Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial corporations Periods Assets Short-term securities (mln euro) Assets Short-term loans (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term securities (mln euro) Liabilities Short-term loans (mln euro)
Total financial corporations 2016* 44,234 951,857 100,928 651,395
Institutional investors 2016* 13,052 49,377 41 44,198
Monetary financial institutions 2016* 13,769 389,739 62,232 0
Captive institutions and money lenders 2016* 11,438 444,558 37,039 484,049
Other financial intermediaries 2016* 5,975 68,183 1,616 123,148
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table consists of the balance sheet of financial corporations. It enables to compare institutional investors with monetary financial institutions, captive financial institutions and money lenders and other financial intermediaries and financial auxiliaries.

Data available yearly figures from 1998 to 2016.

Status of the figures:
Figures up to 2015 are definitive, figures for 2016 are provisional.
Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of 7 September 2018:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.
The strategic alliance between Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has led to a reallocation of tasks between the two institutions. Institutional investors is now part of the dominion of DNB. Publication of tables on institutional investors by the CBS is discontinued. DNB provides the OECD with figures for its statistic Institutional investors. See paragraph 3 for links to the websites of DNB and OECD.

Description topics

Short-term securities
Short-term securities include all securities with a maximum term of one year, which in principle are transferable against a price that has been fixed in advance. Usually, the obliged interest payments of the debtor have been discounted in the value. 'Transferable' means that assets can be converted into cash from, or on a date that has been appointed at the moment the bond was issued. This transaction covers treasury paper issued by both the Dutch government and foreign governments, saving certificates to bearer and transferable certificates of deposits, issued by banks.
Short-term loans
Short-term loans are all credits, which do not have the characteristics of deposits and which mature by contract within one year. Included are short-term loans from financial institutions, balances on current accounts (except transferable deposits), short-term consumer credit, bills (of exchange) and promissory notes.
Short-term securities
Short-term securities include all securities with a maximum term of one year, which in principle are transferable against a price that has been fixed in advance. Usually, the obliged interest payments of the debtor have been discounted in the value. 'Transferable' means that assets can be converted into cash from, or on a date that has been appointed at the moment the bond was issued. This transaction covers treasury paper issued by both the Dutch government and foreign governments, saving certificates to bearer and transferable certificates of deposits, issued by banks.
Short-term loans
Short-term loans are all credits, which do not have the characteristics of deposits and which mature by contract within one year. Included are short-term loans from financial institutions, balances on current accounts (except transferable deposits), short-term consumer credit, bills (of exchange) and promissory notes.