Health and health care; personal characteristics, 2014-2021

Health and health care; personal characteristics, 2014-2021

Characteristics persons Margins Periods Medication, last 14 days Persons with prescribed medicines (%) Medication, last 14 days Persons with non-prescribed medicines (%)
Position: other member of household Value 2014 31.3 38.4
Position: other member of household Value 2015 38.8 40.7
Position: other member of household Value 2016 32.8 34.1
Position: other member of household Value 2017 33.6 37.2
Position: other member of household Value 2018 35.9 38.5
Position: other member of household Value 2019 31.1 38.2
Position: other member of household Value 2020 33.3 37.6
Position: other member of household Value 2021 30.5 41.5
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2014 26.2 33.1
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2015 33.5 35.4
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2016 27.6 28.8
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2017 28.5 32.0
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2018 30.9 33.4
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2019 26.4 33.3
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2020 28.7 32.9
Position: other member of household Lower bound 95% confidence interval 2021 25.2 35.6
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2014 36.3 43.7
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2015 44.0 46.0
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2016 38.1 39.4
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2017 38.8 42.5
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2018 40.9 43.6
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2019 35.8 43.2
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2020 37.9 42.3
Position: other member of household Upper bound 95% confidence interval 2021 36.4 47.7
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains data on the perceived state of health and on contacts with providers of medical care of the Dutch population in private households. These data can be grouped by several personal characteristics.

Data available for 2014-2021

Status of the data: final.

Changes as of July 31, 2023:
None, the table has been discontinued.

When will new data be published?
Not applicable. This table has been replaced, see paragraph 3 for a link to the new table.

Description topics

Medication, last 14 days
These questions deal with the use of medicine and the use of herbal medicines or vitamins, whether or not prescribed by a physician. The questions are posed to respondents of all ages.
Persons with prescribed medicines
Percentage of persons who in 14 days preceding the inquiry date used medicines prescribed by a physician. The contraceptive pill is not taken into consideration here.
Persons with non-prescribed medicines
Percentage of persons who in 14 days preceding the interview used (herbal) medicines or vitamins that were not prescribed by a physician.