Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; NA, 2005-2014

Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; NA, 2005-2014

Characteristics of households Periods Total amount Income Social transfers in kind (mln euro) Average amount Income Social transfers in kind (1 000 euro) Standardised amount Income Social transfers in kind (1 000 euro)
Total 2014 120,589 15.3 11.2
Stand. disposable income: 1st 20%-group 2014 22,167 14.1 11.4
Stand. disposable income: 2nd 20%-group 2014 27,259 17.3 13.4
Stand. disposable income: 3rd 20%-group 2014 24,338 15.5 11.1
Stand. disposable income: 4th 20%-group 2014 23,928 15.2 10.4
Stand. disposable income: 5th 20%-group 2014 22,899 14.5 9.8
Single person household: male 2014 8,613 6.5 6.5
Single person household: female 2014 17,213 11.6 11.6
Single-parent household 2014 10,476 19.7 13.4
Couple with children household 2014 47,383 23.7 12.6
Couple without children household 2014 28,690 13.2 9.6
Multi-person household, n.e.c. 2014 8,214 22.9 17.1
Income from own enterprise 2014 16,036 16.7 10.7
Income from labour 2014 54,178 14.1 9.6
Income from old-age/survivors pens 2014 38,366 18.6 15.6
Income from other transfer income 2014 12,009 12.0 9.9
Main earner to 35 years 2014 15,709 10.2 8.1
Main earner 35 to 50 years 2014 36,696 17.6 11.2
Main earner 50 to 65 years 2014 28,270 13.2 9.3
Main earner: 65 years or older 2014 39,914 18.9 15.7
Living costs: Owner-occupied home 2014 70,969 16.1 10.8
Living costs: Rent with rent subsidy 2014 20,834 16.9 13.8
Living costs: Rent without rent subsidy 2014 28,787 12.9 10.6
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table describes the distribution of income, consumption, and wealth components of the sector households in the national accounts over different household groups. Households are identified by main source of income, living situation, household composition, age classes of the head of the household, income class by 20% groups.

Data available from: 2005 up to and including 2014.

Status of the figures:
The figures of 2005-2014 are final.

Changes as of June 22nd 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; National Accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Total amount
Receipts from production, wages, social transfers, and property income. Compensation of employees are the wages received for labour, including the social contributions paid for by the employers. Gross operating surplus, gross mixed income and gross disposable income are balancing items. Social transfers in kind are also included, together with disposable income, this leads to the balancing item adjusted disposable income.
Social transfers in kind
Social transfers in kind consist of individual goods and services provided for free or at prices that are not economically significant to individual households by government units and NPISHs, whether purchased on the market or produced as non-market output by government units or NPISHs. They are financed out of taxation, other government income or social security contributions, or out of donations and property income in the case of NPISHs.
Average amount
Amount per household.
Receipts from production, wages, social transfers, and property income. Compensation of employees are the wages received for labour, including the social contributions paid for by the employers. Gross operating surplus, gross mixed income and gross disposable income are balancing items. Social transfers in kind are also included, together with disposable income, this leads to the balancing item adjusted disposable income.
Social transfers in kind
Social transfers in kind consist of individual goods and services provided for free or at prices that are not economically significant to individual households by government units and NPISHs, whether purchased on the market or produced as non-market output by government units or NPISHs. They are financed out of taxation, other government income or social security contributions, or out of donations and property income in the case of NPISHs.
Standardised amount
Amount per household converted to a single-person household.
Receipts from production, wages, social transfers, and property income. Compensation of employees are the wages received for labour, including the social contributions paid for by the employers. Gross operating surplus, gross mixed income and gross disposable income are balancing items. Social transfers in kind are also included, together with disposable income, this leads to the balancing item adjusted disposable income.
Social transfers in kind
Social transfers in kind consist of individual goods and services provided for free or at prices that are not economically significant to individual households by government units and NPISHs, whether purchased on the market or produced as non-market output by government units or NPISHs. They are financed out of taxation, other government income or social security contributions, or out of donations and property income in the case of NPISHs.