values are expressed at prices of the reporting period. Alternatively, values may be expressed at constant prices. In this case, prices of a reference period are used.
Supply of goods and services
The supply of different kinds of product. A distinction is made between domestic output and imports. Supply is valued at basic prices. This is the price received by the producer after taxes on products (such as excises) were paid and or subsidies on products were received.
Total supply at basic prices
Domestic output
Goods and services that have been produced from domestic production.
Imports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Imports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from non-residents to residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the imports are raw materials, semifinished products, fuel and fixed assets. Furthermore, imports of goods may be re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Imports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from non-residents to residents (in the Netherlands). Imports of services applies among others to expenses made by Dutch companies abroad, like costs of transportation, banking costs and business travels. Imports by services are also made by the Dutch general government, among others by means of expenses made by Dutch embassies and consulates. Imports of services by households consist among others of imports of consumer goods and the direct consumptive expenditure by Dutch residents abroad.
Use of goods and services
The use of different kinds of product. A distinction is made between intermediate consumption by industry and final expenditure. Final expenditure is broken down into exports, final consumption expenditure by households, final consumption expenditure by general government, gross fixed capital formation and changes in inventories. Used products are valued at purchasers' price which is the price of a product paid by the purchaser, excluding VAT.
Total use at purchaser's prices
Intermediate consumption
Goods and services used as input in a production process, with the exception of capital goods. Intermediate consumption consists of goods reshaped into other goods or consumed entirely in the course of the production process (by definition, this holds for all hired services). According to international standards an acquired good or hired service is classified as a fixed asset rather than intermediate consumption when it lasts over one year in a production process. Goods and services that are part of intermediate consumption are valued at market prices at the time they were used.
Final consumption expenditure
Expenditure on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs. Expenses may be made at home or abroad, but they are always made by resident institutional units, that is households or institutions residing in the Netherlands. By definition only households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) and government institutions consume. Enterprises do not: expenses they make on goods and services are thought to serve production and are therefore classified as intermediate consumption of fixed capital formation. The general government is a special case. The government also has intermediate consumption, just like enterprises. But the output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the general government. It is said that the government 'consumes its own production'. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. It also contains social transfers in kind. In the Netherlands this mainly concerns health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.

Households and NPISHs
Consumption expenditure by households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs). Not all expenses made by households are seen as consumptive, households may invest as well. These investments mainly concern the purchase of houses and substantial costs on maintenance. Small costs on maintenance, indoor painting and the purchase of furniture is classified as consumption. This also applies to the purchase of cars and car maintenance.
General government
Consumption expenditure by the general government sector. The output delivered by the government which is not directly paid for, non-market output (like safety), is classified as consumption by the government. It is said that the government 'consumes its own production'. The system of national accounts demands that all that is produced is also consumed (or serves as an investment). By convention, government output is consumed by the government itself. This is not the only consumption by the general government. Purchases by general government of goods and services produced by market producers that are supplied to households as social transfers in kind are part of government consumption as well. Examples of this in the Netherlands are health care bills paid for by the government and an allowance for the rent.

Government output consumed by the government is classified into collective consumption and individual consumption. Collective consumption by the government consists of services for collective consumption that are provided simultaneously to all members of the community. Examples of this are expenses on defence, environmental health or public governance. Individual consumption is made up of expenses that serve only part of the community. This concerns mainly education.
Gross fixed capital formation
Expenditure on produced assets that are used in a production process for more than one year. This may concern a building, dwelling, transport equipment or a machine. This in contrast with goods and services which are used up during the production process, the so-called intermediate use (e.g. iron ore). Fixed capital does lose value over time as a result of normal wear and tear and obsolescence. This is called consumption of fixed capital (also called depreciation). The value of fixed capital formation in which the consumption of fixed capital is not deducted is called gross fixed capital formation. Deduction of the consumption of fixed capital results in net fixed capital formation.

The following types of fixed assets exist: dwellings and other buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, weapon systems (included in machinery and equipment), computers, software, telecommunication equipment, research and development, cultivated biological resources, mineral exploration and evaluation, and costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets, like land, contracts, leases and licences.
Changes in inventories incl. valuables
Changes in inventories including acquisitions less disposals of valuables.
Changes in the stock of raw materials, semi-finished products, work-in-progress (unfinished works like ships or oil rigs) and finished products still held by the producer. Changes in stock do not include work-in-progress in construction. Positive changes in inventories arise when products are finished in the reference period but not yet sold. Alternatively, they arise when goods are purchased for intermediate consumption but not yet used. Negative changes in inventories arise when goods from stocks have been sold, or used in the production process. A more extensive list of changes in inventories is found in the European System of Accounts 2010.

In measuring changes in inventories, changes in prices during the reference period are not allowed to have any effect. The initial and final inventory is therefore valued at the same price. Raw materials are valued at the price of purchase. Final products are valued at the selling price. Work-in-progress is valued at the cost-price.

Acquisitions less disposals of valuables consists of the acquisitions less disposals of precious stones, non-monetary gold, antiques, art objects and jewellery that are acquired and held primarily as stores of value. In the national accounts this transaction is mostly combined with changes in inventories.
Exports of goods and services
Transactions in goods and services (sales, barter and gifts) from residents (in the Netherlands) to non-residents. Exports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from residents to non-residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners.
Exports of goods
Transactions in goods (sales, barter and gifts) from residents (in the Netherlands) to non-residents. Exports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from residents to non-residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers. An enterprise or institution is considered residential after it has been active in the Netherlands for at least one year. This applies irrespective of the question whether the enterprise or institute has foreign owners. Part of the exports of goods are re-exports: goods that were imported before being exported, after having received at most minor adaptations.
Exports of services
Transactions in services (sales, barter and gifts) from residents (in the Netherlands) to non-residents. Exports of goods occurs when economic ownership of goods is passed from residents to non-residents. Exports of services include among others the following cases: transportation by resident carriers abroad, harbour services and ship maintenance to non-residents, works performed abroad by resident contractors. Expenses made in the Netherlands by foreign tourists, diplomats and cross-border workers.