Fixed capital formation by type of capital good;national accounts 1995-2015

Fixed capital formation by type of capital good;national accounts 1995-2015

Regions Periods Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Machinery and equipment (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Computers software and databases (million euros) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Research and development (million euros)
The Netherlands 2015 17,417 19,096 12,284
Noord-Nederland (LD) 2015 2,832 1,328 880
Oost-Nederland (LD) 2015 2,598 3,104 2,017
West-Nederland (LD) 2015 7,547 10,955 6,665
Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2015 3,524 3,650 2,722
Friesland (PV) 2015 699 470 319
Flevoland (PV) 2015 241 331 195
Gelderland (PV) 2015 1,540 1,816 1,172
Noord-Holland (PV) 2015 2,223 4,542 2,740
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2015 3,965 4,163 2,803
Zeeland (PV) 2015 420 270 230
Noord-Friesland (CR) 2015 434 262 150
Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2015 83 69 58
Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2015 181 139 111
Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2015 169 191 136
Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2015 199 259 164
Delft en Westland (CR) 2015 294 234 144
Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2015 200 247 162
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2015 289 356 288
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2015 173 65 79
Overig Zeeland (CR) 2015 248 205 151
Flevoland (CR) 2015 241 331 195
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CP) 2015 125 129 112
Flevoland-Midden (CP) 2015 97 120 73
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Fixed capital formation by groups of provinces, province and COROP region.
This table concerns regional figures on fixed capital formation (gross) by type of capital good.
The regional figures are in accordance with the national accounts, figures on gross fixed capital formation from production and imports (so, excluding sales of existing assets).

The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union.
It is in use for the year 2008 onwards.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2015.

Status of the figures:
The figures from 1995 up to the year 2015 are final. This table has been discontinued.

Changes as of 21th December 2018:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources and estimation methods have been used during the revision. Therefore this table has been replaced by table Fixed capital formation by type of capital good, region; national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Machinery and equipment
Machinery and equipment including weapons systems.
Computers software and databases
Computer programs, program descriptions and supporting materials for both systems and applications software. Included are the initial development and subsequent extensions of software as well as acquisition of copies that are classified as computer software assets.
Files of data organised to permit resource-effective access and use of the data. For databases created exclusively for own use the valuation is estimated by costs.
Research and development
Consists of the value of expenditure on creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The value is determined in terms of the economic benefits expected in the future. Unless the value can be reasonably estimated it is, by convention, valued as the sum of the costs, including those of unsuccessful research and development. Research and development that will not provide a benefit to the owner is not classified as an asset and is instead recorded as intermediate consumption.